pH Flashcards
simplified Henderson/Hassalbach
what is the signal for renal or respiratory compensation? what is the mechanism of compensation from kidneys? How effective is it? How long does it take?
changes in pH. Change the serum bicarb levels. The pH approaches but never reaches normal. Renal comp can take 3 days
When do you think of respiratory acidosis or alkalosis
when pH and PaCO2 are on opposite sides of normal
In respiratory acid/alkal what is the relationship b/w change in pH and PaCO2? Serum bicarb?
10mmHg PaCO2 corresponds to 0.8 pH change. Minimal change of bicarb in same direction as CO2
what is a normal pH/PCO2 (bicarb)?
7.40/40 (24)
what findings suggest metabolic acidosis? metabolic alkalosis?
- pH and PaCO2 down. Low serum bicarb.
- the opposite
Compensatory respiration for metabolic acidosis and alkalosis: mechanism, what’s normal
hyperventilation and hypovent. Expected compensation occurs when last two digits of pH ~ PaCO2.
Winters formula
- for determining appropriate respiratory compensation to met. acid.
- PaCO2=1.5*bicarb+8 plus or minus 2
What are the two causes for metabolic acidosis?
acid accumulation or loss of bicarb
What causes acid add-on states? How does increase in acid correspond to decrease in bicarb?
1meq:1meq. MUD PILES: Methanol, uremai, diabetic ketoacidosis, propylene glycol, isoniazid, lactic acidosis, ethylene glycol, salicylates.
what is the normal anion gap? how is it calculated? what is abnormal? what is abnormality suggestive of?
Na-Cl-HCO3=12. If it’s >20 think metabolic acidosis due to acid accumulation
Metabolic acidosis due to bicarb loss
aka hyperchloremic met acid. AG does not increase therefore Cl must increase. USED CARS: uretero-enterostomy, saline administration, endocrine disorders, diarrhea, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, ammonium chloride, renal tubular acidosis, spironolactone
metabolic alkalosis
due to elevated serum bicarb with compensatory hypoventilation. Two types: chloride responsive and unresponsive
Chloride responsive met alk
decreased extracellular volume. eg, vomiting with volume depletion. Volume>pH. Want to absorb NaCl for water retention but Cl depleted so resorb NaCO3
chloride unresponsive met alk
too much aldosterone