PGY4 - MISC Flashcards
Post Resus Care

Indications for Post-Resus Cooling
Adult with ROSC
From VF or VTach Arrest
Hemodynamically Stable
Comatose or not obeying commands
Temperature Goal for ROSC
TTM Trial - 36C
Various 32-36
x 24 hours
Post Resus Goal
- Spo2
SBP >90
Post Resus Cooling Contraindications
OB (Preg)
Ill (Terminally)
DNR or ICU inappropriate
- Presentation
- Labs
- Tx
- Presentation:
- Easy Bleeding + Thrombocytopenia
- Kids:
- 2-6 yo
- Prior viral prodrome
- Self-limited with in few weeks to months
- Adults :
- Usually present with platelets < 10,000
- Txreatment:
- Supportive care - usually self resolving
- Platelet Transfusion Indications:
- Severe bleeding (platelets < 50,000)
- Platelet < 20,000
- RBCs PRN for resuscitation and anemia
- Corticoteroids
- IVIG (1 gm/kg): <5,000 platelets and completed steroid course

- Presentation
- Thrombocytopenia + Thrombosis
- Necrotic skin lesions
- Labs
- Platelets either <150 or more than 50% decrease
- Usually 5-10 days after heparin
- Treatment;
- Stop heparin
- Start alternative
- Argatroban or Pradaxa
- Avoid warfarin and platelet transfusion
- Presentation
- Labs
- Treatment
- Female 10-40yo
- Classic Pentad
- Fever
- Thrombocytopenia
- Renal Failure
- Neuro Findings
- Anemia
- Hemolytic (schistocytes, frag RBCs)
- Microangiopathic
- Management
- Treat prior to definitive diagnosis
- Plasmaphoresis
- Hematology Consult

Platelet Disorders
- List
- General Presentation
Epistaxis, menorrhagia, GIB, mucosal petechiae, easy bruising
- Presentation
- Child w E Coli 0157:H7); age 6 mo-4yo
- Triad
- Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia
- Renal Insufficiency
- Thrombocytopenia
- Treatment:
- Supportive care and admit
- Plasma exchange
- Abx may worsen
- Dialysis if renal failure
- Avoid plts

Coagulation Treatment Disorders
Hemophelia, Coumadin, NOACs, DIC, VWB
Bleed into deep mm/joints, hematuria, intracranial bleed
Causes of Increased PT
Liver Failure
Vit K Def
Causes of Increased PTT
Hemophilia A
- Factor
- Labs
- Treatment
- ↓VIII, prolong PTT
- Tx:
- Factor VIII:
- Mild bleeding - 12.5 units/kg (replace to 50%)
- Hematuria, early hemarthrosis, laceration
- Moderate Bleeding - 25 units/kg (replace to 50%)
- Oral lacerations, dental, late hemarthrosis
- Severe Bleeding - 50 units/kg (replace to 100%)
- CCNS, GI, major trauma/surgery
- Each unit/kg increases plasma factor VIII level by 2%
- Mild bleeding - 12.5 units/kg (replace to 50%)
- Factor VIII:
- Cryo if no recombinant VIII
- DDAVP for acute bleeding or prophylaxis (0.3mcg/kg/dose IV)
- Ice, compression, and splinting
- Consult Heme
Von Willenbrand Disease
- Factor
- Labs
- Treat
Most Common Hereditary Bleeding Disorder
- Factor:
- ↓VIII:vwf (
- Labs
- ↓VIII)
- Normal PT/PTT
- Bleeding time increased
- Tx:
- DDAVP 0.3mcg/kg
- Humate P- factor VIII conc
- -Cryo- 10 units/kg
- -FFP- limited use due to volume overload
Hemophilia B
- Factor
- Labs
- Treatment
- ↓IX,
- Labs
- Inc PTT
- Normal PT
- Tx:
- Recomb IX or IX conc :
- Minor 25 units/kg
- Moderate 50 units/kg,
- Severe 100 units/kg.
- Increases activity by 1%
- FFP if no recomb IX
- Recomb IX or IX conc :
- Labs
- Treatment
- Lab findings:
- Thrombocytopenia (Most common)
- Prolonged PT
- Low fibrinogen
- Increased Fibrin Split Products
- Treatment:
- Treat underlying cause (infx, obstetric pathology, trauma, malignancy, drugs, transfusion) and predominant sx
- Platelets for Plt <50K AND active bleed
- FFP for increased PT or low fibrinogen
- Vit K for long PT
- LMWH if thrombosis
- TXA for trauma-related DIC
Supratherapeutic INR Tx
- OPtions
- Hold Dose
- Vit K
- PO or IV for all bleeding
- Watch for anyphylaxis
- PCC4
- INR <5, No bleed
- Lower or omit dose
- INR 5-10, No bleed
- Omit doses
- +/- Vitamin K
- INR > 10, No bleed
- Hold dose
- Vitamin K at high dose (2.5-5 mg PO)
- Any INR, Serious Bleed
- Hold Dose
- Vit K 10mg IV
- Life-Threatening Bleed
- Hold Dose
- Vit K 10 mg IV
Heparin Reversal
Protamine Sulfate - 1mg/100u of heparin
NOAC Reversal
Idaricuzimab for Pradaza (Dabigatran)
Endexanet alfa for Apixaban (Eliquis) and Rivaroxaban (Xarelto)
Clopidogrel Reversal
Thyroid Storm Presentation
- Palpitations/afib
- N/V/D
- Agitated/Anxious/Psychosis/Delerium
- Cardiovascular collapse,
- Goiter
- Proptosis,
- Tachycardia
- Diaphoresis
- Tremor
- CNS depression (late)
Hyperthyroidism Treatment
- General
- Supportive IVF (use D5NS)
- Cool
- Treat dysrhythmias
- Replace lytes PRN
- Treat fever w/ APAP (no ASA!/NSAIDs)
Thyroid Storm Specific Treatment
- Supportive - Cooling, IVF, etx
- Treat Cause
- Infection, Infarction (PE/MI/CVA), Insulin lack (DKA), IUP, Iodine therapy/dye/amiodarone, Injury/surgery
- Block peripheral effects:
- Propranolol 1 mg IV q 15 m up to 10 mg-
- OR Esmolol 500 mcg/kg, then 20-50 mcg/kg/min - used when concerns over B blockers
- Majority of CHF in storm is high output- will respond to B blockers (fluid down)
- Inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis:
- PTU 600-1000 mg PO
- OR Methimazole 90-120 mg PO
- Inhibit thyroid hormone release: 1 hr after PTU
- SSKI (Potassium iodide) 5 drops PO
- OR Lugol’s sol (K iodide) 20 drops PO
- Steroid
- Decadron 2mg q6h
- OR Hydrocortisone 300mg load
Unknown Wide Complex Tachycardia
QRS>120, HR>100
- Ventricular tachycardia
- SVT with aberrancy (BBB, WPW) Paced rhythms
- A fib with WPW
- Torsade de pointes
- Drug overdose
- Na channel blockers Hyperkalemia
- Post-resuscitation
- Artifact
Painful Vision Loss DDx
- Trauma
- Hyphema
- Open Globe
- Iritis
- Optic Neuritis
- Acute Closed Angle Glaucoma
Painless Vision Loss DDx
- Temporal Arteritis
- Retinal Detachment
- Vitreous Hem
Optic Neuritis
- Pres
- Treatment
- Hx
- Women > Men
- Unilateral
- Loss of Central Vision
- Rapid Progression
- Exam
- Normal Slit Lamp
- Tx
- Solumedrol
- Ophtho consult
Closed Angle Glaucoma
- Pres
- Pres
- Decreased VA
- Redness
- Fixed, mid-dilated pupil
- IOP > 40
- Firm Globe
Acute Closed Angle Glaucoma
- Pilocarpine
- 1 gtt q15 min until pupil constricts
- One drop in C/L eye (ppx)
- Timolol
- 1 drop q 30 min
- Acetazolamide
- 500 mg IV/IM/PO
- Mannitol
- 1 g/kg IV
- Stat ophtho consult
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
- Presentation
- Exam
- Tx
- Presentation
- Sudden
- Monocular
- Exam
- Afferent pupillary defect
- Cherry red spot at fovea
- Tx
- Ocular massage - 5 sec on, 5 sec off
- Decrease IOP
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
- Stat Ophtho Consult
Afferent Pupillary Defect
Normal pupillary constriction when light shined in unaffected eye
No constriction when light shined in affected eye
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
- Pres
- Exam
- Treatment
- Pres
- Monocular
- Exam
- Blood and Thunder Retina
- Treatment
- Call ophtho
Temporal Arteritis
- Pres
- Tx
- Pres
- HA
- Age >50
- Assoc with Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- Increased ESR
- Tx
- Prednisone 1mg/kg PO
- Call ophtho