Antidotes and Toxidromes Flashcards
Tylenol OD
- Toxic Path
- Liver Zone
Centrilobular (Zone III)
Tylenol Tx
PO: 140 mg/kg then 70 mg/kg q 4hrs
IV: 150mg/kg over 1 hr, then 50mg/kg over 4 h4, then 100mg over 16hr
- Nausea/vomiting
- Tinnitus
- Confusion
- Hyperthermia
- Respiratory alkalosis with Metabolic acidosis
- Multiple organ failure
ASA Toxic Levels:
<150mg/kg = mild
>500mg/kg = Lethal
- Urinary Alkalinization
- NaHCO3 2-3 amps IV
- Then 3 amps in 1L D5W @ 1.5 maintentence
- Goal urine pH 7.5-8.0
- Treat hypoK
- Dialysis
ASA Dialysis Indications
- Severe Acidosis
- End organ damage
- Level > 90
- Coma
- Levels rising with alkalinization
- Volume overload
CO Poisoning
- Half Life
- Treatment
- CO-Hb t1/2:
- Room air- 5 hours
- 100% O2- 1.5 hours
- Hyperbaric oxygen-0.5 hours
- Tx: 100% O2 NRB til sx resolve
- HBOT if…
- CO > 25% (pregnant > 15%)
- Neuro - AMS, FND, Sz,
- Resp failure,
- Infants,
- CN tox,
- pH < 7.2,
- Cardiac ischemia or arrhythmia
Benzo Tx
- Supportive
- If Iatrogenic: Flumazenil
- 0.2mg then increase by q1min until effective or 5mg max
Cholinergic Toxidrome Pres
- Diarrhea/Diaphoresis
- Urination
- Miosis
- Bradycardia/Bronchospasm
- Emesis
- Lacrimation, Low BP
- Salivation, Seizures
Cholinergic Tx
- Atropine until secretions dry
- 2 mg IV (0.02 mg/kg)
- Double for IM
- 2-PAM aka Pralidoxime 0.1mg/kg IV
- Ativan for Sz
Anticholinergic Toxidrome
Sympatomimetic, but dry
- Red as a beet (flushed)
- Dry as a bone
- Hot as a Hare (incr temp, BP, HR)
- Blind as a Bat (mydriasis)
- Mad as a Hatter (delirium)
- Full as a flask (urinary retention)
Anticholinergic Tx
Benzos, Supportive
Narcan Dosing
Code Dose = 2mg
Start 0.04, double q 2 min
Drip at 2/3 effective rate per hour
Iron Toxicity
- Gastric Lavage or WBI if early
- Deferoxamine
- Indications:
- > 60 mg/kg ingested
- Fe level > 500 mcg/dL or >300 with mod-severe sx.
- Dose
- 15 mg/kg/hr IV up to 45 mg/kg/hr (max 1g/hr)
- watch for hypotension - if occurs, provide support for BP and continue deferoxamine
- 15 mg/kg/hr IV up to 45 mg/kg/hr (max 1g/hr)
- Vin rose-colored urine- red wine appearance after deferoxamine chelation
- Indications:
Toxic Alcohol with OG but no AG
Isopropyl Alcohol
Ethylene Glycol
- Metabolite
- Labs
- Tx
- Metabolite = Oxalic Acid
- Anion gap, + osmolar gap, - ketones
- Urine fluoresce under Wood’s lamp
- Tx:
- Fomepizole 15 mg/kg in 100 ml D5W over 30 min
- Ethanol (competitive inhibitors for ADH)
- Dialysis
Ethylene Glycol Hemodialysis Indications
Renal insufficiency
EG level >50 mg/dL
severe acidosis)
Isopropyl Alcohol
- Metabolite
- Labs
- Tx
- Metabolite → acetone
- anion gap, + osmolar gap, +ketones
- Dialysis (refractory hypotension, serum levels > 400-500)
Isopropyl Dialysis Indications
Refractory hypotension
Serum levels > 400-500
- Toxic metabolite: formic acid
- anion gap, + osmolar gap, - ketones
- Tx: fomepizole 15 mg/kg
- ethanol
- dialysis (renal insufficiency, level >25 mg/dL, severe acidosis, visual symptoms)
Fomepizole for…(2)
Ethylene Glycol
General Ind for Dialysis for Toxic Metabolites
Severe Acidosis
Methanol Dialysis Indications
Renal insufficiency
Level >25 mg/dL
Severe acidosis
Visual symptoms
ASA Dialysis Indications
- Serum salicylate level :
- > 120 mg/dL acutely
- > 100 mg/dL 6 h post-ingestion.
- Refractory acidosis.
- Coma or seizures.
- Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema.
- Volume overload.
- Renal failure.
Beta Blocker OD
- Glucagon 5-10mg IV, then 1-5/hr
- HD Insulin (1u/kg bolus, then 1 u/kg/hr) + dextrose
- Wide QRS –> Bicarb
- Hypotension –> Pressors
- Bradycardia –> Atropine
Calcium Channel OD Tx
- Calcium
- CaGlu 3g (30mL of 10%)
- Cl 1g (10 mL of 10%) - Through CVL
- HD Insulin (1u/kg bolus, then 1 u/kg/hr) + dextrose
- Wide QRS –> Bicarb
- Hypotension –> Pressors, IVF
- Bradycardia –> Atropine
- Almond smell
- Blocks oxidative phosphorylation
- Tx =
- First Line - Hydroxycobalamin - 5gm IV
- Old - CyanoKit
- Amyl nitrite + Sodium Nitrite + Sodium Thiosulfate
Elapidae Tx
Follow NIF
Crotalidae Tx
- Labs: CBC (for Plt), Fibrinogen, Fibrin Split Products
- Treatment:
- Wound Care
- Tetanus
- Antivenom - CroFab
- *
CroFab Dosing
- Same dose Peds vs Adults
- Mild-Mod - 4 Vials
- ↑ swelling
- Plts <100K
- Fibrinogen <100
- Severe - 6 vials
- Rapidly ↑ swelling
- Plts <25
- Fibrinogen <25
- ↓BP
- Airway compromise
- End organ damage
- Repeat exam/labs 1hr after AV
- Add 4V AV for:
- ↑ swelling, plts/fibrinogen ↓ or not improved.
- Add 6V AV for severe parameters.
- Add 4V AV for:
- Observe
Opiate Withdrawal
- Tx = Supportive, maybe Benzos
- YAWNED - Yawning, Agitation, Wet, NVD, pilo-Erection, Don’t sleep
ETOH Withdrawal
- Pres
- Treatment
- Usually 6-24/48 hrs after
- Sweaty, Sz, Shakes, HTN, Hallucinations, Tachycardia
- Treatment
- Ativan
- Phenobarb
- Precedex
- +/- Thiamine, Mag
- +/- D50
TCA OD Presentation
- Anticholinergic
- GABA inhibition (seizures)
- Peripheral alpha blockade (vasodilation, hypotension),
- Decreased cardiac contractility
- K channel blockade (QT prolongation)
- Na channel blockade (QRS widening, arrhythmia,sz)
Widened QRS
QT prolongation (>100-sz, >160- ventricular arrhythmia)
- Right axis deviation of terminal QRS (terminal R > 3 mm in aVR
- R:S >0.7

TCA Treatment
- Decontamination: Actichar ± Gastric lavage
- Bicarb:
- Indications: If QRS > 100 msec, arrhythmia or ↓BP
- Dose:
- 2-3 amps (1-2 mEq/kg children) IV,
- 3 amps in 1L D5W @ 1.5 x maintenance.
- Goal: urine pH 7.5-8.0
- If Szs…. Ativan 0.1 mg/kg IV
- Refractory cases:
- 3% saline
- Lidocaine
- NE for hypotension
- Lipid therapy
- Monitor hypokalemia
- Contraindicated: Type Ia, Ic and III antiarrhythmics, beta blockers, flumazenil
Dialyzable Drugs
- Salicylates
- Theophylline
- Uremia
- Methanol
- Barbiturates
- Lithium
- Ethylene Glycol
Lead Toxicity
Ind to Treat
Lead Level > 70
Dimercaprol –> 2 hours later –> CaNaEDTA
Charcoal CI Substances
- Caustic
- Hydrocarbon
- Alcohols
- Metals
- Pb (Lead)
- Salts
Physostigmine CI
(Avoid if Long QT, Long QRS)
Hydrogen Sulfide
- Locations
- Sewers, hot springs/volcanoes
- HA, N/V, Resp Distress, Sz, Sudden LOC
- Tx
- Remove from environment
- 100% O2
- Sodium Nitrite –> Induce Methemaglobinemia
- 10mL of 3% solution over 2 min
- +/- HBO
Hydrofluoric Acid
- Source
- Pres
- Tx
- Etching
- Pres:
- Dermal = liq. necrosis, pain-out-of-proportion
- Pulmonary = Pulmonary Edema/ARDS
- Ingestion = N/V, abdominal pain, perf
- Systemic = HypoCa, HypoMg, Hyper K, VF/Torsades, Met Acidosis
- Tx:
- Remove clothes and irrigate
- Skin - CaGlu Gel or SubQ
- Inhalation - CaGlu Neb
- Electrolyte Replacement - Will need CVL and CaCL + Mg
- Pres
- Tx
Pyridoxine 4g
- Sources
- Source
- Acute - Digoxin
- Chronic - Foxglove/Oleander
- Symptoms
- yellow-green vision
- fatigue
- N/V/D
- palpitations
- syncope
- arrhythmias
- Treatment - Digibind
- Acute Emergency = 10 vials adult/kids
- Chronic Emergency = 4 adults, 2 kids
- If Level Known
- # Vials = Dig Level x Kg / 100
- Source
- Pres
- Nitrites, nitrates, dapsone, phenazopyridine, benzocaine
- Pres
- Cyanosis
- Chocolate brown blood
- Need co-oximetry analysis, pulse ox reads 85%
- Tx:
- Methylene blue 1-2 mg/kg IV of 1% sol
- If doesn’t improve consider sulfa-Hb
Serotonin Syndrome
- Serotonergic Drugs
- Pres
- Tx
- SSRIs, MAOIs, others
- Pres = Rapid
- Sympathomimetic
- Mydriasis
- Myclonus
- Tx
- Stop agent
- Cyproheptadine 8mg PO
- Supportive
- Cause
- Pres
- Treatment
- Cause - Antipsychotics - new or recent dose change
- Pres = Slow
- Sympathomimetic
- Rigid
- Normal pupils
- Treatment
- Supportive
- Hyperventilation, fluid resuscitation, cool, paralyse
- Bromocriptine, amantadine (Dopamin antagonists)
- Dantrolene
- Supportive
Malignant Hyperthermia
- Cause
- Pres
- Treatment
- Inhaled anesthetics (genetic predisposition)
- Spasm/rigidity, acidosis, rhabdo
- Treatment
- Dantrolene
- Anesthesia consult