Pestana Orthopedics Flashcards
infant presents with uneven gluteal folds; hips can be easily dislocated posteriorly with a “jerk and click” and returned to normal position wiht “snapping”
next best step in management and treatment?
developmental dysplasia of the hip
get a sonogram (xrays will not work because the hip is not calcified)
Pavlik harness for 6 mo

6 year old with insidious development of limping, decreased hip motion, and hip/knee pain.
Diagnosis, next best step in management, and treatment?
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
(idiopathic disruption blood flow to femoral head -> avascular necrosis and cessation of growth -> collapse and deformity of the femoral head)
get AP and lateral hip X-rays
cast the femoral head within the acetabulum
(removes mechanical pressure from the joint until the disease has run its course and reduces risk of developing a severe degenerative arthritis as adult can be reduced)
chubby teenager boy limps and complains of groin pain; sits with legs dangling wtih the sole of the foot on the affected site
Diagnosis, next best step in management, and treatment?
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) - orthopedic emergency
Surgery - pin femoral head back into place

toddler with a recent episode of fever refuses to move the hip and holds the leg with the hip flexed, in slight abduction, and external rotation. Gets very upset if anybody tries to move it passively
Diagnosis, next best step in management, and treatment?
Septic Hip
ESR + aspiration of hip under general anesthesia
Open drainage if pus is obtained during aspiration
5 year old with recent fever presents with severe, localized pain in a bone
Diagnosis, next best step in management, and treatment?
Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis
Physical finding in a 2 year old
Diagnosis and treatment?

Genu Varum (bowlegs)
no treatment
physical finding in a 5 year old
Diagnosis, next best step in management, and treatment?

Blount disease - persistent varus beyond age 3; actually a growth disorder of the tibia (shin bone) that causes the lower leg to angle inward, resembling a bowleg
Surgery - may involve cutting the tibia to realign it and/or lengthen it
physical finding in a 4-8 year old
Diagnosis and treatment?

Genu Valgus (knock knee)
No treatment
teenagers with persistent pain over the R tibial tubercle, aggravated by contraction of the quadriceps. No knee swelling
Diagnosis and treatment(3)?
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation); if it does not work, can use an extension or cylinder cast for 4-6 weeks
Physical finding in a newborn infant
Diagnosis and treatment (4)?

Club foot (talipes equinovarus)
serial plaster casts (started in the neonatal period to provide sequential correction), Achilles tenotomy, and Braces
Surgery if not responding to casting (usually 9-12 mo)

complications of scoliosis
treatment? 2
deformity can progress until skeletal maturity is reached; severe cases can result in decreased pulmonary function
bracing to arrest progression, surgery for severe cases
two fractures that are the most concerning in children
supracondylar fracures of the humerus (shown in image)
fractures involving the growth plate
child trips and falls on the hand with the arm extended
Diagnosis and why is this of concern?
Next best step in management, and treatment?
think supracondylar fractures of the humerus
concerning b/c of vascular/nerve injuries that could result in Volkmann Contractures
casting w/ careful monitoring of vascular and nerve integrity, and development of compartment syndrome

How do you diagnose Fractures of the epiphyseal growth plate? (5)
Diagnosis made based on SALTR classification
- S: slipped (type I)
- A: above (type II)
- L: lower (type III)
- T: through or transverse or together (type IV)
- R: ruined or rammed (type V)
Treatment depends on the classification
- If fracture does not cross the epiphysis or growth plate (type I) -> closed reduction
- If fracture does cross the epiphysis or growth plate (type II-IV) -> open reduction and internal fixation (to precisely align the pieces)

teenager presents with low grade skeletal pain for the last several months. What should be your major concern?
malignant bone tumors (osteogenic sarcoma or ewing sarcoma)
teenager presents with dull but consistent pain in his knee for the last several months.
X-ray findings are shown.

osteogenic sarcoma - typically affects 10-25 age group
X-ray usually shows “sunburst” pattern
child presents with dull but consistent pain in his thigh for the last several months.
What part of the body does this typically occur? (5)

Ewing Sarcoma - typically affects children 5-15
X-ray shows “onion-skinning” pattern
common areas: clavicle, humerus, ribs, pelvis, femur
type of bone pattern observed in metastatic bone canacer
blastic lesions
old man presents with fatigue, anemia, and localizable pain in several bones
Diagnosis, diagnostic tests 3, and treatment 2?
Multiple myeloma
Diagnostic tests
- XRay - multiple punched out lesions
- Urine - bence-jones protein
- Serum Igs
- chemo
- Thalidomide
How do soft tissue sarcomas present?
Diagnosis, diagnostic tests 2, and treatment 3?
relentless growth of a mass that is firm and fixed to surrounding structures.
Diagnosis with MRI and incisional biopsy
Treat with very wide local incision, radTx, and chemoRx
How do you determine if a fracture can be surgically treated with a closed reduction vs open reduction with internal fixation?
closed: broken bones that are not badly displaced or angulated or that can be aligned by external manipulation
open with internal fixation: broken bones that are severely displaced or angulated or that cannot be aligned easily
How are clavicular fractures managed?
patient presents with his arm close to his body and rotated outward.
What should you be worried about?
What is another physical finding that is pathognomonic of this and why?
What imaging would you order to cinch the diagnosis?
Anterior dislocation of the shoulder
also presents wtih numbness over a small area of the deltoid, secondary to stretching of the axillary nerve
AP + Lateral XRays are diagnostic

patient with an epileptic seizure disorder presents with his arm held close to the body and internally rotated.
What should you be worried about?
Diagnostic imaging (2)?
Posterior shoulder dislocation
Axillary vs. Scapular Lateral X-rays