Pestana Gen Surgery Flashcards
When is surgery for GERD indicated? 3
for anyone with:
- long-standing symptomatic disease not controlled by medical means
- complications (ulceration, stenosis)
- severe dysplastic changes
what type of surgery is appropriate for GERD? 2
- Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication (LNF) - if patient has symptomatic disease not controlled by medical means or developed complications (ulceration+stenosis)
- LNF + radiofrequency ablation if there are severe dysplastic changes
how does achalasia usually present?
since it is a motility issue, there is dysphagia for liquids AND solids
<span>(dysphagia initially to solids w/ progression to involve liquids -> think mechanical obstruction, i.e. cancer)</span>
diagnosis and management of achalasia?
- diagnosis: barium swallow + manometry
- mgmt: balloon dilation
how does esophageal cancer present itself?
dysphagia initially to solids only but progresses to solids AND liquids
significant weight loss
what are 2 types of esophageal cancers and in what patient population do you normally see them in?
- squamous cell carcinoma - men with hx of smoking + EtOH
- adenocarcinoma - long-standing GERD
diagnosis & mgmt of esophageal cancers
diagnosis: barium swallow followed by endoscopic biopsy and CT scan (assesses operability)
mgmt: palliative surgery
Patient with prolonged, forceful vomiting eventually starts to vomit bright red blood. Diagnosis and management?
diagnosis: mallory weiss tear
mgmt: endoscopy + laser photocoagulation
Patient with prolonged, forceful vomiting suddenly develops epigastric pain, fever, and leukocytosis. Diagnosis and management?
diagnosis: boerhaave syndrome
mgmt: contrast swallow followed by emergency surgical repair
shortly after an endoscopy procedure, a patient develops sub-cutaneous emphysema in the lower neck. Diagnosis and management?
diagnosis: iatrogenic perforation of the esophagus
mgmt: contrast study + prompt repair
diagnosis and management of an elderly patient who presents with anorexia, weight loss, intermittent hematemesis, and early satiety
gastric adenocarcinoma or lymphoma
mgmt: endoscopic biopsy w/ CT to assess operability
if adenocarcinoma –> surgery
if lymphoma –> chemoRx + radioRx
best treatment for gastric adenocarcinoma
best treatment for gastric lymphoma
chemoRx or radioRx
best treatment for MALT lymphoma (MALToma)
eradication of H. pylori
( 1 wk of “triple therapy” consisting of omeprazole + clarithromycin + amoxicillin)
patient with a prior history of laparoscopic appendectomy presents with colicky abdominal pain with progerssive abdominal distension, protracted vomiting, and absence of BM/flatulence.
What should you think of? How would you confirm your suspicion?
mechanical intestinal obstruction
Xray -> distended loops of small bowel with air-fluid levels
mgmt of patient with SBO 3
NPO, NG suction, and IVF with hopes for spontaneous resolution and watching for early signs of strangulation (fever, leukocytosis, constant pain, signs of peritoneal irritation, peritonitis, sepsis)
when is surgery indicated for a patient with SBO? 3
1) conservative mgmt is unsuccessful
2) within 24h of complete obstruction
3) within a few days in partial obstruction
5 indications that a patient with SBO has a compromised blood supply (ie strangulated obstruction).
how are these patients managed?
constant pain
signs of peritoneal irritation/peritonitis
mgmt: emergency surgery
mgmt of a patient with an irreducible hernia that used to be reducible
surgical repair
Carcinoid syndrome
how do these patients present? how to make the diagnosis?
seen in patients with small bowel carcinoid tumor with liver metz
diarrhea, facial flushing, wheezing, R valvular damage
dx: 24 hour urinary collection for 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid
how do cancers of the R colon usually present?
anemia (hypochromic)
(+) FOBT
diagnosis and mgmt of R colon cancers
diagnosis: colonoscopy and biopsy
mgmt: R hemicolectomy
how do cancers of the L colon usually present?
bloody bowel movements such that blood coats the outisde of the stool
stools are of narrow caliber
diagnosis and mgmt of L colon cancers
- diagnosis: flexible proctosigmoidoscopic exam + biopsy
- prior to surgery:
- full colonoscopy (to r/o a second primary) and CT scan (assess operability)
- chemoRx and radiation Rx necessary for large rectal cancers