Persuasion Theories Flashcards
AIDA model
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (stages that consumer goes through) used by marketers to create promotional campaigns
Cialdini’s 6 principles of persuasion
Reciprocity, commitment, social proof, authority, liking and scarcity - good framework for persuasion and by what consumers are influenced
Framing Theory
Persuasion based on the way something is presented
Priming theory
Exposure to certain stimuli which influences subconsciously - subliminal messaging (displaying images of wealth encouraging people to buy luxury goods)
Fear Arousal Theory
Using fear as motivator to sell something to relieve that fear/to act to prevent immediate danger
Narrative Persuasion in Consumer Behaviour
Storytelling can convince audience to be more receptive to persuasion, used to build emotional connection, brand loyalty and influence consumer decisions
Elaboration Likelihood Model
Based on the two routes of persuasion: central (with rational arguments) and peripheral (using emotional arguments) to persuade depending on consumers motivation and capability
Reciprocity Norm
Consumers feel obligated to return favors or gestures they receive (giving away free samples or prizes)
Gamification Persuasion Theory
Adding gamification features to marketing campaigns (competition, points, prizes) can help persuade consumers and form a deeper level of engagement
Persuasive Systems Design Model
Framework for creating digital systems that reinforce, change or shape attitudes or behaviors or both without using coercion or deception based on primary task support, dialogue support, credibility support and social support (presenting tailored information, offering rewards, always reachable costumer service and customer review board)
Dark Patterns
Deceptive design techniques in digital interfaces to persuade users to do things they may have not intended to do
Engagement-Based Persuasion
Immersive and interactive experiences that influence attitudes and actions (quizzes, tailored experiences etc)
Algorithmic Persuasion
Algorithms influencing choices by tailoring/personalizing information, ads and product suggestions using customer data
Classic Conditioning by Pavlov
Combining a stimulus with a meaningful association (developing positive feelings about a brand when paired with appealing music or imagery)
Operant conditioning by Skinner
Learning through rewards and punishments -> offering loyalty rewards or discounts to reinforce brand loyalty and repeat purchases