Persuasion Flashcards
What can a firm do to persuade consumers?
Focus on the structure of the attitude
- Brand-specific associations
- Use Multi-attribute Attitude Model
- Change consumer’s beliefs or values
What is famous saying by Abraham Lincoln?
If you would win a man to your cause, first convince
him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop
of honey that catches his heart, which, say what he
will, is the great highroad to his reason.
Focus on the social-interactive dynamic of
Use social psychology models of influence
- Design form/channel of message
- Make sure message fits consumers’ motivation (ELM)
Who wrote Science of Persuasion?
Robert Cialdini, currently at ASU
What are the 6 Elements of Persuasion?
- Reciprocation
- Consistency
- Social Validation
- Liking
- Authority
- Scarcity
Examples of Reciprocation in the marketplace?
- Give-aways & promotional items
- Reciprocal concessions
Examples of Consistency in the marketplace?
- Foot in the door technique
- Verbal commitment (even superficial)
Examples of Social validation in the marketplace?
- Market share effects
- PSA backlashes
- Surprising popularity effects
Examples of Liking in the marketplace?
- Common ground effects
- Balance Theory
- Halo Effect
Examples of Authority in the marketplace?
- Expertise effects
- Coercion
- Titles, uniforms, & symbols
Examples of Scarcity in the marketplace?
- Loss Aversion
- Social Validation
- Even information can be scarce
Inoculation Theory?
- Teaching people how to counter a persuasion
attempt by feeding them a small amount of a
counter-attitudinal message - Common in situations where decisions are
made by groups
What is PKM?
Persuasion Knowledge Model (PKM)
Two facts about PKM?
- Consumers are savvy about persuasion attempts
- The PKM highlights the need for messages that fly “under the radar”