personnel selection Flashcards
How can we chose the right person for the job (ie based on what)
- Based on: understanding of the task understanding of the user understanding of the environment predictors (preemployment tests)
What is the human rights legislation in Canada
- prevents intential and unintentional discrimination in policies pertaining to employees
- supercedes any employment contract or collective agreement
how does the human rights legislation define discrimination
- the use of any selection procedure that has an adverse impact on the hiring or promotion of a defined minority group
list some groups that are protected under the human rights legislation
- Race, sex, religion, color, age, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, criminal convictions, disabilities
Define what is meant by intentional discrimination
- refusal to train, hire or promote an individual based on any of the prohibitory grounds
- can be overt, includes differential treatment
Give an example of unintentional discrimination
- height requirements
What are 4 questions one might ask to determine if there is discrimination
1) is there a policy that discriminates directly/indirectly on a prohibitory ground
2) is he skill/trait reasonably necessary to accomplish the work
3) is there honest and good faith belief that it is a BFOR
4) is accommodation possible without undue hardship
What does BFOR stand for; define BFOR
- bona fide occupational requirement
- core and essential function of the job
what are the 4 criteria of a BFOR
- must be imposed in good faith and honestly
- is in the interest of safety and economy
- does not defeat the purpose of the human rights code
- related to the performance of he job without endangering the employees/general public
How can we identify a BFOR
- physical task analysis
- cognitive task analysis
- job demands analysis
- worker related analysis
What is the purpose of the human rights tribunal
- to determine whether an action in the workplace was discriminatory
Discuss the Grismer case and its results
- worker had no left side peripheral vision in both eyes
- passed all drivers tests except peripheral vision test
- was therefore let go
- supreme court then determines that 120 degree vision was not reasonably necessary
Discuss the tawney meiorin case and its results
- female forest fire fighter who was let go after she couldn’t meet the criteria for a newly introduced aerobic test
- Supreme court then appealed because the values were based off male scores
what are examples of BFORs
- working in a catholic school and practicing the religion
- prison guards = same sex as inmates
if a workplace rule/procedure puts an employee at a disadvantage on account of a prohibited ground the employer must:
1) make every reasonable effort short of undue hardship to remedy that disadvantage
2) proactively identify and change any rules/practices/procedures that have or may have a discriminatory impact
what qualifies as undue hardship
- financial cost, impact on collective agreement, problems with employee morale, interchangeability of the workforce/facility, size of employers operations, safety
What are 3 responsibilities of the employer
1) to create up to date job descriptions that detail the duties of all positions in the workplace
2) review employees current job and ask: what duties are essential, what can the employee do, what modifications can be made…
3) if an employee cannot perform an essential duty even with accommodation identify other job possibilities in the work place and ask the same questions again
what are the steps involved in personnel decisions
- job/organization analysis
- Criteria/measures and predictors/measures
- validity
- design of recruitment strategy
- selection systems
- assessing utility of selection systems
what qualifies as a criteria
what is a predictor
- a variable used to forecast performance criterion
differentiate construct, criterion-related, content and face validity
- construct: degree to which a test represents the actual construct
- criterion-related: degree to which the test measures performance
- content: is the content of the test related to the job performance
- face: how vaild does the test seem to the taker