Personality/Somatoform/Psychotic DO Lecture Flashcards
an enduring, repetitive pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself
Personality trait
a pervasive, inflexible, maladaptive manner by which the world is viewed, which originates in adolescence or earlier (some even cite from the first 2 years of life!), and alters how the patient views the world
Personality disorder
Dysfunctional characteristics of a person’s personality that are incongruent with social norms
Personality disorder
With this type of psychiatric diagnosis, there is conflict betwen the person and the world
*these pts are aware of their condition
ie..a depressed person realizes he/she is depressed
With this type of personality disorder,
there is no conflict between the person and the way they view the world
*they rarely see difficulty with how they act and rarely seek help. they therefore tend to have maladaptive lives riddled with legal and psychosocial dysfunction
Individuals with this type of personality disorder…
are “unaware” of their condition and ofteen feel perscuted by society as a result of this
There are 10 personality disorders that are broken up into _____ clusters
*must have 5 of 9 traits to have disorder
three clusters! (A, B, C)
“weird, wacky, odd/eccentric”
..what cluster?
Cluster A
“Dramatic, emotional, erratic, wild”
..what cluster?
Cluster B
“Anxious, fearful, worried”
what cluster?
Cluster C
This disorder is marked by intense distrust due to assuming the motives of others are malicious
Because of the preoccupation with unjustified doubts, a person with this disorder may perceive even an innocuous interaction as a character assassination.
The result of this is extreme suspicion and strained interpersonal relationships and the ability to interact becomes stilted.
(part of Cluster A personality D/O)
Blunted affect (expressionless) associated with feelings of detachment
*desire relationships to be distant, often choose to be solitary
do NOT show much emotion, they are often perceived as emotionally cold
Think of the night watchman: Happy being alone, do not want friends and wont think anything of not having friends, seem emotionally cold
“Goes to work comes home goes to work comes home… same thing everyday”
Inability to interact with others due to discomfort, which arises from the actual act of having to interact (NOT due to negative self image)
*they may also demonstrate cognitive distortions, odd speaking patterns, and experience strange perceptual occurrences influencing their behavior
(magical thinkers, link to schizophrenia D/O)
- *G**rudges help for long periods of time
- *E**xploitation expected (without a sufficient basis)
- *T**rustworthiness of others doubted
- *F**idelity of sexual partner question
- *A**ttacks on character are perceived
- *C**onfides in others rarely, if at all
- *T**hreatening meanings read into events
Paranoid Personality Disorder
- *S**olitary lifestyle
- *I**ndifferent to praise or criticism
- *R**elationships of no interest
- *S**exual experiences not of interest
- *A**ctivities not enjoyed
- *F**riends lacking
- *E**motionally cold and detached
Schizoid Personality Disorder
- *U**nusual perceptions
- *F**riendless except for family
- *O**dd beliefs, thinking and speech
- *A**ffect- inappropriate, constricted
- *I**deas of reference
- *D**oubts others- suspicious
- *E**ccentric appearance/behavior
- *R**eluctant in social situations, anxious
Schizotypal Personality D/O
Paranoid, Schizoid and Schizotypal are all what cluster of personality DOs?
Cluster A
(they are strange)
..what cluster of personality DOs?
Cluster B
pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others.
Very impulsive and show disregard for the safety and welfare of others and of themselves. They fail to conform to social norms, participate in unlawful activities, and lack remorse for those they have wronged.
MC= Men, Diagnosis @18y
instability in self-image and interpersonal relationships.
Impulsivity may lead to self-harm, such as drug abuse and promiscuous sex, and relationships are often polarized (black-white, love-hate) such that a pattern of extreme valuation-devaluation is expressed.
This can lead to efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment and feelings of emptiness.
MC= Women; Cutting, 18
What type of personality D/O….
Young woman who cuts herself or harms herself but is not trying to actually kill herself
*Commit acts for attention, not trying to kill self
emotionality and attention seeking behavior is expressed, and are not happy unless they are the center of attention.
In order to gain attention, they often are swayed by fads, become overly trusting, and even may interact in inappropriately sexual manners.
Displays of emotion are often theatrical and overly dramatic, yet are superficial and can change immediately
prone to grandiose fantasies, with the need for admiration.
Generally lacking empathy, these people are arrogant and feel a sense of entitlement.
They expect others to acknowledge their supposed superiority and feel overly jealous when others receive praise.
..what cluster of personality DOs?
Cluster C
They want friends, but do not know how to obtain them
*dysfunction in ability to act interpersonally due to discomfort.
They have self-inadequacy (compare to schizoid).
Because of their fear of shame, ridicule, or rejection, they choose to interact with others as little as they possibly can.
New activities are rarely attempted and new relationships are seldom formed.
MC in Women, related to abuse
excessively clingy and have a pervasive need to be cared for
They are prone to experience separation anxiety, and jump from relationship to relationship when one ends.
They have trouble making everyday decisions on their own, and they go out of their way to make sure others have responsibility to make major decisions.
MC in Women
inflexible and rigid strive for perfection (“Type A Personality; “Anal-Retentive”);
rigidity is to the point that projects and tasks cannot be completed on time because they are not perfect enough.
The preoccupation with details, rules, lists, and organization can be very invasive to the point that it affects interpersonal functioning.
Are there FDA approved medications to treat any personalty DOs?
What is largely the mainstay of treatment for personality disorders?
relationship between psychological events and physical health has been recognized for a long time, but the precise nature of this relationship is unclear
Psychosomatic theory
Something internally (ie depression) causes something physical/externally to happen (ie migraine, diarrhea)
Psychosomatic problems
Mental disorders characterized by physical symptoms but without physical cause
symptoms NOT intentionally produced (unconscious)
More common in women
ie.. Somatic symptom D/O, Illness anxiety D/O, Conversion D/O
Somatoform disorders
Variety of complaints in one or more organ system(s) lasting for months to years
Associated wth excessive, peristent thoughts about symptoms
May co-occur with medical conditions
Somatic symptom disorder