Personality Disorders Flashcards
6 diagnostic criteria of personality disorders
(1) Problems in most aspects of life (e.g.,
relationships, thinking)
* (2) Inflexibility in behaviour
* (3) Major life problems (e.g., financial)
* (4) Showing signs of the disorder since adolescence
* (5) Problems cannot be attributed to another mental
health problem
* (6) Problems cannot be attributed to a physical
health problem
prevalance of personality disorders
paranoid personality disorder
- paranoid and suspicious
- trouble trusting friends
- thinks benign remarks are hostile and holds grudges
schizoid personality disorder
- shows no interest in forming relationships, spending time with family, or having a romantic partner
schizotypical personality disorder
- belief that certain external aspects (like shape of a tree) has special meaning
- unusual beliefs in psychic powers or thinking that parts of their body are not actually under their control
unwillingness to follow social norms and obey authority
- unstable emotions
- flucuating self-esteem
- turbulent relationships
Histrionic PD
- dramatic and attention seeking
grandiose view of the self, desire for attention, lack of warmth and empathtic relationships with others
Avoidant PD
socially anxious and withdrawn
Dependant PD
need to be cared for or is depedent upon another person
- unable to make chooces without approval of someone else
- needs alot of reassurance to function properly
Obsesssive-complusive PD
overly concentrated on perfection and orderliness
Histrionic and NPD with the big 5
high extraversion
avoidant, schizoid, and schizotypical with the big 5
low extraversion
antisocial with the big 5
low conscientiousness
O-C PD with the big 5
high conscientiousness
Difficulty in emotion regulation, especially related to anxiety
and negative thoughts about the self
* Impulsivity and instability in mood, self-image, and
* Lack coherent sense of self and perceptions of others
* Cycles of affection and anger, fear of abandonment, anxiety
and depression, and even physical self-harm and suicide (1
in 10)
* Often can’t stand to be alone and demand attention
* Commonly argumentative, irritable, sarcastic, quick to take
offence, and very hard to live with
* Smaller and more varied social networks
* Often comorbid with mood disorders, substance abuse,
PTSD, eating disorders
Psychodynamic approaches on causes of BPD
Insecure/weak ego caused by invalidation and
adverse childhood experiences
* e.g., inconsistent love and attention, lack of
warmth and support
* e.g., report lack of care from mothers and…
* …see families as emotionally inexpressive, low in
cohesion, and high in conflic
Develeopment of personality disorders
Genetics accounts for 50% of
variation in personality disorders
* e.g., identical twins vs. fraternal twins
* People with PDs are more likely to
have parents who are cold and
distant and extreme in their
parenting styles
* PD symptoms tend to decrease
with age but schizoid may increase