Biological underpinnings of personality Flashcards
twin studies: nature vs nurture
these studies examine identical twins raised apart and together to determine how genetics vs environment influence differences in personality
twin studies findings
50% of the variance in personality is genetic, other 50 is non shared environmental factors
47% variance for neuroticism
61-63% variance for openness to experience
shared environment has very little effect on personality (57% chance identical twin will also be neurtoic if their twin is, while only 50% with strangers)
jim twins
identical twins raised apart
adopted in 1940
both enjoyed math and disliked spelling
both drove chevys and smoked heavily
both married a woman named Linda
why can siblings be so different
shared enviro factors may not have much impact on siblinsg bc of…
1) contrast effect: siblings want to differentiate themselves from each other, want to be their own person (ex. girls w brothers report more feminine occupational interests)
- birth order: youngest siblings may get less attention when younger but more when older…. middle children may never get to be the centre of attention, so they may be more attention seeking
limitations of twin studies
- restriction of range: twins often get adopted into similar homes (stable, middle class, married families)… no cpnsideration of cultural inlfuence (twins observed come from same culture and same generation)
- lack of specififc info on the influence of nonshared environmental factors (friends,teachers, media exposure, birth order)
- identical twins look very much alike and share the same prenatal environment
gene-environment interaction
genes and environmental factors work together to influence personality
predispositions can be triggered or not
study of how environmental triggers cause differences in gene expression
gene expression depends on how the genes are transcribed by cells, and whether or not they are activated or not
biology and the big 5
low conscientiousness
openness to experience
introversion: more sensitive to stimuli
high agreeableness: more activity in frontal lobe (emotional intelligence)
high neuroticism: more activity in the amygdala
extraversion: higher brain activity in amygdala
low conscientiousness: higher dopamine levels, more activity in the ventral striation
high openness to experience: better ST memory
double standard for promiscuity
male opportunism and female selectiveness
double standard for parental investment
women tend to express more nurturance
women’s fertility and personality
on high fertility days:
- body scent more preferred by men
- more tips fpr lap dances (335 vs 260)
- prefer stereotypically masculine men
- wear more provacative clothing
- voices are higher pitched
testosterone rises when:
-men expect competition, then again when they win
-they gain status in a social group
-when their sports team/ political candidate wins
link between aggression and testosterone
positive but weak correlation
violent criminals have higher levels than non violent ones
testosterone and sexual relationships
single men and women tend to have higher levels
2d:4d ratio women
low: assertive, seek leadership, sensation seeking, risk taking
2d:4d ratio men
low: take risks, invest money in stocks, expressing an unpopular opinion
2d:4d ratio men and women
low ratio: low on neuroticism and agreeableness, have better mathematical, musical, and athletic ability