Personality Flashcards
Who made the psychodynamic perspective
Sigmund Freud
Name 6 key ideas of the Psychoanalytic perspective
Behavior motivated through sex Most causes of behavior are unconscious Early childhood is super important Dreams, slips of the tongue Hypnosis, free association aka spontatneous speaking, dream ananlysis Eros= life instinct Libido= creative energy Thanatos= death
Levels of consciousness
Conscious= current awareness Preconscious= easily brought to awareness Unconscious= unaware thoughts
Structure of Personality
Id= young impulsive devil on shoulder Ego= the compromise, head in between Superego= moral conscience, the Angel
Too much id
Neurotic anxiety
Too much superego
Moral anxiety
Adult characteristics according to psychodynamic perspective are determined by what two factors
What happens at each psychosexual stage
How successful you move through each stage
Remaining at one stage
Returning to previous stage
How many stages are part of Freud’s psychosexual theory
What happens during oral stage
Pleasure around mouth
Oral aggresive= frustration and anxiety
Dependent= conforming, trusting
What happens at anal stage
Focus on potty training
Expulsive= rebels by being dirty
Retentive= orderly, clean
Phallic stage
Genital area
Oedipus complex= sexual attraction to opposite sex parent
Latency stage
No interest in sex
Genital stage
Lust and affection probes
What are 4 Neo-Freudians
Alfred Adler
Karen Horney
Carl Jung
Erik Erikson
Adler’s 3 main things
Striving to be superior
Birth order
Horney’s 3 main things
Basic anxiety= child fells helpless in world
Basic hostility= how child reacts to being rejected
Womb envy= response to penis envy (men want to carry a baby)
Carl Jung
Freud’s crown prince
Collective unconscious (human memories of how to survive)
Archetypes (universal symbols)
Personal unconscious= where personal memories stored
Erikson’s main thing
Psychosocial theory of development
8 stages
Formed by social influences
Psychohistory= study of individuals using history and psychoanalysis
Emphasizes positive and creative nature of humans
Aka the Third Force
2 ppl for humanism
Carl Rogers
Abraham Maslow
Rogers main things
Self-concept=beliefs about oneself
Positive self-regard= person feeling good about oneself
Unconditional self-regard= other ppl feeling good about one person
Ideal self= idealized image of oneself
Congruence/ in congruence= actual self and ideal self must match
Abraham Maslow things
Hierarchy of needs
Self-actualization= process of striving to be the best you
Peak experiences= characteristics of the self-actualized
Social cognitive perspective
Observational learning
Reciprocal determinism= behavioral+cognitive+environmental factors cause behaviors
William Sheldon
Somatype theory Body appearance = personality Endomorph= soft appearance Mesomorph= muscular Ectomorph=thin frail
Trait perspective is what by what 2 ppl
Traits= which cause ppl to act in a certain way
Gordon Allport
Raymond Cattell
Allport things
Traits=building blocks of personality
Cardinal= main trait
Central= 2/3 next traits
Secondary= other characteristics
Cattell things
Surface (what ppl see) vs. Source (underlying)
16PF test
What must personality tests be
Reliable= consistent Valid= measure what it's supposed to measure
Projective tests are and examples
Uncover unconscious thoughts or desires
House Tree Person
Self-Report Inventories are and examples
16 PF