Personality Flashcards
Big 5 (Anderson, 2013)
Personality traits are characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They summarize how people tend to behave across diverse situations.
All a continuum, All have facets, Genetics account for 50% of variance
More recently, personality researchers are looking at core self-evaluations, self-monitoring, and need for cognition.
Predicts emergence, and style (i.e., extraversion to transf. leadership)
Team Pers–>Outcomes
Agree & Consc. post. team perf
Judge et al. (2007)
Self-efficacy & Performance
Meta-analysis pitting GMA, Big 5, and Self-Efficacy on Performance (task and job performance)
Self-efficacy predicts task performance well- but not better predictor of job performance than conscientiousness or GMA
From HR Schmidt & Hunter (GMA is the best predictor of performance)
Suggest future research looking at other proximal predictors (i.e., mood states) or self-efficacy as a moderator between personality and performance (as opposed to a mediator)
What are the Big 5?
Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability (or neuroticism), and openness to experience
Best predictor of performance? Beyond GMA
Conscientiousness has incremental validity above GMA, and emotional stability less so, but seem to operate through motivational aspects (i.e., goal setting)
Best predictor of OCBs
Emotional Stability, Openness, & Extraversion
Barrick (2005)
Personality Matters…Moving on
“getting along” - Emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness
“Getting ahead” - extraversion (ambition), emot. stab., Conscientiousness
Effects are cumulative over time, sig. predictors over 50 years
- Strong situations can suppress pers. impacts
- Personality can change situations (one bad apple)
- Personality manifests as motivation (goals, expectations, self-efficacy)
Future research (PersXSit), Motivation
Raja et al. (2004)
Personality & Psych Contracts - Personality affects contracts you seek and how you respond to breaches
Psych contracts are self-constructed and idiosyncratic
Personality affects through:
Choice (contract one seeks), Construal (cog./affect perceptions of type, breach, violation), Enactment (behavior & attitudes)
Equity Sensitivities & neurotics –> transactional contract
Consc., Self-esteem, and extroverts –>relational contract
Relational–> int. quit (-), job sat, commit
Transct–>int quit, job sat (-), commit (-)
Violation mediates breach, personality moderates violation
Kamdar & Van Dyne (2007)
Integrated Social Exchange via LMX & TLMX with personality (conscientiousness & agreeableness) using Trait Activation Theory
Suggested that the presence of strong social exchange relationships suppresses personality’s effects on Helping and Task Performance because it triggers the norm of reciprocity, which is a STRONG reward/contigency
230 engineers, their supervisor, and their coworkers
Lam et al. (2002)
Performance Appraisal Feedback & Personality
Studied the impact of personality (Negative Affectivity) on work attitudes six months after receiving pos/neg appraisal feedback of bank tellers using AET
Positive Perf Appraisals don’t always lead to good outcomes
After 3 months, those with high negative affect returned to baseline levels of work attitudes (OJ, Commit, Sat, Turnover) even if they received a positive appraisal
Li et al. (2010)
Proactive Personality & Outcomes
Chinese sample
Mediator - LMX
Moderator - PJ Climate
Proactivity: A narrowly defined personality trait, proactive personality describes a behavioral tendency to identify opportunities to change things at work and to act on those impulses (Crant, 2000)
PPers individ build higher quality LMX with sups, leading to job sat and OCBs…rel is stronger with PJ Climate is high
Chang et al. (2012)
Core Self-Evaluations
An individuals’ fundamental beliefs about their capabilities/self-worth
Includes: self-esteem, self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism
CSE predicts job and life satisfaction
Discuss some main outcomes of personality traits
- Conscientiousness (job Perf)
- Extraversion (Perf in sales)
- Emotional stability (perf)
- Agg; Open (Perf in cust support)
- Agr (OCB)
- Each related to reduced turnover
- Cons; Agree (neg to deviant)
- Extra; emot; cons; open (each predict leader emergence + Effectiv)
- Extra (Transform Lead)
- Team Agg; Cons (team process and perf).
Friedman & Kern (2014) annual review of psych
Individuals who are conscientious—that is,
prudent, dependable, well organized, and persistent—stay healthier, thrive, and live longer. The
size of this effect is equal to or greater than that of many known biomedical risk factors.
Pierce & Aguinis 2013
TGMT - Conscientiousness has a pos. relationship with job performance but this relationship begins to turn negative for high complexity jobs where too much consciousness is bad for performance.
Overall Conclusions of Personality, GMA, and Performance
Schmitt (2014)
- Validity of GMA is generalizable across situation, usually .20 between GMA and job performance
- Conscientousness is the most generalizable personality trait predictor (usually in the .20s with job performance)
- Relations between personality and GMA are LOW
- Correlations between the Big 5 constructs are moderate (less than .40)
Both Personality and GMA are unique predictors of performance and combinations of the two will produce superior predictions (personality interactions are likely to produce superior predictions as well)