Leadership Flashcards
Pierce & Aguinis (2013)
TMGT (Too Much of Good Thing) Effect
Many purportedly positive antecedents actually lead to negative consequences after reaching a context-specific inflection point.
Example, increases in structure (i.e., control) and consideration (i.e., sociability) have negative quadratic relationships with leader effectiveness
Authentic Leadership
a pattern of transparent and ethical leader behavior
that encourages openness in sharing information needed to make decisions while accepting followers’ inputs Luthans & Avolio (2003)
Four facets:
balanced processing (objectively analyze data before making a decision)
Internalized moral perspective that guides behavior
Relational transparency - openly showing feelings/emotions with others
self-awareness - knowing one’s strengths, weaknesses
Walumbwa bit on this….so many retractions though!
Transformational Leadership (Burns 1978; Brass, 1985)
leader behaviors that transform and inspire followers to perform beyond expectations while transcending self interest for the good of the organization
Avolio et al. 2009 Annual Review of Psych
Leaders can be trained - meta analysis of interventions shows positive effects
New research on leader cognitions is developing linking leaders’ schemas about how to interact/interpret events with followers and choice of behavior
Complex Leadership Theory suggest leadership can be an emergent phenomenon evolving out of ANY interaction in an organization (i.e., need not be hierarchy) Uhl-Bien et al. 2007
Shared Leadership is evolving - but construct clarity issues - to address the growing phenomenon of work teams
LMX-MMX Theory (Graen, 2006) where orgs are viewed as interdependent web of relationships, suggesting we should look at formal and INFORMAL influences on behavior
Zaccaro 2007
Rejection of trait based approaches out right ignores significant empirical work
individuals who surface as leaders in one situation also surface as leaders in distinctively different situations designed to display needs for different leadership abilities
Need to examine combinations of traits and attributes, both distal and proximal
We need to also look at the environment that leaders operate within
Judge et al. (2009)
Bright & Dark side of leadership
Meta-analytic results show multiple r of .53 with Big 5 and leader emergence, .39 with leader effectiveness, but were criticized as being subjective
Applied evolutionary psychology, genetics, and sociological theories to offer a model of leader emergency/effectiveness
Key Takeaway, we should look at both the bright and dark side of traits (e.g., conscientiousness leaders may become perfectionists at high levels, or how machiavellian leaders are strategic thinkers that can navigate difficult power/socially complex situations)
Stogdill (1948)
Late 1940s researcher who’s analysis of leadership research led him to conclude that personality studies of leadership were inconsistent and leadership was best viewed as a behavior. S
Set off studies at Ohio State and Michigan into considerate (i.e., developing trust, rapport, caring) and initiating (or structure) (i.e., defining relationships, policies, procedures, measuring accomplishments) behaviors.
Fiedler (1967)
Contingency theories of leadership…both traits and context matter. Proscriptions about the best way to behave across a multitude of situations.
This led to books like Good to Great and In Search of Excellence
Give examples of the major theoretical approaches to leadership studies
Social Information Processing: attributions about leader effectiveness (i.e., CEOs disproportionately blamed for org failures and ignoring external issues (resources, markets))
Social Exchange: LMX, leaders influence through the development of strong relationships, trust, and commitment
Social Cognitive Theory: followers’ behavior can be predicted by the behavior modeled by their leaders when behavior is perceived as ethical, values converge, and when challenging goals are established.
Social Identity Theory: more representative a person is of the group prototype and the more well-liked he or she is, the greater the odds that he or she will be seen as a leader and will be attributed influence over the group (Turner, 1991, Hogg, 2001)
Judge, Bono, Ilies, & Gerhardt (2002)
Extraversion and Conscientiousness show the strongest, significantly positive correlations with leadership emergence
Agreeableness trait shows the weakest correlation with emergence
Judge, Piccolo, and Ilies’s (2004)
Meta analyzed consideration and initiating structure
Consideration relates to follower job sat and follower sat with leader
Initiating structure has much weaker relationships. But both show strong relationships with leader effectiveness.
Judge & Piccolo 2004
meta-analysis of transformational and transactional leadership
Transformational more valid predictor of follower sat with leader and leader effectiveness
Transactional/Contingent rewards higher validity with follower job satisfaction and leader job performance
Transformational is more related to motivation than performance.
Vroom et al. 2007
contextual factors accounted for nearly three times the variance in outcomes as opposed to the variance accounted for by individual differences
DeChurch et al. 2010
The sole focus on individual or dyadic levels of analysis in leadership research neglects the team, unit, and org levels.
Leaders are also followers too
We need more research on leadership across levels
Hackman & Wageman 2007
Can good and bad leadership be measured on the same scale? Are they qualitatively different?
Measures often confound behaviors and affects (e.g., he/she recognizes potential in me, speaks about values and beliefts….and….instills pride and inspires loyalty)