personality Flashcards
a typical way of thinking, feeling and behaving
an enduring predisposition that influences our behaviours across many situations
twins reared togethe
- anxiety proneness, impulse control, and traditionalism are influenced by genetics
- identical twin correlations are below 1 so non-shared environmental influences are also important
Identical vs fraternal (meaning of data)
- since identical have same genes, but fraternal and identical are both subject to same environment. if higher correlation between identical, it means that it is because of genes and not environment
- if correlation is the same between fraternal and identical it points to environmental factors
Twins reared apart
- identical twins reared apart are about as similar as those reared together, which means that shared environment plays little role in adult personality
Adoption study results
The sociability scores of adopted children correlate more strongly with their biological parents scores than with their adoptive parent’s scores
core assumptions of psychoanalytic theory
- psychic determinism
- symbolic meaning
- unconscious motivation
psychic determinism
the asssumption that all psychological events have a cause.
- we arent free to chose or actions because were at the mercy of powerful forces that lie outside of our awareness
symbolic meaning
no action, no matter how seemingly trivial, is meaningless and is symbolic of something else
unconscious motivation
we rarely understand why we do what we do although we quite readily cook up explanation for our actions after the fact
3 component model of the psyche
- ID: unconscious filled w drives (pleasure principle)
- Ego: decision maker (reality principle)
- superego : sense of morality
dream theory
Freud thought they were about unconscious struggles
- reflect wish-fulfillment
- used symbols that could mean different things for different people
defense mechanism
used by ego to minimize anxiety
- helpful but overeliance could be harmfuul
1. repression
2. denial
3. reaction-formation
4. projection
5. displacement
6. rationalization
7. intellectualization
8. sublimation
- unconscious mechanism employed by the ego to keep disturbing or threatening thoughts from becoming conscious
- ex: not acting on ur feelings for your bffs bf
involves blocking external events from awareness. if some events are too stressful you may refuse to experience it
- drinking/smoking is bad for you but you refuse to admit it
attributing their own unacceptable thoughts feelings or motives to another person
- ex: saying someone hates you when u hate them
satisfying an impulse with a substitute object
- if someone makes u angry and u take that anger out on someone else