personal skills Flashcards


what are the qualities of a good team leader


one of the most vital roles of a team leader is to keep the peace, and ensure that the goals of the group can be carried out. to do this, the leader has to be approachable, a good listener and inspiring in order to create a good rapport with the rest of the group and allows any issues or concerns to be risen much easier. at the same time, a team leader also needs to be organised and hard working, with resilience and intitiative to cope with setbacks.

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what are the qualities of a good team player / what makes a good team player


team players need to be able to communicate and work well with others. this is vital to ensure the flow of the team is effective and everyone can be as involved as they can be.
simultaneously they also need to be enthusiastic and keen to work hard to achieve the best for the group. they need to be able to listen to feedback and criticism and take it in stride to improve and learn from any mistakes or misjudgements.
finally, they need to be able to respect the others in the team and be tolerant and flexible so that they can meet the needs of the group as well as possible.
as well as the leader, they also have the responsibility to ensure that everyone understands the task, and if they feel someone needs guidance they can deliver it themselves or if they feel they are unable to do so they can look for advice from the team leader.

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how would your friends describe you in three words?


friendly - i am a very chatty girl, i love meeting new people but i am also a pair of ears for anyone if they need someone to talk to.
resilient - mistakes are an inevitable part of life, we are all human. the important part of mistakes is how you deal with them in the moment and what you can then take away from those mistakes to improve your performance in the future. when i make a mistake i try not to get too worried about them, and then i look at what went wrong exactly and i then know how to avoid the mistake in the future. i can remember really vividly when i was doing a french reading assessment i thought glace was sweets but it was actually ice cream and to this day that is ingrained in my mind, i dont think i could forget the word for ice cream now. so i definitely take mistakes as a gift because they allow me to learn and grow as a person.

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what are your biggest strengths


i am incredibly caring, i adore people and i feel i can really tap into how they are feeling and emphathise. sometimes when you are sad or stressed, the best thing is knowing that your feelings are understood by someone else.
i am a good communicator, i love to talk about anything and everything. my debate club was wonderful because you learn about all these really niche topics for debates. i remember learning that avocados arent vegan funnily enough because the bees that are used to pollinate the plants didnt give consent. which is so intriguing because i never would have thought of that had it not been for debate. my comunication skills have really been pushed at the carehome as well, i have learned so much there about how to use more than just words to talk to people. body language is like a superpower, and allows me to talk to the residents without the barrier of words.
i am a very motivated person as well, but also disciplined. you cant always rely on motivation to get you through a task, like during study leave after weeks of studying trying to keep that momentum goes beyond just motivation. having discipline with yourself and telling yourself, you are working toward this goal so you can help these people in the future really drove me forward and kept me focused.

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what are some of your weaknesses


i can be quite hard on myself. i work hard in school and in times when that isnt as reflected in my results as i would hope it can be difficult not to blame myself and feel down. in the last years with my exams i have come to terms with that fact and worked on it, and now when i make mistakes i can still feel disappointment but rather than being really gloomy about it i am able to learn from it and see the positives, like well now i know i wont forget that again.
i used to be intolerant of people who dont pull their weight in group work but over the years my ability to communicate with the other members in a way that isnt confrontational has improved tremendously. there can be underlying reasons why people arent working to the level you wish, such as not understanding the topics, or they have other commitments and they are struggling to balance the workloads.
these are both qualities that i will continue to work on and turn into positives at my time in dental school

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how do you cope with criticism?


first and foremost, dont take it as an offense. it can be hard sometimes not to take criticism to heart, but at the end of the day people are giving it to you as help so that you can work on the mistakes. its a gift because you can learn from it and improve yourself. so criticism itself isnt a negative thing for me anymore, because there is always room for improvement, and it can be hard to notice what needs to be improved on your own

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give an example in your life when you showed empathy


empathy is the ability to put myself in other peoples shoes, being sensitive and attentice and creating a safe space for patients.
in my job at the carehome, i have to show it all the time. there is one specific resident who likes to come over and have a chat with me in the evening shifts when i am doing my tasks, so i will be cleaning dishes and shell tell me about her day. but she also confides in me about issues that she is having, so she complains about struggling to remember things and says it feels like her head is all over the place, so in times like this when she is clearly upset i take five minutes to just sit with her and let her get it all out. ill make her a cup of tea and we can just sit. she doesnt come to me looking for solutions, she just wants to be understood and listened to. i think this empathy is incredibly important in the field of dentistry because you never know what someone is going through, and if you are approachable and they know they can trust you, patients can confide their issues with you and you can be there as not just their dentist but their advisor in finding the help they need or working on any issues they have together. people dont like to feel alone in their problems and just being an open ear can make all the difference in how they are feeling.

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give an example of when you showed leadership


in my fifth year i did a wider achievement with the local primary school where i arranged a game with my group and presented it to the little ones and led them through. a role of a leader goes beyond just directing and delegating tasks. you need to be there for people and be enthusiastic. it makes such a huge difference in the experience for the children if the leaders of the play time are happy to be there and want to help you as best they can. it was incredibly fun talking and engaging with them because they are so enthusiastic themselves, and one of them fell over and i went over and checked on them and after some damage control and encourgement they were back in the game as if nothing had happened.

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how do you manage your time?


i have an understanding of what i need to get done as well as where my priorities are, so for example during exams i had a lot of commissions for my crochet business, so i had to manage my time to accomodate both the exams and my customers. and it worked really well finding the balance because the crochet itself is very therapeutic to me so it was a good way to relax my mind beforehand.

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how do you cope with stress


i have a series of steps i go through in my head. so first of all, i like to look at the situation from outside, to see if the situation requires the level of stress i am feeling. a lot of the time this helps a lot because it does not in fact require the stress i am feeling and i can pretty much instantly feel better from that alone. sometimes the stress is required though, for instance the morning of my ucat exam sitting in the car with my dad. and it was a half hour drive or so so it wasnt too long but it was long enough to start panicking if i wasnt careful, but i have this trick that i use which is maybe a bit odd. some people count to ten but i imagine in my head crochet. so i imagine the hook going through the loop, grabbing the yarn, pulilng it back through the loop, and then down through the loops that created. gosh even sayin that just now was relaxing me. finding a system that works for you is really important, but a lot of the time stress can exaggerate a situation so keeping yourself calm can also help the others around you stay calm.

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Can you think of a situation you were under pressure and how did you cope with it?


monday shift at the carehome. food order after food order. juggle normal tasks. have to be done by 12.

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are you a leader or a follower


i can be both.
i naturally take on a leadership role by taking the initiative and delegating tasks to people.
i am more than happy being a follower as well. following instructions and helping boost moral in a group.
effective teamwork is essential in a dental practice. you work in several different teams with many different people

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how good are you at multitasking


i adore it. it is one of the reasons why i love my role at the carehome because it isnt defined to one thing. the challenges of multitasking keep me excited to go to work.
i can also multitask outside of work, such as at school where i keep up to school work whilst also managing my own club and my business at home.

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when were you a team player


to raise money for a bakesale me and a few other girls arranged to raise money for the moray food bank. we had to bake all of the goods ourselves with our own ingredients. so we called a meeting in the school library and worked out who was going to buy which ingredients and make which cakes. a few days later we were able to book a home ec room and make our cakes in our study period. lots of teamwork was involved as we had to work together to make a variety of cakes in a short period of time, sharing recipes and tips with each other. i was in charge of making the tophats, which were a best seller. it was great fun but there was a lot of time pressure and trying to get the most out of the ingredients. it was a success and we were able to raise £150.

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what can go wrong in a team


some not pulling their weight, lakc of trust, no set goals or deadlines, dominators who belittle others ideas

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what is a challenge you have overcome


when i was doing more john muir award at school, which is this scottish award you can achieve by doing a variety of outdoor activties. one of the activities was canoeing along the river spey. me and my partner were in an inflatable canoe because our school dditn have any proper ones. we got to a really hectic turn at the river with rapids and realised our canoe was deflating. my partner was panicking because obviously a deflate canoe is no use to anyone. we had this emergency kit with a pump in it so my partner kept rowing at the front and i was sat in the back pumping away until we could find somewhere to pull the canoe aside and patch up wherever the air was escaping. we survived in the end but in the moment it was very scary and trying to stop the canoe from deflating completely while also keeping my partner calm so we could get somewhere safe was a challenge. this experience definitely reflects my ability to think on my feet and keep people calm, which are both transferable traits to dentistry especially when you have anxious patients and you need to bring them back down and help them as much as possible.


give an example of when you had to deal with a conflict and how did you deal with it


prior to my work with my local carehome i was at a deli. we were a really big tourtist attraction that has a very good reputation for high quality food and customer service. one day a customer came in and presented a glass jar of some sort of condiment they had purchased from us a few days prior. it had well past expired the use by date. i was very surprised at this, and explained to them that i was very sorry that we allowed that to be sold. we usually are very meticulous with dates and assured it would not happen again. i asked them if they wished to have a refund or would like to do a swap. in the end they opted for a swap and i later explained to my manager what happened so they could take a note on the stock.


what is your most memorable achievement


achieving the neish and strathdee dux of my school at the end of my fifth year as it really reflected my hard work over the year as i came out with the highest prelim result average of 93%. it also reflected the things i gave back to the school through my voluntary work such as helping at christmas markets, parents evenings, speakers club, and bakesales.


in what ways are you committed


i have been comitted within school to help give back to the community through voluntary events, whilst also being commitied to my school work. for the last year i have been going to my craft club every friday after school, as well as during the holidays.


why not medicine


i love the patient relationships you are able to build working in the dental environment. you see them regularly, not just when they are poorly, and you can really build a rapport with them over the years. the hands on aspect is what initially drew me to dentistry, as i love doing things with my hands which you definitly can maximise in a field such as dentistry


why not dental nursing


the leadership role that can be taken on by a dentist really appeals, as i will be able to be responsible not just for my patients but also for the running of the practice. the scope of treatments i can perform as a dentist is much higher than the likes of a dental nurse, which resonates with my passion for helping people. i want to be able to do as much as i can to ease people of their pain


how do you know you are compassionate


in my leadership of the speakers club i have to be attentive , respectful and offer support to people. there are some members who come along and have no idea whats happening or what the rules on. i quickly catch onto this and take a moment to explain the ins and outs of debate, becuase it can be quite complex if you have never don ei tbefore. after explaining in a simple way they feel more comfortable and are able to take part in the debates much more confidently. it is really important to explain things with the explainee. especially in dentistry, because if youre using lots of medical jargon the patient wont fully understand you and this hinders their ability to give full proper informed consent.


if you were a dentist, how would you want your patient to describe you as


professional but still approachable
good communicator and listener


how are your organisation skills


organisation involves keeping things in order as well as being able to priotise tasks and deadlines. my attention to detail is very fine and i always have a really tidy desk and room. school wise, organising my time effectively has been crucial to achieving good grades in school while also being able to stay on top of my club, my part time work, and my application.


what are the advantages of working in a team


can improve the efficiency of the care being delivered
divide and conquer
reduces stress
you can rely on the support of others if you are stuck


what are the disadvantages of working in a team


if the leader is absent, work can stop
some members of the team may be left feeling confused or leaderless if the leader is not strong enough
some members may not like the idea of shared credit


what makes a good team


everyone needs to pull their weight, they need to be flexible, reliable, and be punctual with deadlines. there needs to be a strong leader who can motivate everyone. good communication is crucial when working in a team to help surface any issues people are experiencing


what are your qualities


i am very personable, i absolutely adore meeting and talking to new people.
along with that i am also very dextrous. prior to my crochet i embroidered for many years as it was something my mother always did and i loved watching her and when i was old enough she let me start embroidering my name with cross sttich. the reason i switched to crochet was becuse the embroidery was too loud and i wasnt able to do it while watching the television with my family at night because it annoyed them. i also have become very good at hand eye coordination with my crochet and my typing in my modern studies as well i can type with my eyes closed.
i am very caring and compassionate as well which is demonstrated in my role in the carehome where i listen to the needs of the residents and help them as best as i can.
i am very committed and dedicated, which is reflected in my school work.
all of these traits i believe are transferable to dentistry and will allow me to deliver the best patient care that i can


how do you react to failure


failure is an inevitable part of life, and at first it comes as a shock which is upsetting but ultimately i know it is a good thing for me as i am able to learn. in my school we have individual subject prizes for top of the class, and in the sciences this is known as the john falconer prize. i really wanted to win the one for chemistry as it is one of my favourite subjects that i worked very hard in. it was awarded to someone else and initially it was upsetting because i felt like i had worked really hard and deserved the award, but soon i realised i was working hard to achieve the grade for uni, which i did, and that was the real award. it was a difficult experience but it helped me change my perspective.


how would you discourage someone from dentistry


i would tell them that the course is quite long, you have to remain committed and motivated for the five years of study
there is a lot of stress involved in such a field that stretches beyond the degree.
there are many deadlines and exams, leading to pressure.


what do you look forward to the most about dentistry


meeting lots of amazing people
seeing the change in a person when i can ease their pain and build their confidence back up again
i am thrilled by how much it has developed and will continue to develop, and being part of that development is just so exciting
i am really interested in public health and hope to help the more vulnerable groups in society gain help with their dental health.


how would you rate your communication skills


very strong.
i was shy when i first came to high school but as i got really into debate i was able to build my confidence with talking to other people. when i had my first job at a local deli i immediately took a liking to the customer service aspect and getting to talk to people from around the world.
my communication skills were stretched beyond words when i began more work at the carehome, which has been both really challenging and really rewarding.