Personal Safety Flashcards
What is the addictive part of tobacco
What are 4 things that can happen to your teeth if you use tobacco
Serious dental health problems, receeding gums, tooth loss, discoloured teeth and gums
5 Non-Teeth related Symptoms of using tobacco
Withdrawl, anxiety, flu-like, sweats, smell, yellow fingers
5 Long-term consequencews of tobacco use
Lung Damage, costs a lot of money, Shorten Life Span, Cancer, If you chew tobacco you could get oral cancer
Law tobacco
Is alchohol a depressant
What do depressants do
Slow breathing and response time
GIve 5 symptoms of alcohol
Drowsiness, slurred speech, balance issues, vomitting, can’t walk in straight line Impulsive, Blackout, Withdrawl
6 Deadly consequences of alchohol
Liver Damage, Heart Issues, Alchohol Poisnoning=Die, Stomach Cancer, Higher cancer chances, High blood pressure=stroke/heart attack
Law Alchohol
Fine for-underage usage
What are steroids
Synthetic Testosteron
Male Symptoms Steroids
Breast Enlargement, Shrinking of testicles, prostate enlargement
Female Symptoms Steroids
Facial Hair, Reduced Breasts, Irregular/Absent Periods, Deepening Voice
Warning! Signs Steroids
Quick Muscle growth/Increase of speed or power
All gender steroid symptoms
Acne Allover, Roid Rage Baldness
3 Long Term consequences of steroids
Permanent Changes, 10 year suspension from competitiive sports, Jail
In terms of steroids it is illegal to:
Make, Sell, Import, Export, Consume (underage)
Perscription Drugs are
Pain Killers, Opiods
5 Symptoms of Perscription Drugs
Blood Shot Eyes, Impotence (Men), Hedaches, Vomitting, Constipation or Diarreehea, Intoxicated Symptoms
What is Perscription Drug Withdrawl Like
You feel like you are dying for 72 hours
Long Term Consequence of Perscription DUrgs
Law Regarding Perscription Drugs
Only legal if perscribed to you
Is Canabis a stimulant
No it is a deppressant
7 Symptoms of Canabis
Bad memory, Pink/Red eyes, Hallucinations Anxiety, Panic, Out of It, Paranoia, Mood Swings, Withdrawl
What is the addictive part of Cannabis
How can you do Cannabis
Smoked, Vaped, Eat
2 Consequences of Cannabis
Jail Time, Bad Smell [Skunk]
Law Cannabis
Medical Use for Any Age
19+ Ontario
What is the world’s most used drugs
Is caffeine a stimulant
What is a stimulant
Yes, thismeans increased heart rate and energy
5 caffeine symptoms
Less SLeep, Energy swings, Anxious, DIgestion & stomach problems, Jittery, Lack of Focus, Withdrawl
What of the lethal amount of caffeine
40 coffees a day
Law caffeine
Legal for all
Is vape new or old
What is one thing we don’t know about vape
The long term consequences
Is vape addictive
What is Vape replacing
What age group is vaping
Alternative name for vape
What can you vape
Many things including cannabis
What was vape designed to do
Get off smoking
Fill in the blank: There are many different ___ of vape
What powers vape
7 things in vape
Nicotine, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Flavourants, Lead, Arsenic, Formaldehyde
4 Things that vaping are dangerous for
Mouth, Brain, Heart, Lungs
In terms of nicotine how many packs of cigarettes ins one juul pod
1 pack of ciggarettes
How do the reach teens
Flavours, Designs on machine, Promotion at events, Social media, Celebrities
Law for vaping
No vaping 20 meters from schol
The mist that comes out a vape is called