Personal Investigation— Students Mobile Phone Usage When Alone Or In A Group Flashcards
What is the IV and DV being assessed?
-observation study a non participant observation of mobile phone usage.
Iv- the mobile phone usage of the Billborough College students, whether they are communicating (texting, phone call) or using the Internet (social media, games)
Dv- whether this varies when students are alone (only 1 person) or in a group (more than one person sat within a meter of each other)
-State and operationalised hypothesis
-for a non-participant observation of mobile phone usage
There will be a difference in Bilborough students mobile phone usage (whether they are using their phone for communication or Internet usage) dependent on whether they are alone (1 student on their own) or within a group (more than 1 student sat within a metre of each other)
Why was a nondirectional hypothesis chosen for the study of a non-participant observational on mobile phone usage?
Nondirectional, as there was no pre-existing research to base the outcome of the study on
State appropriate, null hypothesis for a non-participant observation on mobile phone usage
There will be no difference in Billborough College students mobile phone usage (whether they are using their phone for communication or Internet), when they are alone (1 student on their own) or in a group (more than 1 student sat in m of each other). Any difference will be down to chance.
What is the sample group used for a non-participant observational mobile phone usage?
Bilborough College students between 16 and 19 years
What was the sampling method used for a non-participant observation on mobile phone usage and what are the strengths and weaknesses of this?
+ it is quick and easy to collect the sample as we observe Bilborough students that are present within the college during the observation
-opportunity sampling uses students who are available in the college at the time, so everyone free at the time may take the same subject, so may not be representative of all college students.
Event sampling
What is a step-by-step description of your procedure for a non-participant observation on mobile phone usage
-The observation of the mobile phone usage of Bilborough College students depends on whether they are alone (1 student on their own), or in a group (1or more student sat in a metre of each other) will be a non-participant observation
-Billborough College, students will be observed from a distance of around 1.5 m, to see whether they are using their phone for Internet usage (games, social media) or communication (texting ,phone calls)
-when, observing the mobile phone usage of Bilborough College students, we will have predetermined behavioural categories to tally the mobile phone usage into
Identify an appropriate descriptive statistic for a non-part of an observation on mobile phone usage and explain why this is appropriate
-The mode is the most appropriate measure of central tendency when looking into Billborough College, students, mobile phone usage, this is because there is no mean so standard deviation cannot be calculated and there would be no range as we have recorded the frequency of each behaviour
What is an appropriate graphical representation for a non-participant observation on mobile phone usage and why is it appropriate?
Bar chart
-as the data collected from our observation on Billborough College, students, mobile phone usage, was nominal categories for communication or Internet, When students were alone, or in a group
What is an appropriate inferential statistic test for a non-participant observation on mobile phone usage and why is it appropriate?
Chi Squared test
-The study was looking into the difference in mobile phone usage, when bilborough students were alone or with others
-The design of the observation was independent groups, as it was looking into two unrelated categories of whether the Bilborough students were alone, or with other students
-The data of the study was nominal as the categories of Billborough College, students, mobile phone usage we categorised of the different sub groups that fell into communication or Internet
Briefly summarise your findings for a non-participant observation on mobile phone usage
Ask the observation value was 1.6426, which is less than the critical value of 3.84 the findings are not significant and therefore the null hypothesis is accepted
Mode for the category of alone was Internet
The mode for the category of group was Internet
What conclusions did you draw from your study on a non-participant observation of mobile phone usage
As the observed value was 1.64, which is less than the critical value of 3.48 the findings are not significant meaning the normal hypothesis is accepted, this means any difference in mobile phone usage of Billborough College students, whether alone or in a group will be down to chance
I identify issues with reliability, you faced in your research of a non-participant observation of mobile phone usage
-The observation of Billborough College students mobile phone usage was only conducted once, so would lack consistency (reliability) of measuring mobile phone usage outside of the study
-when the observation of Billborough College students mobile phone usage was carried out, he lacked consistency (reliability) as it was hard to determine which phone usage fell into what category sometimes
Explain how you established your research on a non-participant observation of mobile phone usage was reliable
-During our study on Bilborough College students mobile phone usage, interobserver reliability was used as all 3 researchers who were observing students mobile phone usage stayed together whilst observing the phone usage and all agreed on the categories
Identify two issues with validity faced in your research on a non-participant observation of mobile phone usage
-Event something was used during busy periods of Billborough College, this lead to us, not always being able to mark down every single Billborough College students mobile phone usage
-we only conducted the study within the morning, this would be inaccurate as not, all students would be available in bilborough college at the time to measure the phone usage