Personal Investigation Context Dependant Memory Flashcards
What is the iv and dv for my study on context, dependent memory
Iv-the context of the situation if they are doing the test in a classroom or in the refectory
Dv- the amount of pictures they recalled
-what is the operationalised alternate hypothesis for my study on context, dependent memory
And is this directional or non-directional
-students who see photos of objects in a classroom will be able to recall more of these photos, when in the classroom, compared to students who see the photos in the classroom and recall the photos in the refectory
-Justify why I used a directional hypothesis for my experiment on context, dependent memory
-A directional hypothesis was used as it was based on Goden badldys pre-existing research, so we can expect the results to go into a similar way.
State and appropriate,null hypothesis for my study on context, dependent memory
There will be no significant difference in the scores: on the amount of photos recalled when learning in the classroom and recalling in the classroom, compare students to learn in the classroom, and recall in the refectory any difference will be down to chance.
What were the main characteristics of my sample group for context, defendant memory
10 in each condition—> 2 conditions
Any gender
Aged 16-18
What sampling method did I use for my study on context, dependent memory
Opportunity sampling
What are two advantages and disadvantages of my sampling method used for context, dependent memory
-Quick and easy compared to stratified sampling as I can easily approach Billborough College students
-compared to random sampling Bilborough, students agreed to take part when asked, no issues have with having to go back to the sampling frame
-research bias could’ve been an issue as I could walk up to Billborough College students I know or feel more comfortable approaching
-it may not be representative of all bilborough collage students, as I know that I’m only approaching people who are free so they may be from the same subject.
What was the procedure used for my study on context development memory
-independent groups with 20 Billborough College students was used (10 in each condition).
-As I greet the Bill College students, they would be given a brief introduction —> Including what is happening in the study, the aim of the study, the ethical rights, including the right to withdraw
-after this, they will sign a consent form
-The students will then be randomly allocated into a condition by pulling out a number one or two from a bucket. Number one would be condition one where they would see photos of objects in a classroom and recall the photos of objects in the classroom. Number two would be condition two where they would see the photos of objects in a classroom and record the photos in the collage refectory.
-each group would then be shown the photos of objects twice.
-condition one would then get up and walk around the classroom for two minutes and have a conversation not
related to the task, before sitting back down in the same seat and recalling the photos.
-condition to would then walk to the refectory, engaging in conversation on the way, not related to the task. they will then be told to sit down in the refractory, where they were then recall the photos of objects.
What descriptive statistic could I use for my study on context, dependent memory and why?
The most appropriate descriptive statistic would be the mean as the data collected was ratio due to measuring the amount of photos students remembered,
What is an appropriate graphical representation for my study on context, dependent memory and why
A bar chart is the most appropriate graphical representation as a graph is displaying, discrete data, which is the amount of photos of objects recalled in both conditions
What is an appropriate inferential statistic that I could use for my study on context, dependent memory and why?
Man-Whitney u,
This is because the experiment was a different study, looking at the difference In memory, when we learn in the same context (classroom and classroom) or different context (classroom refectory). Also The design used in the study was independent groups as there was 10 different Bilborough students used in each condition. Lastly, the data collected was ratio due to measuring the number of photos recalled by Billborough College students based on their context.
What are the findings from my study on context, dependent memory?
-The average number of photos remembered when learning in a classroom, and recalling in a classroom was nine
-The average number of photos remembered when learning in a classroom and recalling in the refectory was 9
-overall, the findings are plotted in a bar chart and the results from a man Whitney u test showed that there was no significant difference.
What are the conclusions for my study on context, dependent memory?
As the calculated value is 4.3 which is under the probability value of 0.5 and the critical value of 21. The findings were not significant therefore the null hypothesis was accepted.
What issues did I face with reliability on my study on context, dependent memory?
-One issue of reliability, would be that the environment in the refectory changes based on the time of day, therefore to solve this issue, everyone did the study at the same time and all sat in the same area of the refectory.
-another issue of reliability would be that students would remember some objects better than others, we dealt with this by using the same 10 photos for each condition.
What issues did I face with validity for my study on context, dependent memory and how I dealt with these
-One issue of validity in the study would be order effect as if participants took part in both conditions, they may get bored or guess the aims of the study, to avoid this independent groups design was used
-there was an issue originally with content validity, to ensure the study had good content validity and measured what we intended it to measure. We asked our psychology teacher to check the methodology and procedures.