Perk 19 Flashcards
Who did Achav tell about what had happened with Eliyahu and the priests of the Baal?
What did Izevel say to Eliyahu?
This time tomorrow, I will do to you what you did to the prophets of Baal.
How did Eliyahu react to hearing this threat?
He fled the Kingdom of Israel
Where did Eliyahu escape to?
Beer Sheva
Where did Eliyahu go after Be’er Sheva?
To the Sinai desert
When Eliyahu rested under the broom bush, what did he ask Hashem?
To take his life
Who woke Eliyahu?
An angel
What did Eliyahu instruct Eliyahu the first time?
Arise and eat
What did Eliyahu find next to him?
A cake baked on hot coals and a jug of water.
What did the angel tell Eliyahu to do a second time?
Arise and eat or the journey will be too much for you.
How long did this meal last Eliyahu
40 days and nights
Where did Eliyahu travel to next?
Mountain of G-d at Chorev
Where did Eliyahu go when he arrived at the mountain?
Into a cave where he spent the night
What question did Hashem ask Eliyahu?
Why are you here Eliyahu?
What criticism did Hashem give Eliyahu?
The job of the Navi is to live among the people and teach them, why are you here, alone in the desert?
What complaint did Eliyahu make to Hashem?
Bnei Yisrael have abandoned their covenant with Hashem, torn down the mizbeyachs for Hashem, and killed all the Neviim.
What specific complaint did Eliyahu make against Bnei Yisrael and what was Eliyahu’s punishment?
That Bnei Yisrael have stopped giving their sons a brit milah. Because of this Eliyahu has to come to every brit to testify that Bnei Yisrael still keep the Mitzvah.
How many groups of angels passed by Eliyahu?
3: The angels of wind, earthquake and fire.
How did Hashem appear to Eliyahu?
In still, soft voice.
What did Eliyahu use to cover his face when the Shechina passed?
His cloak
Who did Hashem tell Eliyahu to go and appoint as the next king of Aram?
Who did Hashem tell Eliyahu to anoint as king after Achav?
Yehu ben Nimshe
Who did Hashem tell Eliyahu to go and appoint as the Navi to replace him?
Elisha ben Shafat
Where did Eliyahu find Elisha?
In his field, plowing with oxen
How many pairs of oxen were there, and what did they represent?
12, 12 tribes
How did Eliyahu indicate that Elisha would take his position?
He threw his cloak over him.
What did Elisha request before following Eliyahu?
To kiss his father and mother goodbye
What did Elisha do to show that he was happy about being chosen by Hashem?
He made a seudah for all the people. He slaughtered his oxen and made a fire from the wood of the yoke.