Perek 11 Flashcards
What did Hashem command Bnei Yisrael regarding marrying into other nations?
Not to marry them so as not become influenced by their idols.
What three Mitzvot of a king did Shlomo violate? (not keep)
- Not to have too much money
- Not to have too many horses
- Not to have too many wives.
How many wives did Shlomo have?
How many concubines did Shlomo have?
Who was Shlomo compared to and who served Hashem better?
His father David and David served Hashem better than Shlomo.
How many times did Hashem appear to Shlomo?
2 times
What did Hashem say He would do because Shlomo did not follow in Hashem’s ways?
Hashem will tear away the kingdom from Shlomo and give it to his servant.
How many tribes will remain with Shlomo?
2: Yehudah and Binyamin.
List the three enemies who Hashem sent to punish Shlomo?
- Hadad the Edomite.
- Rezon from Aram
- Yeravam ben Nevat
What was the job of Yeravam ben Nevat?
He was a tax collector for the entire tribe of Yosef.
What was the name of the prophet who came to Yeravam ben Nevat?
Achiyah haShiloni
What did the Navi do to Yeravam?
He took Yerevam’s coat and tore it into 12 pieces. He told Yeravam to take 10 pieces.
What did the tearing of the coat symbolize?
That Hashem would tear the kingdom away from Shlomo and give it to Yeravam.
Why did Yeravam criticize Shlomo?
Because Shlomo built up the Milo for bat Pharaoh’s palace.
Where did Yeravam escape to and for how long?
To Shishak, King of Egypt and he stayed there until Shlomo died.
How long did Shlomo rule for?
40 years
Where was he buried?
Ir David
Who took over the kingdom after Shlomo died?
Rechavam ben Shlomo
How old was Shlomo when he died?
What tribe did Yeravam come from?