Peripheral neuropathy Flashcards
Most common type of peripheral neuropathy
Neuronopathy (5%)
Axonal neuropathy features
Common etiology for axonopathies
Prediliction for large, long fibres
Sensory>motor, areflexia
Specific axonal neuropathy involve small diameter fibres
Diabetes, alcohol, uremia, toxic, paraneoplastic,nutritional
NCS and EMG findings in axonopathy
Reduced or absent sensory potentials lower>upper
Low amplitude distal motor responses-mildly delayed F waves
Conduction velocities decreased
EMG -Neurogenic-distal>proximal
Fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves
Motor units- high amplitude,long duration,polyphasic
Demyelinating neuropathy
Primary destruction of myelin sheath
Secondary axonal degeneration late in disease
Weakness -proximal and distal (MAG, hereditary)
Sensory-mild, symmetric, distal
Tendon reflexes- reduced/absent -diffuse
Less wasting compared to axonal
Etiology for demyelinating
Metabolic-leukodystrophies, mitochon(NARP,MNGIE)
Drugs/toxin- Amiodarone, HCQ,Bortezomib, tacrolimus,,TNF-alpha blockers,nivolumab, diphtheria
*Often one modality. Onset subacute Motor -involvement of AHC Sensory (common)-sensory ganglionopathy -severe deficit, poor response to Rx Autonomic -rare *Prox and distal *Face and bulbar common *Assymetric
Sensory neuronopathies
Acute sensory neuronopathy
Drugs -B6, cisplatin
NCS- Normal motor/Fwave, normal EMG, absent sensory potentials
Workup of peripheral neuropathy
FBC,RFT, B12,folate, B6,TFT, LFT,SPEP, ESR,Auto ab
CSF (pn,cells), heavy metals, QST, skin Bx, nerve Bx
NCS in demyelinating neuropathy
EMG findings
Very slow conduction velocity
Conduction block-failure of condn along intact neuron
Dispersion of motor response
Prolonged distal latencies and F waves
Reduced motor unit recruitment(fast firing motor)
Less commonly fibrillations/PSW at rest
Motor units themselves normal
Indication for sural nerve biopsy
Select cases if etiology unclear, treatable cause, functionally disabling
Useful if -assymetric ,sensory, abnormal NCS, affected nerve not degenerated
DDx-vasculitis,amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, leprosy,tumour infiltration,inherited(HNPP)
CIDP features
Proximal and distal weakness Distal sensory loss Absent or impaired reflexes Autonomic/resp uncommon Onset -gradual over 2 months Types-c/c progressive, relapsing remitting,monophasic M>F, all ages (mean 50) Spontaneous remission may occur
CIDP Investigations
NCS-segmental demyelination
Motor slowing, conduction block/dispersion
Lond distal/F wave latencies
Absent/reduced SNAP UL>LL
CSF -protein elevated, cells<10
MRI -root hypertrophy, enhancement
Nerve Bx- inflamm+atrophy, segmental demyelination
Prednisolone IV Ig PLEX Pulse steroids - IV MP/Dex+/- Aza/ \+/-Cyclosp,mycophenolate,Ritux \+/-Cyclophosphamide
Multifocal motor neuropathy features
Young adults<45yrs M>F 2:1 Slowly progressive, assymetric distal weakness, wasting fasciculations Upper>lower extremities No UMN /bulbar signs Reflexes normal or depressed Sensory -normal Dx - NCS Anti-GM1ab in 60-80% cases Rx- IV Ig, IV cyclophosphamide, Rituximab NO RESPONSE TO STEROIDS
Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy
Taxol- Sensory>motor, large and small fibre, progression dose dependent
Cis/carboplatin- dose dependent severe pan sensory neuropathy, proprioceptive loss, sensory ataxia, pseudoathetosis
Vincristine -mixed sensory+motor+auto, Can cause profound weakness,distal weakness late,legs>arms
Bortezomib-painful sensory axonal neuropathy
Immune mediated neuropathy motor>sens demyelinating, can respond to immune treatment
Oxaliplatin associated neurotoxicity
A/c neurosensory Sx- begin on infusion,peak 24-48hrs
Cold induced parasthesias, pharyngolaryngeal dysaesthesia, muscle tightness, leg cramps. Resolve in 1 week
C/c neurotoxicity -Sensory axonal neuropathy+neuronopathy, accumulation of platinum based compound in DRG
TNF alpha blocker drugs causing neuropathy
Infliximab, adalimumab, etanercept Develops early (in months after Rx) Immunomodulating Rx required even if drug discontinued
Genes involved in CMT subtypes
CMT 1( demyelinating) - duplication of PMP-22 gene
HNPP -PMP22 deletion
CMT I X- XLD -GJB1 gene codes for connexin
MFN2 (mitofusin 2)
MPZ (Myelin protein zero)