Peripheral Circulation Flashcards
Poor circulation: Skin gets pale, thinner Muscle gets thinner Hair growth decrease Nails are brittle and thickened
Capillary refill of big toes: press until turns white, count seconds until go back to skin color <5sec. Should be around same time in left and right.
Temperature of sole and ankles with back of hand: should be same temperature on both sides
Palpation to find pulse, diameter and consistency of artery
Peripheral circulation upper extremities
Common carotid artery: next to trachea
Subclavian artery: midline clavicle, feel it from the top slightly under clavicle
Axillary artery: high in the armpit
Brachial artery: between biceps and triceps
Radial artery: thumb
Ulnar artery: little finger side
abdominal aorta: deep above belly button when muscle relaxed
Femoral artery: groin fold (have fingers parallel)
Peripheral circulation lower extremities
posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis cannot be felt in small percentage of the population
Femoral artery: groin fold (have fingers parallel)
Poplietal artery: bent knee 45deg, use both ends, rest on tibial plateau
posterior tibial artery: under and behind malleolus. interior side of foot/leg
dorsal pedal artery: on dorsum of foot, big toe side
Try to listen if there are murmurs
S- no murmurs
S+ murmurs
Don’t press to hard otherwise could hear murmurs that are physiological
Carotid Artery
Subclavian artery
Abdominal aorta
Renal artery (can’t be palpated upper abdominal, left and right)
External Iliac artery (can’t be palpated: 2 branches under belly button)
Femoral artery
Swallon area
Pitting: press for a few second and there is a visible indentation
non pitting: no indentation
Suitable sites: pretibial (near ankles), perimalleolar (malleolus, interior side of foot “ball”), back of foot
Defect entire skin
Crater shaped
Arterial : very painful, poor perfusion (toes, feet), dry aspect, base white/brown/black
Venous: midly painful, base pink/red/yellow
Poor peripheral venous circulation
Less blood back to heart Blood accumulate and congest Pressure increase Skin: color change, hardened Decreased muscle mass Edema, Eczema, brown pigmentation
Poor arterial circulation
Chronic arterial insufficiency Poor oxygen and nutrients in blood Leads to atrophy trophic caracteristics: skin: dry, flaky, thin hair: reduced Muscle: reduced Nails: hardned, yellow, brittle