Neurological Flashcards
Patellar, Achilles and Plantar reflex Patient sits with legs hanging Ask patient to hold hands together and pull them when you say so Patella: strike under patella Achile: push foot up and strike achille
Gait and posture
Patient in underwear
Patient stand in front of you: look at posture and muscle contour
Patient walk back and forth: assess gait width, foot strike, movement patterns of arms, stride length. Symmetry ?
Walk heel to toe: if cant then balance problem or sensory function or coordination
Romberg’s test
Barre’s test
To test muscles:
Walk on toes, heels. Squat. Stand on 1 leg
Romberg’s test
patient stands feet together with eyes closed
have 1 arm on patient back and 1 arm on patient chest without touching the patient
if tends to fall then problem with sense of position
Barre’s test
patent stand feet together, arms extend palms facing upward, eyes closed
Ask patient to keep this position
Check that one arm doesnt drop or palm turn for 1min