Microscope Flashcards
Specimen preperation
Wet mount : drop of water to have specimen suspend between the slide and cover.
When putting a specimen, put smallest magnification adjust focus with fine adjustment knobs then go up a magnification & repeat until reaching desired magnification
Oil : focus at low power on specimen rotate partially to 100x and put oil drop on light circle then rotate fully to have 100x immersed in oil
Staining: methylen blue, gram stain, wright stain
Setting up microscope
- Adjust interpupillary distance and diopter adjustmenet ring (around the oculars)
- Turn it on + 3-4V
- Objective on smallest magnification: 4x or 10x
- Check condenser diaphragm, should be almost closed
- Put preparation in focus with the fine adjustment knobs. Top : vertical, Bottom: Horizontal
uni have 10x to 1000x
means smallest organism that can be seen is
Virus too small and worms too big
concentrate the light onto the specimen, its diaphragm regulates resolution, contrast and depth of field
Low Power Objective
Small objective: 10x magnification
Low power scanning can be used to find best region of the smear : not too thin, not too thick (too much overlap)
coarse adjustment knob
BIG knob located on the arm of the microscope moves the stage up and down to bring the specimen into focus