Which filarial worm exhibits nocturnal periodicity in microfilaremia and features microfilaria with a nucleus that does not extend to the tip of its tail?
- Wuchereria bancrofti
What is the periodicity and microfilaria description for Brugia malayi?
- Periodicity: Nocturnal Subperiodic
- Description of Microfilaria: With 2 TERMINAL nuclei
What is the periodicity of microfilariae in Loa loa, and how would you describe the microfilariae’s nucleus in this species?
- Microfilariae of Loa loa demonstrate diurnal periodicity, and their distinct characteristic is the nucleus that extends to the tip of the tail.
What characterizes the microfilaria of Onchocerca volvulus?
- The unsheathed microfilaria of O. volvulus is non-periodic and has a nucleus that does not extend to the tip of its tail.
Which filarial worm exhibits unsheathed microfilaria with a non-periodic periodicity and a nucleus extending to the tip of the tail?e
- Mansonella perstan
Which filarial species presents unsheathed microfilaria with a nucleus extending to the tip of its curved tail and exhibits non-periodic periodicity?
- Mansonella streptocerca
What defines the term “PERIODICITY” regarding Microfilaria?
A) Random and irregular appearance
B) Lack of specific developmental stages
C) Rhythmical appearance in the blood
D) Continuous presence in the bloodstream
C) Rhythmical appearance in the blood
Which of the following properties characterizes Microfilaria?
A. Sheathed or unsheathed
B. Exhibits periodicity
C. Larval stage
D. Requires intermediate host
A. Sheathed or unsheathed
What is the habitat of Wuchereria bancrofti?
- Lower lymphatics
Which mosquitoes serve as vectors for Wuchereria bancrofti?
- Mosquitoes such as Aedes, Culex, Anopheles, and Mansonia spp
What is the habitat of B. malayi?
- B. malayi inhabits the upper lymphatics.
Which mosquitoes serve as vectors for B. malayi?
- **Mosquitoes of the Mansonia spp. **
What are the habitats of Mansonella perstans and Mansonella ozzardi?
- Both Mansonella perstans and Mansonella ozzardi inhabit body cavities.
What is the vector for Mansonella perstans / streptocerca and Mansonella ozzardi?
midges, specifically Culicoides flies.
What is the habitat of M.streptocerca, and what is its vector?
- Dermis of the skin, residing less than 1mm from the skin surface. Its vector is midges, specifically Culicoides flies.
What is the habitat and vector of Onchocerca volvulus?
- Onchocerca volvulus resides in the subcutaneous tissues, and its vector is black flies.