Period 1 and 2 Flashcards
Defintion (Make sure to note the time period if possible)
Encomienda system
was a licence granted by the spanish crown to royal officials to extract labor and tribute from native peoples in specific areas
Columbian Exchange
the transfer beginning with columbuses first voyage-of plants animals and disseases between the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere
the state of being a slave/used against will
Land bridge
A connection between two landmasses, especially a prehistoric one that allowed humans and animals to colonize new territory.
Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs
native tribes that flurished in 1200, 900, and 1400ad
spanish and protegese explores of the 15th and 16th century.
Hernan Cortes
a Spanish conquistador who overthrew the Aztec empire (1519–21) and won Mexico for the crown of Spain.
Francisco Pizarro
Spanish conquistador, best known for his expeditions that led to the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was a navigator who explored the Americas under the flag of Spain.
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494 treaty in wich spain and portagal agreed to divide the lands of the western hemiphere between them
Slave Trade
(15-1800s)the Atlantic slave trade or transatlantic slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas.
a sovereign state inhabited by a group of people who share a feeling of common nationality.
Iroquois Confederation
Group of Native American Indians which was originally composed of 5 tribes consisting of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca peoples.
Bartolome de Las Casas
Bartolomé de Las Casas (1484-1566) was a Spanish Dominican friar and former conquistador who revealed the atrocities of the conquests of New Spain and Peru
Act of Toleration
Ensured religous freedoms to Christian settlers in Maryland
Anne Hutchinson
Puritan spiritual advisor, challenged male authority and gender roles
any view which rejects laws or legalism and argues against moral, religious or social norms
members of the society of friends, a religious group persecuted for its belifs in the 17th century england
William Penn
1644–1718), founder of Pennsylvania and one of the first champions of expressive freedoms in the American colonies,
First Great Awakening
The First Great Awakening was a period when spirituality and religious devotion were revived. This feeling swept through the American colonies between the 1730s and 1770s. The revival of Protestant beliefs was part of a much broader movement that was taking place in England, Scotland, and Germany at that time.
the first permanent English settlement in North America.
members of a group that wanted to eliminate all traces of roman cotholic ritual and traditions in the church of england
Great Migration
the largest scale movement of African americans from the south to northern citties in the early 20th century
King Philip’s War
1675-1676 between new england colonists and native american groups allied under the leadership of the wampanoag cheif metacom
Mayflower Compact
the first framework of government written and enacted in the territory that is now the United States of America.
Virginia House of Burgesses
The House of Burgesses was the elected representative element of the Virginia General Assembly, the legislative body of the Colony of Virginia
Sir William Berkeley
governor of Virginia he implemented policies that bred dissent among the colonists and sparked Bacon’s Rebellion.
Bacon’s Rebellion
Bacon’s Rebellion, fought from 1676 to 1677, began with a local dispute with the Doeg Indians on the Potomac River. Chased north by Virginia militiamen, who also attacked the otherwise uninvolved Susquehannocks, the Indians began raiding the Virginia frontier.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Adopted in January 1639, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut stated the powers and limits of government.
New England Confederation
The purpose of the New England Confederation was to create a military alliance among four New England colonies
Corporate colonies
Corporate colonies were colonies granted royal charters from the throne of England. Stockholders held onto the charters while the monarchy governed the corporate colonies by appointing the leaders, guiding policies, and establishing laws.
Royal colonies
a colony governed directly by the crown through a governor and council appointed by it
Proprietary colonies
a colony granted to some individual or individuals with the fullest prerogatives of government
Chesapeake colonies
The Chesapeake Colonies were the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, later the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Province of Maryland, later Maryland, both colonies located in British America and centered on the Chesapeake Bay.
Joint-stock company
Buissnesses in wich investors pool thier wealth for a common pupouse that started as eaey as the 13th centry and still exist.
Virginia Company
A joint stock company by king charles first to establish a conoly in north america in 1606
An economic system in wich nations seek to increase thier wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by establishing a favorable balance of trade that lasted from the 16th centry to the 18th centry
Navigation Acts
A series of laws enacted by parilament, beggening in 1651, to tighten England’s control of trade in its american colonies
Glorious Revolution
The transfer of the british monarchy from james second to william and mary in 1688-1689
Indentured Servants
A person who had contrancted to wrk for another for a limited period, often in return for travek expensis, shelter, and sustenance that appeared in america in the 1620s and remaind untill 1917
Headright system
The virginia company’s polocy of granting 50 acres of land to each settler and to each familiy memebrr who accompanied him in 1618
Triangular trade
the translatic system of trade in wich goods and ppeople, including slaves, were exchanged between africa, england, eourope, the west indies, and the colonies in north america from the 16th to 19th centry.
Middle Passage
The voyage the brough enslaved africans to the west indies and later north america from the 1500s to the 1800s
A 18th centry intellectual movment the emphasized the use of reason and the scientific method as means of obtaining knowledge