Perineal Trauma Flashcards
What are antenatal risk factors for OASIS injury?
Asian ethnicity, RR 2.3
Nulliparity, RR 7
BW > 4kg, RR 2.3
Short perineal length <=2.5 cm
What are intrapartum risk factors for OASIS injury?
Prolonged second stage, RR 1.5-2 (depending on how prolonged)
OP position, RR 2.4
Instrumental delivery
Shoulder dystocia, RR 1.9
Use of ____ is recommended for 10/7 following the repair of an OASI injury
Stool softeners
If a woman suffers an OASI injury in her first pregnancy, what is the risk of suffering from one in subsequent pregnancies?
What are the risks of subsequent vaginal delivery after OASI?
17% women develop worsening faecal symptoms after a second vaginal delivery
This seemed to occur if there had been faecal incontinence beyond 3 months but resolution by 6 months after the index delivery
How is a 4th degree perineal tear repaired?
Anorectal mucosa: interrupted sutures with the knot tied within the anal canal. 3/0 Vicryl
IAS: interrupted or mattress sutures WITHOUT overlapping. 3/0 PDS Monofilament OR 2/0 Vicryl
EAS: Either overlapping or end-to-end can be used with equivalent outcomes (no difference in outcomes in a Cochrane Review) 3/0 PDS Monofilament OR 2/0 Vicryl
Figure of 8 sutures should be avoided as they can cause tissue ischaemia
RCOG Guideline
12 months after EAS repair (OASI), how many women are asymptomatic?
What is the description of a Grade 1 perineal injury
Perineal skin and/or vaginal mucosa
What is the description of a Grade 2 perineal injury
Perineal muscles
What is the description of a Grade 3a perineal injury
<50% external anal sphincter thickness
What is the description of a Grade 3b perineal injury
> 50% external anal sphincter thickness
What is the description of a Grade 3c perineal injury
Internal anal sphincter
What is the description of a Grade 4 perineal injury
Anorectal mucosa
What is the description of a rectal buttonhole tear?
Affects anorectal mucosa but the internal anal sphincter is intact.
NB: If not recognised correctly, can result in a Rectovaginal fistula
When does a mediolateral episiotomy have a protective effect against OASIS injuries?
In the context of instrumental deliveries
What are the four steps to perineal protection
- Left hand slowing down the delivery of the head
- Right hand protecting the perineum
- Mother not pushing when the head is crowning
- Think about episiotomy
What were the Cochrane findings, of the review looking at warm compresses and the rate of OASI injury?
Warm compresses reduced the rate of OASI injury
What is the definition of anal incontinence?
Involuntary loss of flatus / faeces affecting quality of life
What type of muscle does the IAS consist of?
Is it under voluntary or involuntary control?
Smooth muscle
Involuntary control (autonomic: myenteric and gut wall complexes)
What type of muscle does the EAS consist of?
Is it under voluntary or involuntary control?
Skeletal muscle
Voluntary control
Which nerve innervates the EAS?
Pudendal nerve
Nerve roots S2-4
What three muscles make up the levator ani?
What is the “normal” length of the perineal body?
2.5cm (RCOG)
Average (median) 3.9 according to OASIS course
What is the definition of anal urgency?
Inability to defer defecation for more than 15 minutes