Obstetric Emergencies Flashcards
What is the incidence of cord prolapse in the general population?
0.1 - 0.6%
RCOG Guideline
What is the incidence of cord prolapse in pregnancies affected by breech presentation?
What are the two ways of elevating the presenting part in a cord prolapse?
- Manually: inserting two fingers of a gloved hand and lifting the presenting part
- Bladder filling: inserting a Foley catheter, connecting it to an IV / blood giving set and filling it with 500-750mL normal saline. The bladder will need to be emptied prior to delivery
What should women in the community with a suspected cord prolapse be advised to do?
- Knee-chest-face-down position
- Call ambulance
- Exaggerated Sims position (left lateral with lifted hip) during ambulance
- Transfer to nearest consultant-led unit for urgent delivery
What is the perinatal mortality rate of cord prolapse?
91 per 1000
Prematurity, congenital malformation and birth asphyxia
What is the definition of a cord prolapse?
Descent of the umbilical cord through the cervix alongside (occult) or past(overt) the presenting part in the presence of ruptured membranes
What is the definition of a cord presentation?
Presence of the umbilical cord between the fetal presenting part and the cervix, with or without intact membranes
What is the pathophysiology that explains the poor perinatal outcomes with cord prolapse?
Cord compression
Umbilical arterial vasospasm
Preventing venous and arterial blood flow to and from the fetus
How can cord prolapse present?
Abnormal FHR, especially after SROM / ARM
VE should be done with any abnormal FHR to exclude cord prolapse
What is the role of USS screening of cord presentation?
Should not be done routinely, as not sufficiently sensitive or specific for the identification of cord presentation antenatally
Does not predict increased probability of cord prolapse
Can be considered for women with breech presentation at term who are considering vaginal birth
For which women should admission to hospital be discussed, to reduce risk of perinatal mortality from cord prolapse?
Transverse, oblique or unstable lie after 37+0/40
PPROM with non-cephalic presentations (should not be discharged)
What is the perinatal mortality rate when cord prolapse is diagnosed outside of hospital compared to in the hospital
10x as common
Delay in diagnosis to delivery time is a contributory factor towards perinatal mortality
What is the definition of shoulder dystocia?
Vaginal cephalic delivery that requires additional obstetric manoeuvres to deliver the fetus after the head has delivered and gentle traction has failed
Occurs when either the anterior or less commonly, the posterior fetal shoulder impacts on the maternal symphysis or sacral promontory, respectively
With shoulder dystocia, what is the risk of brachial plexus injury?
2.3 - 16%
Fewer than 10% result in permanent neurological dysfunction
Larger infants are more likely to suffer a permanent BPI
4% occur at CS
RCOG guideline
With shoulder dystocia, what is the risk of OASI and PPH
OASI = 3.8%
PPH = 11%
RCOG guideline
What are the antenatal risk factors for shoulder dystocia?
Previous shoulder dystocia ( x10)
Macrosomia (EFW > 4.5kg in RCOG guideline)
Diabetes (2-4x, with same fetal weight when compared to non-diabetics)
Maternal BMI > 30
What are the intrapartum risk factors for shoulder dystocia?
Prolonged first stage Secondary arrest Prolonged second stage Oxytocin augmentation Assisted vaginal delivery
What intervention reduces the incidence of shoulder dystocia in women with Diabetes Mellitus?
NICE diabetes guideline recommend elective IOL at 38/40 (with normal fetal growth)
If diabetes with macrosomia, EFW > 4.5kg, El LSCS should be considered
Does IOL reduce the incidence of shoulder dystocia in non-diabetic women with macrosomic foetuses?
What are four signs of a shoulder dystocia
Difficulty with delivery of the face and chin
Head remaining tightly applied to the vulva, or retracting
Failure of restitution
Failure of the shoulders to descend
What does HELPER stand for
H - Call for help
E - Consider episiotomy to allow performance of internal manoeuvres
L - Legs up i.e. McRoberts manoeuvre
P - Suprapubic pressure
E - Enter: rotational manoeuvres, delivery of the posterior arm
R - Rotate to hands and knees
Describe the McRoberts Manouevre
Flexion and abduction of the maternal hips, positioning the maternal thighs on her abdomen
Bed flat
Straightens lumbosacral angle, rotates the maternal pelvis towards the mother’s head and increases the relative AP diameter of the pelvis
How should suprapubic pressure be applied?
From the side of the fetal back in a downward and lateral direction just above the maternal symphysis pubis
This reduces the fetal bisacromial diameter by pushing the posterior aspect of the anterior shoulder towards the fetal chest
No clear difference in efficacy between continuous pressure and rocking movement
Describe the internal rotation manoeuvres for shoulder dystocia
Pressing on the anterior or posterior aspect of the posterior shoulder
The shoulders should be rotated into the wider oblique diameter, resolving the shoulder dystocia
If pressure on the posterior shoulder in unsuccessful, an attempt should be made to apply pressure on the posterior aspect of the anterior shoulder