Caesarean Section Flashcards
What pre-med should women be given prior to CS and why?
Histamine H2 receptor antagonists
To reduce gastric volumes and activity
Which in turn, reduces risk of aspiration pneumonitis
Why is blunt extension of the uterine incision preferred to sharp extension?
Reduced blood loss
Reduced incidence of PPH
Reduced need for transfusion at CS
Why is Joel-Cohen entry preferred?
Shorter operating time
Reduced post-operative febrile morbidity
Why should the peritoneum not be closed?
Reduced operative time
Reduced need for post-operative analgesia
When should the subcutaneous tissue spaced be closed
If the woman has more than 2cm subcutaneous fat
What is the risk of complication at elective CS compared with emergency CS in labour and instrumental delivery?
Elective CS = 7%
Emergency CS = 16.3%
Instrumental vaginal delivery = 12.9%
What are the fetal risks of a difficult delivery at CS
- Skull fracture and/or intracranial haemorrhage following disimpaction where the head is deep in the pelvis
- Brachial plexus palsy following difficult delivery of the shoulders in the presence of fetal macrosomia
- Cervical spine, spinal cord and/or vertebral artery injury following delivery of the after coming head of a breech presentation
What is the risk of emergency hysterectomy at CS?
RCOG consent form
What is the risk of bladder injury at CS?
RCOG consent
What is the risk of ureteric injury at CS?
RCOG consent form
What is the risk of PPH at CS?
What is the risk of infection following CS?
RCOG consent form
What is the risk of fetal laceration at time of CS?
RCOG consent form
What were the findings of the Cochrane review looking at vaginal cleansing with antiseptic solution before CS delivery?
Reduction in
- endometritis: larger effect for women in labour
- post-op fever
- wound infection
What are the findings of the Cochrane review looking at placental delivery via CCT as opposed to MROP?
- endometritis
- blood loss
- Hb drop
- duration of hospital stay
What is the rate of CS?
25% in NZ
What factors reduce the likelihood of CS?
- Continuous intrapartum support from midwife or non-trained personnel.
- IOL after 41+0 in otherwise uncomplicated pregnancy.
- Use of partogram with 4 hour action line to monitor progress of labour.
- Involvement of SMO obstetrician in decision making for CS.
- Use of FBS when CTG is abnormal
What are the fetal indications for an elective CS?
- Breech presentation
- Prevention of transmission of HIV, HSV, Hep C + HIV.