Perineal Trauma Flashcards
How many women ensure some degree of trauma during childbirth?
- 85%
- 69% require repair
What is a 1st degree tear?
Injury to perineal skin and/or vaginal mucosa only
What is a 2nd degree tear?
Injury to perineal muscles excluding the anal sphincter
What is a 3rd degree tear?
Trauma involving the anal sphincter:
3a - <50% of external anal sphincter
3b - >50% of EAS torn
3c - both the EAS and internal anal sphincter torn
What is a 4th degree tear?
Injury to the anal sphincter complex and extends into the rectal lumen through the rectal mucosa
What do EAS and IAS stand for?
External and Internal Anal Sphincter
What can the anal sphincter muscle do?
- Differentiate between solid, liquid and gas
- Can tell whether the person is alone or with someone
- Can tell whether the person is standing up or sitting down
- Can tell whether the person has their pants on or off
What are the risk factors for anal sphincter injuries?
- Nulliparity
- Maternal age >25
- Asian ethnicity
- BMI <25
- BW >4kg
- Precipitate 2nd stage
- Shoulder dystocia
What does OASI stand for?
Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury
What are the effects of OASI?
- Incontinent of flatus
- Incontinent of faeces
- Urgency when toileting
- Experience pain
- Sexual problems
How should OASI be managed?
- Diagnose asap
- Dedicated consultant OASI clinic appt
- Seen as 16 weeks PN
- Physiotherapy
- Consistent care and advice
- Correct medication (lactulose)
What are some common allegations that are made?
- Failure to consider to CS
- Failure to perform/ extend the episiotomy
- Failure to diagnose the true extent and grade of the injury including failure to perform rectal examination
- Inadequate post-repair management
What are the 3 types of episiotomy?
Medial = straight down the midline from the vagina to the anus Mediolateral = between the midline and the lateral line Lateral = perpendicular to the midline
How are most episiotomies in the UK performed?
Mediolaterally towards the woman’s right hand side
What are the main indications for episiotomy?
- Tight perineum causing poor progress
- Allow more space for instrumental deliveries
- Prevent damage during face/breech presentation
- Shorten 2nd stage of labour for foetal distress/ maternal medical condition
What is buttonholing?
When the perineum is pulled so tight that holes appear; if these holes are near the anal sphincter, an episiotomy should be performed
Why is timing important?
Too early = the PP will not be pressing on the perineum and will not have displaced the levator ani (deep muscles)
What are the first 6 steps for the procedure?
- Draw up 10ml of lidocaine (0.5%) using ANTT
- Insert 2 fingers into the vagina behind the perineum to protect the PP
- Insert needle fully
- Draw back to ensure not in blood vessels
- Inject 1/3 of anaesthetic whilst withdrawing needle
- As introitus is reached, reposition need and re-insert
What is the introitus?
The opening of the vagina
What are the final 4 steps for the procedure?
- Allow time for lidocaine to take effect
- Re-insert 2 fingers into the vagina along the proposed incision line
- Make a single decisive cut at an angle of 45-60 during a contraction
- Apply control to foetal head, remove scissors, guard perineum and slowly deliver head
What should be done if the head is not immediately delivered following an episiotomy?
Apply pressure to the episiotomy site between contractions to reduce bleeding
How can perineal trauma be minimised?
- Perineal massage (Myles)
- Birthing positions (Myles)
- Hands on
- Warm compresses to perineum during 2nd stage (Myles)
- Episiotomy at 60 degree angle
What does PEACHES stand for?
P = position E = extra midwife A = assess the perineum C = communication H = hands-on technique E = episiotomy (if req.) S = slowly
What are the best positions for reducing the risk of perineal trauma?
Left lateral, kneeling or semi-recumbent
How should the perineum be checked for trauma?
- Use a bright light
- Examine vulva from clitoris to anus (laterally paraclitoral, paraurethral, paravaginal and pararectal skin and muscles)
- Examine in rectum
How is a bi-digital anal sphincter assessment done?
- Insert right index finger into anal canal at the same time as inserting left forefinger/ right thumb into vagina
- Use ‘pill-rolling’ motion