IUGR and IUD Flashcards
What is SGA?
Small for Gestational Age - estimated foetal weight or abdominal circumference is <10th centile
What is IUGR?
Intrauterine Growth Restriction - a slower than normal rate of foetal growth
What is the general weight of an IUGR baby?
<2500g or <10th centile
What is an IUD?
Intrauterine Death - death of a foetus at any stage in pregnancy after the 1st trimester and before the onset of labour
What is a late foetal loss?
A baby born between 22+0 and 23+6 weeks, showing no signs of life irrespective of when death occurred
What is a stillbirth?
A baby born at/ after the 24+0 weeks showing no signs of life, irrespective of when death occurred
What is a miscarriage?
The loss of a pregnancy in the first 22 weeks
What is a neonatal death?
A live born baby (born at 20+0 week or later or with a BW >400g) who died before 28 completed days after birth
What is a perinatal death?
Stillbirths and neonatal deaths in the 1st week of life
What are some extrinsic factors that cause IUGR?
- Maternal nutritional imbalance
- Hazardous substance exposure
- Drugs/ Smoking/ Alcohol
- Domestic abuse
What are the 2 types of IUGR?
Symmetrical and Asymmetrical
What are the risks associated with symmetrical IUGR?
- Stillbirth
- Chromosomal abnormality
- Infection
- Reduced intellect
- Short stature
What are the risks associated with asymmetrical IUGR?
- Stillbirth
- Perinatal asphyxia
- Hypoglycaemia/ Hypothermia/ Hypocalcaemia
- Pulmonary haemorrhage
- Prematurity
- Oligohydramnios
Give statistics for the effect of SGA on mortality rates
SGA is linked to >50% of stillbirths and 42% of early neonatal deaths
What is the purpose of a Doppler ultrasound?
Uses sound waves to detect the movement in blood vessels, in order to study blood circulation in the baby, uterus and placenta
What did the Cochrane review find about Dopplers?
- Doppler of the umbilical artery may decrease the number of babies who die and lead to fewer CS and IOL
- No difference in number of stillbirths, instrumental deliveries or babies with low APGAR 5 mins after birth
- In babies with IUGR, long-term developmental outcome was improved when decision to deliver was based on late ductus venous changes/ abnormal CTG
What happens to the umbilical artery doppler at 24-30 weeks?
Foetus can have absent End-Diastolic Flow for several weeks
If this occurs in early gestation, it is not a sole indication for delivery
What should the decision for delivery be based on for an IUGR baby at 30-34 weeks?
- Amniotic fluid
- Movements
- Uterine Artery Doppler
What is a concern in an IUGR baby after 34 weeks?
Abnormal UAD is unusual, suggesting severe feto-placental pathology = deliver asap
Describe how foetal movements can indicate mortality
- Foetal death may be preceded by a day or more of RFM
- Occasionally extreme activity precedes foetal death
- 2 RCTs failed to show that routine recording of FM reduced the incidence of IUD
What are the 4 steps of the Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle?
- Reducing smoking in pregnancy
- Risk assessment and surveillance for foetal growth restriction
- Raising awareness of RFM
- Effective foetal monitoring during labour
What indications of IUD are there related to the mother?
- Reduced/ absent FM
- PV bleeding
- Abdominal pain
- Premature labour
- Offensive discharge
- A feeling that ‘something is wrong’
What indications of IUD are there that the midwife may pick up?
- No change in fundal height
- Rigid, painful abdomen that’s difficult to palpate
- Unable to auscultate FHR
How should IUD be diagnosed?
- Must be confirmed by USS by a qualified and experienced sonographer
- Delay in delivert of IUD can increase risk of APH
What are some maternal causes of perinatal death?
- Infection
- Cord problems (cord prolapse, true knot)
- Placental separation
- Intrauterine hypoxia
- Placental insufficiency/ failure (PIH, post-maturity, diabetes)
What are some foetal causes of perinatal death?
- Prematurity
- Birth trauma
- Intraventricular haemorrhage
- Failed resuscitation
- Twin-to-twin transfusion
- Rh disease
According to the MBRRACE report, what is the quality of care grading for babies?
Good care = 21%
Improvements could have been made but would have made no difference = 19%
Improvements could have been made that would have made a life-saving difference = 60%