Perifasis- 2 Verbs Flashcards
*Volver X + infinitive
Volvieron A trabajar para el mismo tipo. They went back to work for the same guy.
Has vuelto a tener problemas con el coche
Venir X + infinitive
(result; ended up)
Vinieron X pedirnos los recibos de los últimos dos años.
They ended up asking us for our receipts for the last two years.
*Terminar X + infinitive
Terminar X + infinitive
(end of an action). Terminé DE trabajar bien tarde. I finished working very late
(Meaning: result) Terminé POR mudarme de casa. I ended up moving to another house.
Tardar X + infinitive
(To take time)
No tardó EN pedirle explicaciones. It didn’t take long for him to ask for an explanation.
Tardo EN contestar: I was slow in answering
Tardar en llegar: to be late
Soler + infinitive
Suelo leer un periódico cada día.
I usually read a newspaper every day.
Ponerse X + infinitive
(sudden start of an action)
Se puso A pintar la casa ella sola: She started painting the house herself.
Ponerse: (verb of change) indicates a change of temporary state physical or moods (anímicos)
* De repente, no vio a su hija y se puso histérico
* Cada vez María lo saluda se pone rojo
* Nervioso\a, triste, rojo\a, histérico\a, de buen\mal humor.
* Me pongo nerviosa cuando tango que cocinar para mucha gente.
Pasar X + infinitive
Después, pasé A explicarles las condiciones de la renta.
Later, I went on to explain the rental conditions.
Deber + infinitive
Deber de + infinitive
(Expresses obligation; should have)
Debes terminar temprano.
You have to finish early.
(Expresses supposition)
Debe de tener mucho dinero si usa zapatos así.
He must have a lot of money if he wears shoes like that.
Haber de + infinitive
Haber que + infinitive
(Expresses obligation)
Has DE terminar temprano.
You have to finish early.
(Expresses obligation)
impersonal and use 3rd person singular form: hay
Hay QUE terminar temprano.
You have to finish early. / One has to finish early
Poder + infinitive
(Expresses capability or permission)
Ya puedes pagar.
You can pay now.
Tener que + infinitive
Tener + past participle
(Expresses obligation, necessity or deduction) Tienes que terminar temprano.
You have to finish early. !Tiene que ser mentira! It must be a lie!
(Expresses final states). Tengo leído ya casi todo el libro. I have already read most of the book.
Acostumbrar x + infinitive
(Meaning: habit)
No me acostumbro A dormir con estas almohadas.
I don’t get used to sleeping with these pillows.
No estoy acostumbrada A despertar demasiado tarde
Cesar X + infinitive
(Meaning: stopping an action)
No cesan DE pedirme consejos.
They don’t stop asking me for advice.
Comenzar X + infinitive
(beginning an action)
Comienza A nublarse; vámonos a casa.
It’s starting to get cloudy. Let’s go home.
Dar (a alguien) por + infinitive
(Meaning: suddenly starting an action)
Me ha dado por estudiar español.
I fancied/ decided to study Spanish.