Perfusion Flashcards
Cardiomyopathy: S/S:
SOB, congestion of lungs, dependent edema, palpitations, syncope, angina, tiredness, light-headedness, fatigue
Cardiomyopathy:Meds: o ACE inhibitors o Beta blockers o Diuretics o Anticoagulants o CCBs
Cardiomyopathy: Dx:
Echocardiogram, abnormal EKG, Holter monitoring, stress test
Surgery: Cardioversion, heart transplant, pacemaker insertion, implantable defibrillator, myectomy
Cardiomyopathy: Interventions:
Cardiac catheterization, biopsy of heart tissue, radioactive studies, electrical studies of the heart
Cardiomyopathy: Teaching:
Weight loss
o Limit ETOH
o Avoid overexertion, hot showers, water immersion, and syncope episodes
o Flu vaccine annually
Left-Sided Heart Failure:
• S/S:
SOB; palpitations; tachycardia; cough with frothy, blood tinged sputum; fatigue; fluid retention, weight gain; dysrhythmic heart rate; oliguria; lung crackles
Left-Sided Heart Failure: Nursing Education:
Low Na+ diet. Fluid restriction as prescribed. Report weight gain of more than 2 pounds over 24 hours
Left-Sided Heart Failure:
• Dx:
BNP (diagnose and grade severity of HF); CBC, CRP, echocardiogram (ultrasound); EKG (dysrhythmias, heart thickening), Troponin (MI check 3 times)
Left-Sided Heart Failure: Serum Inflammatory markers:
IL-6, CRP, and TNF are associated with increased risk of CHF
• Left ventricle is the powerhouse of the heart
Left-Sided Heart Failure: Meds:
ACE inhibitors, ARBs, vasodilators, nitrates, beta blockers, diuretics, digitalis, aspirin, hormones
Right-Sided Heart Failure:S/S:
JVD, weight gain, peripheral edema, increased ICP, LOC issues, spleen and liver enlargement, palpable and auscultated dysrhythmias
Right-Sided Heart Failure: Risk For:
Liver congestion, hepatomegaly, portal hypotension, DVT, stasis
Right-Sided Heart Failure: Nursing Education:
Low Na+ diet. Fluid restriction as prescribed. Report weight gain of more than 2 pounds over 24 hours
Right-Sided Heart Failure: Dx:
BNP (diagnose and grade severity of HF); CBC, CRP, echocardiogram (ultrasound); EKG (dysrhythmias, heart thickening), Troponin (MI check 3 times)