Perf Flashcards
Class B AEO Gross to Net Obstacle Clearance distance
x 1.3
Jet Max Range (VMR) =
VMR = 1.32 x VMD
Class B Take-off FLL Regulatory Factors - TORA/ASDA/TODA
TORA 1.0 ASDA 1.3 TODA 1.15
Gradient of climb knowing Rate of Climb and TAS
Gradient (%) = ROC x 6000
TAS x 6080
What needs to be checked for Quick Turnaround Limits?
Runway Slope
Wind component
Pressure Altitude
See 4.30 in CAP
Specific (Air) Range?
Specific Air Range = TAS / Fuel Flow
Class B / Turbo-Prop Landing Distance Safety Factor
Most stop in 70% of LDA
Class A Jet Aircraft Landing Distance Safety Factor
Most stop in 60% of LDA
Safety factor landing on wet or contaminated runway
15% (x1.15)
VREF Class A and Class B
Class A
VREF = 1.23 VSR0
Class B
VREF = 1.30 VS0
Long-Range Cruise LRC Speed is selected because…
It achieves 99% of maximum still-air range with 4% higher speed
Aerodynamic Ceiling is _______
ROC = 0
Service ceiling is ______
Rate of climb falls to determined level - 100ft/min PROP - Jet - Specific ROC achieved?!
Typical Clean VMD value vs. Vs
Jet = 1.6VS
Prop = 1.3VS
Jet and Prop Maximum Range Speed is
Jet Max Range Speed = 1.32 VMD
Prop Max Range Speed = VMD
Clearway min width and max slope, controlled by
Max semi-width 75m
Max upward slope 1.25%
Controlled by airport authority
Balanced Field is when…
Balanced Field
However, Balanced Field Takeoff
Screen Height (Class A and B) Wet Runway
Class A - 15ft
Class B - 50ft
Runway Upslope effect on ASDR
(Gradient much greater effect on acceleration than braking)
Class B - No stopway/clearway - TODR safety factor relating to TORA
TODR x1.25 must not exceed TORA
Take-off Class B - Factor for Paved Wet
Take-off Class B - Factor for Grass Wet
Take-off Class B - Factor for Grass Dry
Max TODA compared to TORA
Max TODA is 1.5x TORA
(EU OPS Limit)
VX for Prop
VX for Jet
VY for Prop
Between VMP and VMD
VY for Jet
1.32 VMD
Power available line for Jet on Power Curves Graph
Straight-line - diagonal starting at origin
Power available line for Prop on Power Curves Graph
Inverted Curve - Due to reducing thurst available at higher TAS
Speed at Screen Height - Class B (V2)
- 2VS1 / “Safe Speed” - Single Engine
- 1VMCA / 1.2VS1 - Two Engine
50ft Screen Height
Landing Factor for Wet
Landing Factor for Grass
Take-Off Flight Min Climb Gradient - Segment 2
- 4% - 2 Engines
- 7% - 3 Engines
- 0% - 4 Engines
Above 400ft - Gradient of Climb
1.2% Two Enngines
Max Bank Angle Segment 1 and 2 NTOFP
Max Bank Angle Segment 3
All Engines Operating FLL Factor
Balanced V1 on Graph
ASD - TOD(n-1)
V2 Speed - Class A - Must be
1.13V<span>SR (2/3 engine turboprop and jet)</span>
1.1 VMCA
LRC is
Maximum Obstacle Domain Semi-Width - 0-15º change of track
Able to maintain visual guidance or same accuracy
All other conditions
Maximum Obstacle Domain Semi-Width - Over 15º change of track
Able to maintain visual guidance or same accuracy
All other conditions
VR Speed limitations
Above VS1 (single) or
- *1.1VS1 (Multi)**
- *1.05 VMCA**
Class A above speeds + above VMU (tailstrike prevention)
Exceed Quick Turnaround Limit… How long to wait for reinspection of wheels?
53 minutes
Best Range Speed with Tailwind
Lower than normal 1.32VMD
Best Range Speed with Headwind
Faster than normal 1.32VMD
Performance Ceiling is when ROC is reduced to ____
Performance Ceiling: 300ft/min
Short Landing Ops - Maximum Declared Safe Area length
Missed Approach Min Climb Gradient and Config - Class A and B
OEI at or above DH
Gear Retracted
Approach Flaps
Class A
Twin - 2.1%
Three Engine - 2.4%
Four or More - 2.7%
- *Class B**
0. 75%
Baulked Landing Min Climb Gradient and Config - Class A and Class B
Gear Down
Landing Flap
3.2% Class A - 2.5% Class B
VSR0 =
1.06 VS0
VMCA - Maintain course of ___ degrees of track, with a maximum bank angle of ___ degrees
VMCA - Maintain course of 20 degrees of track, with a maximum bank angle of 5 degrees
Minimum Clearway width
When is VMCA usually a limiting factor?
Low weight
Low PA
High Density
Large Flap Setting
Clearway Reduces - What happens to V1
V1 Increases with reduced clearway
Stopway Reduces - What happens to V1?
V1 Decreases with reduced stopway
How many foot pounds to add per taxi mile on Brake Cooling Schedule?
1 million per taxi mile
Runway Gradient to be ignored (%) on Landing
+/- 2%
Missed Approach vs. Baulked Landing Config Name
Missed Approach: Approach Climb
Baulked Landing: Landing Climb
Upslope effect on ASD and V1
ASD Increased
V1 Increased
(Longer to accelerate to V1)
Downslope effect on ASD and V1
ASD Decreased
V1 Decreased
Lower V1 due to reduced braking effectiveness downslope
Aerodynamic Ceiling =
Coffin Corner
Class B Slope Factor on Landing and Takeoff
Landing - x1.05 on downslope only
Take-off - x1.05 on upslope only