Airlaw Flashcards
ICAO formed when and where?
1947 at Chicago Convention
How regularly is the ICAO council elected?
3 years
Max Holding speed up to FL140
Max 230KT IAS for Cat C/D Aircraft and 170KT for Cat A/B
Altitude reporting when crossing the transition layer
Descent - Altitude (QNH)
Climb - FL
Hi-Jacked Aircraft should be parked at what distance from anything else?
No less than 100m
Maximum VFR FL
Turn at end of outbound leg (time) above 14,000ft
Turn at end of outbound leg (time) below 14,000ft
Transition Level calculated by
ATS units
Transition altitude is rounded __ to next ____ft
up to next 1000ft
An EAT is transmitted when aircraft will be subject to delay of _______ or enter a holder for __ minutes or more
delay of 10 minutes or more
30 minutes or more in hold
Movement area includes
aprons, taxiways and runways
Manoevuring area includes
Parts used for take-off, landing and taxiing (excludes aprons)
Changes to AIP are circulated using…
AIRAC system
Non-scheduled ECAC flights carried out under what Agreement
Buffer area for holding area
Total Time on Flight Plan is
VFR: take-off to overhead destination
IFR: take-off to instrument approach procedure fix
Distance to be established on LOC before Glideslope interception?
High Intesity Obstacle lights used when structure taller than ___
150m AGL
Flashing white
Medium Intesity Obstacle lights used when structure taller than ___
45m AGL
Flashing red or white
Class A Airspace
IFR Only
ATC Provided to all
Seperation between all
Class B Airspace
ATC Provided to all
Seperation between all
Class C Airspace
ATC Provided to all
IFR Seperation from IFR and VFR
Traffic Info provided for VFR
Class D Airspace
ATC Provided to all
Seperation IFR from IFR
Traffic Info for VFR
Class E Airspace
ATC IFR only
Seperation IFR from IFR
Traffic Info only (if practical)
Class F Airspace
Seperation for Participating IFR only
FIS Provided (Advisory for IFR)
Class G Airspace
Seperation for Particaption IFR Only
FIS Only
When would ATC consider obstacle clearance?
Radar Vectored
Annex 1
Personnel Licensing (Me First)
Annex 2
Rules of the Air (2 Aircraft)
Annex 3
Met (3-Zing!)
Annex 7
Registration Marks (VU09 BUP - Count)
Annex 8
Airworthiness (8n’t flying)
Annex 9
Facilitation (Nein, no entry)
Annex 11
ATS (1-to-1 comms)
Annex 12
Search and Rescue (RAF Home Time)
Annex 14
Aerodromes (1-4 Everyone)
Annex 15
AIS (A 1 5)
Annex 17
Annex 18
Dangerous Goods (Drink)
Low Level up to FL100
Medium and Upper Level
Tokyo 1963
Penal Law (Tokyo have little penis!)
Criminal law, hijack / unlawful act
The Hague 1970
Montreal Convetnion 1971
Air Rage (Hockey stick in Canada)
Beijing 2010
Criminalisation of use of aircraft as weapons, threats to commit an offence
Warsaw 1929 / Montreal Protocol 1975+Convention 1999
Regulates liability of air carrier to PAX and consignors - updated by Montreal redifining liabilies (some cases unlimited)
1st Freedom
Fly over territory of other signatory
2nd Freedom
Land for tech reason in another signatories territory
3rd Freedom
PAX/Cargo from Home to Other state
4th Freedom
PAX/Cargo back from Other state to Home
5th Freedom
PAX/Cargo from Home to other state to yet another state
Cabotage - 8th freedom
Tag on Cabotage - Home to two points in Other state
Cabotage - 9th Freedom
Entirely in other state
Nav lights visible
White rear light visible
Hold entries
110 POD
Parallel 110deg
Offset 70deg
Direct 180deg
Comms Failure in VMC
IF able to maintain VMC land at nearest suitable Aerodrome and contact ATC
Comms failure - IMC no Radar
Cleared speed and level for 20 mins, continue per plan and hold until EAT/ETA - Land within 30 mins of ETA/EAT
Comms failure - IMC Radar
Last speed/Level or MSA for 7 mins. Return to plan
Comms failture - Radar Vectored
Rejoin flight plan directly
CPL Cross Country time
20 hrs as PIC with one 300nm flight
Holding position based on distance from runway edge
50m runway length 900m or more
30m less than 900m
Direction sign
Black on Yellow
Location sign
Yellow on Black
VFR Minima Above 10,000ft
Vis 8km, 1500m horz and 1000ft vert clear of cloud
VFR Minima Below 10,000ft but above 3000ft AMSL or 1000ft AGL
Vis 5km, 1500m horz and 1000ft vert clear of cloud
VFR Minima Below 3000ft AMSL or 1000ft AGL
Class B-E: 5km, 1500m horz and 1000ft vert of cloud
Class F-G: 5km, Clear of cloud and in sight of surface
Min VFR Take-off within Control Zone
Ceiling 1500ft and Vis 5km
Clearway min width
75m each side of centreline
Ceiling is
Cloud base below 20000ft covering more than 50% of sky
Altimeter Accuracy
+/- 80ft on QNH
No Transgression Zone - Parallel Runways
At least 2000ft / 610m
Independent Paralle Departure track needs what radar and track diverges by
Radar within 1nm of end of runway, and diverages by at least 15deg
Simultaneous parallels approaches - distance straight and level before intecepting LOC
Simultaneous parallels approaches - Max intercept angle
Simultaneous parallels approaches - Established on LOC __nm before GS
2nm or more
Simultaneous parallels approaches - radar seperation before establishment
3NM or 1000ft vertical
MEDIUM Wake Turbulence category from __ to __
7,000kg to 136,000kg
Composite Seperation
Combining Vertical wit Horizontal seperation - Can’t be less than 1/2 of normal
Landing longitudinal seperation
3mins not less than 20NM if radar
Position Reports - Info included
Aircraft ID Position Time Speed limitations Flight level/alt Next position and time over Next significant point
With Mode C when has an aircraft vacated a level
Change of more than 300ft
Longitudinal Seperation during altitude changes
Where vertical separation doesn’t exist:
15 mins
10 mins with navaid positioning
5 mins providing change commenced within 10 mins of time that second ac over exact reporting point
Lateral Separation - VOR
15deg and 15NM from beacon
Lateral Separation - NDB
30deg and 15NM from beacon
Lateral Separation - DR
45deg and 15NM from ref point
Lateral Separation - RNAV
Track diverging 15deg or more
DME/GNSS Separation - Same track
20NM (using on-track DME, or GNSS cross checked with DME) - reduced to 10NM if lead has TAS+20KT
Applies on covnerging tracks with angles less than 90deg too
DME/GNSS Separation - Climb or Descent - Same Track
10NM where no vertical separation exists
Longitudinal Separation - Same Track and Level
15 mins - normal
10 mins - if navaids - frequent fixing
5 mins - Front aircraft TAS+20KT
3 mins - Front aircraft TAS+40KT
Longitudinal Separation - Mach No
10 mins
Deduct 1mins for +M0.02 then 1min for +0.01 until 5 mmins
Longitudinal Separation - Europe varation on ICAO standard
3 mins providing radar, and radar separation is never less than 20NM
Radar Separation - Standard
Radar Separation - Good Radar
Radar Separation - On Approach
2.5NM min
RNP 10 Separation
50NM Longitudinal/laterally
RNP 4 Separation
30NM Longitudinal/laterally
Default RNAV Separation
80NM miin longitudinal
Take-off separation
1 min where departing aircraft turns more than 45deg from other
2 mins where lead aircraft 40KT faster
5 mins otherwise / same track
Protected landing area from take-off aircraft
45deg each side of landing runway
Expected Approach Time
Provided if holding 30mins+ expected, updated if changes by more than 5 mins.
To be determined if aircraft delayed for 10 mins or more
Aircraft to be informed of variation in winds on approach exceeding…
Headwind 10KT
Tailwind 2KT
Crosswind 5KT
IF AIS isn’t 24 hours - when should it be provided
2hrs before and after an aircraft in area
Radio Altimeter operating area extends ___m
Min height for departure turn
120m (with 90m OC)
Control Area CTA/TMA Min Height
700ft AGL
Holding Speed - FL140-200
Holding Speed FL200-340
Holding Speed above FL340
Radar fix accuracy TAR (Terminal)
1.5km / 0.8nm
Radar fix accuracy ASR/RSR (En-Route)
3.1km / 1.7nm
RNP Y Indicator
FL200 above 30-90deg turns within radius of 22.5NM
RNP Z Indicator
Below FL190 30-90deg radius of 15NM
Met info in AIP
GEN section
Simple Approach Lighting should extend by
IR Requirements
CPL/PPL+Night + 50Hrs PIC Cross-Country at least 10hrs of this on type
Deviation in speed to inform ATC?
5%, or 2 mins (SERA)
M0.02 or 10Kt for Annex 2
Where glideslode intercepts Intermediate height on precision approach. Start of Final Segment
Physical point, usually non-precision. Start of Final Segment
FAP/FAF max distance
FAF optimal distance
Non-precision MOC with and without FAF
90m without FAF
75m with FAF
Aiming point 1200m - 2400m length runway
300m from threshold
Runway strip length - Instrument 1,2,3,4
60m (otherwise 30m for code 1 non-inst)
Taxiway Width Code A
Taxiway Width Code B
Taxiway Width Code C
15m (wheelbase less than 18m)
18m (wheelbase is more than 18m)
Taxiway Width Code D
18m (main gear span <9m)
23m (main hear span >9m)
Taxiway Width Code E
Tolerance for Mode C Altitude (RVSM and Standard)
+/- 200ft RVSM and +/- 300ft Non-RVSM
Missed Approach MOC
2 mins separation for runways separated less than
IR - Cross-country PIC of ___ hours of which ___ hours on type
50hours and 10hours
Position Report details
- aircraft identification
- position
- time
- flight level or altutude (initial call and ommitted if Mode C)
Some regions don’t use these:
- next position and estimated time overhead
- the ensuing position
Radar controlled approach - go around at __nm if noo clearance
Danger area numbers can’t be reused until after ___ months following cancellation of area
12 months
Straight in approach - when can’t aircraft depart in any direction
within 5 mins
Air Navigation Commission has __ members appointed by ICAO _____
19, council
Section at end of runway edge lighting maybe yellow - how long can this be?
600m or 1/3 (shorter)
Minimum clearway width either side of centreline
ADA means?
Advisory Area
What does the MOC reduce from > to in the intermediate segment
300m to 150m