Ops Flashcards
Structure of EU Ops regulation
EU216/2008 then EU 965/2012 (which includes the Annexes)
Dangerous Goods mnemonic
Engineers - 1. Explosives Get - 2. Gasses Flaming - 3. Flammable Liquids Fat - 4. Flammable Solids On - 5. Oxides and Peroxides Taking - 6. Toxic / Infectious Rear - 7. Radioactive Crew - 8. Corrosive Meals - 9. Misc
Circling Approach Minima (MDH/Vis) - Cat C
600ft MDH / 2400m Met Vis
Circling Approach Minima (MDH/Vis) - Cat B
500ft MDH / 1600m Met Vis
Circling Approach Minima (MDH/Vis) - Cat A
400ft MDH / 1500m Met Vis
Circling Approach Minima (MDH/Vis) - Cat D
700ft MDH / 3600m Met Vis
Aircraft Categories based on?
Threshold speed VAT or VREF
Cat A Speed
Less than 91KT
Cat B Speed
91KT - 120KT
Cat C Speed
121KT - 141KT
Cat D Speed
141KT - 165KT
Cat E Speed
166KT - 210KT
Take-Off Alternate distance based on OEI cruise
2 Engine - 1Hr (or ETOPS Diversion time max 2hrs)
3+ Engines - 2Hrs
MNPS Longitudinal separation (same track and Mach no)
10 mins
ACAS II required when (MCTOM and MOPSC)
MCTOM > 5700kg MOPSC >19
Cockpit Voice Recorder - Stores for ___
2 Hours (CoA after 1 Apr 98 or 30mins) unless MCTOM less than 5700kg then 30 mins (CoA after 1 Jan 1990)
Primary objective of Contracting States in regards to safeguarding against acts of unlawful interference is the safety of?
People (PAX/Crew/Ground Personnel/Public)
Three sister routes?
Senior Cabin Crew min experience and age
One Year experience with senior cabin crew training and must be 18 years old+
What NAT routes are accessible with 1 LRNS
T9 and Blue Spruce routes
Lift-rafts required when?
Over water away from land - with a distance greater than…
Capable of reaching aerodrome with OEI Cruise (lesser):
1) More than 120mins from land
2) Or 400nm
All other aircraft:
1) 30 mins at cruising speed
2) 100nm.
Capacity for all persons on board (+ ability for one lost raft)
CAT IIIB Approach DH and RVR
DH lower than 100ft or no DH
RVR lower than 200m not less than 75m
Flight Data Monitoring required for MCTOM above
Pure O2 above what altitude on oxygen diluter demand system
AOC Ops Manual Parts
Part A - General - Non-Type-related Ops
Part B - Aircraft - Typre-related / MEL
Part C - CAT Ops - Route/Role/Area - Aerodrome/etc
Part D - Training
Some procedures may cross two - E.g. M&B Part A+B
No ETOPS max distance from aerodrome - MOPSC of 20 or more, MTOM 45360kg or more
60 mins in OEI cruise
CAT II/III approaches need ___ altimeter and ___ pilots
Radio Altimeter and 2 Pilots
Lowest MDH for NDB
When must a crew interphone be fitted? Certified after 1 Apr 1995
MCTOM 15000kg or more
Quick Donning Oxygen Masks required above FL___
MNPS NATS airspace from __N to ___N
27N to 90N
CAT II Minimas (DH plus RVR)
DH below 200ft but not lower than 100ft
RVR not less than 300m
Lifejackets required when ….
Operating for more than 50nm from shore, taking off or landing at aerodrome where path is over water. For each person onboard
Final reserve fuel
Piston - 45 mins
Turbine - 30mins at holding speed at 1500ft above a/d
First Aid Oxygen
Above 25,000ft - with cabin crew. 2% of PAX carried, never less than 1
136000kg or more
7000kg < 136000kg
Less than 7000kg
Spare fuses required?
10% of number of fuses - minimum of 3 of each rating
Ice/snow/contaminant will have what % impact on lift/drag
30% lift decrease, and 40% drag increase (depending on the contaminant
Class B fire involves ….
Liquid or liquefiable solid
ICAO Annex for Dangerous Goods
Annex 18
De-icing fluid and Anti-icing fluid temperatures?
De-icing hot/under pressure, anti-icing without heat
Icing possible with any visible moisture and OAT below ___C
Changes to MMEL implemented in MEL within __ days
90 days
Additional fuel - Isolated Aerodrome?
Turbine - 2hours at normal cruise, not less than final reserve
Piston - 45 minutes plus 15% of flight time at cruising level or 2 hours whichever is less
MNPS airspace is between FL___ and FL___
FL285 and FL420
Info to be kept on ground during flight
Op flight Plan Copy of relevant parts of tech log Route specific NOTAM (if edited by operator) M&B docs Special loads notification
When must slides exist?
Sill height above 6ft (1.83m)
NAT Reporting in longitudes
20deg. 000W 020W 040W 060W
Class A fire involves
Solid materials, organic
Class C fire involves
Class D fire involves
ETOPS Alternative minimas Ceiling/RVR - Precision
Authorised DH plus 200ft
Authorised Vis plus 800m
Between anticipated landing and +1hr
ETOPS Alternative minimas Ceiling/RVR - NPA
Authorised DH plus 400ft
Authorised Vis plus 1500m
Between anticipated landing and +1hr
Dangerous Goods Accident/Incident reported within
72 hours
Max duty hours in 7 days
Max duty hours in 14 days
Max duty hours in 28 days
Non-ETOPS Time from Aerodrome - Class A MOPSC 19 or less, MTOM less than 45360kg
120min, up to 180mins for turbo-jet at OEI cruise speed
Biz Jets
Non-ETOPS time from Aerodrome - Class B/C
120mins at OEI Cruise, or 300nm whichever is less
Weather radar required when at night/IMC with what aircraft?
Pressurised, Unpressurised with MCTOM of 5700kg or more, or unpressurised with MAPSC of more than 9 seats
ICAO docs for dangerous goods
ICAO Annex 18
ICAO Doc 9284
Min Rest Period - Home Base
12hrs or long as preceding duty
Min Rest Period - Away from base
10hrs or long as preceding duty
FDR Min recording period
MCTOM more than 5700kg (CoA after 1 June 90) - 25 hours
Cabin crew required for ___ MOPSC
MOPSC more than 19, 1 for every 50 Seats
Cabin Altitude warning at …..
SNOWTAM Valid for
24 hours
Supplementary O2 masks deployed automatically by _____ft cabin altitude
Max altitude where flight crew efficiency not impaired
Remote area - max distance from the area of emergency landing with no additional survival equipment
90 mins
Dangerous Goods “Accident” is
Fatal or serious injury to a person or major property damage
Max tailwind for Noise Abatement Procedure
Crew Records - Flight Duty Records kept for
24 month
Crew Records - Recent Experience Records kept for
15 month
NDB System Minima
VOR System Minima
LOC System Minima
VOR/DME System Minima
NDB/DME System Minima
VDR System Minima
Minimum RVR for Visual Approach
Destination / En-Route / Isolated Alternate Minima for NPA
VIS/RVR: +1000m , MDH +200ft
Destination / En-Route / Isolated Alternate Minima for CATI
SLOP Offsets
Centre, 1nm and 2nm (right)
Flight Plan field for MNPS / RVSM
Field 10 - X: MNPS, W: RVSM
What is needed when requesting Oceanic Clearance?
ETA at Waypoint Mach No FL Max FL Second Choice Track
List LVOs
Vis less than 400m
TUC at 35000
30 secs
TUC at 40000
15 secs
TUC at 45000
9 secs
02:00 - 05:59
OTS Time East
01:00 - 08:00 UTC
OTS Time West
11:30 - 18:00 UTC
FL290 - FL600
In Oceanic Airspace - Difference in speed to reported
+/- 10Kts 0.02M
Emergency Medical Kit required
60mins flying from A/D with medical assistance - more than 30 seats
2 Pilots required on Turbo-prop IFR/Night when Seating Config over ___