Perek 5 review Flashcards
Where did the Pelishtim take the Aron?
To their city of Ashdod, and put it in the temple of Dagon. Dagon was their avodah zarah.
What did dagon look like?
It had the top of his body like a man, and the bottom like a fish.
What happened the next day to dagon?
They find the statue of Dagon lying down next to the Aron, with its face facing down, as if it
was bowing to the Aron.
How did the Pelishtim react to Dagon falling?
They think it just fell down by accident. So they stand it up again.
What happened to Dagon the next day?
The next day, they find it lying down again. Also, the head and hands are cut off, and lying in
the doorway. [Hashem was hinting to them that their god has no head, he can’t think, and he
has no hands, he has no power to do anything.]
What law did the Pelishtim put in place after the fall of Dagon?
They said that the doorway of the temple is holy, since
Dagon’s head was there, so from then on they are always careful to step over the doorway.
What stronger message did Hashem then send to the people of Ashdod?
Then, Hashem sends a plague to the city of Ashdod.
What did the princes of Ashdod decide to do now?
The princes of the Pelishtim get together, and they decide to send the Aron to a new city, גת
What happened in Gat?
Since they don’t learn the lesson, the plague in גת is even worse, and the people there start to
die from the plague.
What did the גת people then do?
The people of גת decide to send it to another city, Ekron (without permission).
What was Ekron’s reaction when the Aron came?
When the people of Ekron see the Aron coming, they cry out in fear.