Percutaneous Alcohol SeptalAblation for HypertrophicCardiomyopathy and Left AtrialAppendage Closure forPrevention of Stroke Flashcards
What is the indication for PTSMA in patients with HCM?
Drug refractory severe symptoms, defined as NYHA Class III or IV
NYHA stands for New York Heart Association, a classification system for heart failure severity.
What is the next step in managing a patient with heart rate of 85 and normal intervals?
Uptitration of beta-blockers
What percentage of HCM patients experience LVOT obstruction?
Up to 70%
What are provocative maneuvers used for in assessing LVOT obstruction?
Decrease preload, decrease afterload, or increase cardiac contractility
What is the most typical form of provocation to assess LVOT obstruction?
Resting echocardiography with Valsalva maneuver
What is the documented LVOT gradient threshold for considering alcohol septal ablation?
50 mm Hg or more
What factors must be considered for effective PTSMA?
- Mechanism of LVOT obstruction must be SAM of the anterior mitral valve leaflet
- No intrinsic structural abnormalities of the mitral valve
- No severe CAD amenable to CABG
- No atypical patterns or excessive degrees of septal hypertrophy
What is the mortality rate for both myectomy and alcohol septal ablation at experienced centers?
What is the training requirement for operators performing alcohol septal ablation?
Perform the first 5 procedures under the proctorship of an experienced operator
What is the typical reduction in LVOT gradients after alcohol septal ablation?
More than 50%, with the majority reduced by 90% or more
What is the most common conduction abnormality following alcohol septal ablation?
RBBB (Right Bundle Branch Block)
What is the purpose of placing a temporary pacemaker wire in the right ventricle prior to alcohol septal ablation?
To manage transient complete heart block, which can occur in up to 50% of patients
What does MCE stand for in the context of alcohol septal ablation?
Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography
What occurs if retrograde spillover of alcohol happens during infusion?
MI secondary to abrupt closure of the LAD distal to the targeted branch
What is the recommended volume of ethanol for alcohol ablation?
1 to 2 mL
What is the typical volume of alcohol infusion for septal ablation?
1 to 2 mL
It is adequate as long as the appropriate target septal perforator branch is chosen.
What are the current recommendations for alcohol infusion volume in relation to septum thickness?
Roughly the same volume in milliliters as the thickness of the septum or the diameter of the septal perforator
Modern practice may infuse as little as 0.5 mL of alcohol if the target area opacifies fully.
What is the incidence of pacemaker placement after alcohol septal ablation?
6% to 7%
This reflects improved safety in the modern era.
Why must the temporary pacemaker wire remain in place after the procedure?
Due to the high incidence of complete heart block that can occur during or following the procedure
How long should monitoring occur in an intensive care unit after alcohol septal ablation?
48 hours
Telemetry should continue for the duration of the patient’s stay, usually 4 to 5 days.