Perception Flashcards
What is perception?
It is the process by which we organise information and make sense of our sensations.
What role does the primary visual cortex have?
It guides our perceptions of both real and illusory precepts. It processes colour, depth etc.
Where is the primary visual cortex located?
It is located in the occipital lobe of the brain.
What are bottom up theories?
They are stimulus driven as they focus on the sensory data of the perceptual stimulus.
What are Top down theories?
They are driven by high level cognitive processes using past knowledge and experience.
What are Template matching theories?
They compare stimuli to a set of templates stored in memory.
What type of processing is template matching theory?
It is an example of bottom up processing.
Describe feature analysis theory.
This is where we match features of a pattern to features stored in memory as opposed to the pattern as a whole.
Describe recognition by components theory.
Objects are represented by an arrangement of simple 3D shapes called geons.
What 3 things are Top down theories based on?
The perceiver builds a cognitive understanding of stimuli through;
What we sense
What we know
What we can infer
What is visual agnosia?
A group of neuropsychological disorders characterised by a failure to recognise familiar objects.
The role of the ventral visual stream
Vision for perception, recognition and discrimination of visual shapes and objects.
The role of the Dorsal visual stream
Vision for action, mediates visual control of skilled actions directed at objects in the world.
What is the evidence for the two visual pathways?
Double dissociation (inability to recognise objects, ventral damaged). Optic ataxia - inability to act on objects (dorsal stream damaged).