People Who Stood Up to The Nazis Flashcards
Secret trade union opposition- the workers
KPD continued to encourage workers to oppose the Nazis.
How did workers try to undermine the Nazis?
- By staying off work
- Industrial sabotage (small scale)
Secret political opposition- How did the SDP oppose the Nazis?
In 1933, they printed an opposition newspaper, the Red Shock Troop. It had a circulation of 3,000 copies.
What did the Nazis do in response to the SDP’s opposition?
Arrested organisers, sent them to concentration camps.
What did the SDP do after the Nazis shut down their newspaper?
After they were exiled, they went to Prague and set up the SOPADE (SDP abroad) to campaign against the Nazis.
Why did religious leaders- both openly and secretly- begin to oppose the Nazis?
The Nazis tried to control religion in Germany by closing religious schools and other measures.
Why were there youth groups who opposed the Nazis?
- Opposed to Nazi youth groups
- Opposed to Nazi social policies
Other than youth, political and religious opposition, was there any other types of opposition against the Nazis?
Yes- military opposition. Some army officers opposed the Nazis.
What was the name of one of the main army generals who opposed the Nazis?
General Ludwig Van Beck- He was Chief Of Staff of the German Army.
What did Ludwig Van Beck try to do in 1938?
- Tried to get fellow officers to arrest Hitler.
- Sent message to British where he said that the German army would not fight back if they attacked.
What did Ludwig Van Beck do in 1934 and 1944?
Led assassination plots against Hitler until he was executed for being a conspirator in the Stauffenberg Bomb Plot.
What was the Pastors’ Emergency League?
Group of Protestant pastors who protested against
amalgamation of regional churches into one German Christian Church and Nazi attempts to stop Jews becoming Christians + ban the Jewish Old Testament.
What was the Confessing Church?
This Church refused to cooperate with the Nazis.
When was the Confessing Church set up and by who?
The PEL set up the Confessing Church in 1934.
What happened to the Pastors who joined the Confessing Church?
6,000 German Pastors joined and 800 were arrested and sent to Concentration Camps.
Was there any Catholic opposition against the Nazis?
Some Catholic Priests spoke out against the Concordat and Nazi ideas and policies.
What happened to the Catholic Priests who opposed the Nazis?
Around 400 Catholic Priests were imprisoned in the “Priests’ Block” at Dachau, the first Concentration Camp, opened in 1933.
Who was Martin Niemoller?
A WW1 veteran and a Protestant Pastor.