People for Final Exam Flashcards
William Carey (1761-1834)
William Carey (1761-1834)
1. 1. The father of the modern missions movement
1. 1. Nicknamed Christopher Columbus
1. 1. Early life
1. 1. Converted at seventeen (1778)
1. 1. Study of languages (English / Greek / Latin / Hebrew / French / Dutch )
1. 1. Real experiential religion
1. 1. Joins Particular Baptist movement (Calvinistic Baptists)
1. 1. Marries Dorothy Plackett
1. 1. Employment
1. 1. Interest in exploration and missions.
1. 1. Ordination as preacher as Reformed Baptists
1. 1. Created his own world map
1. 1. Interaction with hyper-Calvinists - (The great commission was given to the apostles only)
1. 1. An Enquiry into the Obligation of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens (1792)
1. 1. If the great commission was only for the apostles, then the command to baptize would be also
1. 1. If the great commission was only for the apostles, then all the preaching to the heathen is without warrant
1. 1. If the command to teach all nations was only for the apostles, then the promise of the divine presence would also be limited
1. 1. Waiting for providence vs. God’s providence has already opened the door
1. 1. The love of ease and unwillingness to be inconvenienced for the sake of others
1. 1. Not being overly concerned about the necessities of life
1. 1. Addressing the difficulties of learning new languages
1. 1. “Expect great things and attempt great things”
1. 1. Formation of the Baptist Missionary Society (1792)
1. 1. Sent out with John Thomas
1. 1. Arrives in India (1793)
1. Bengali New Testament (1797)
1. Eight missionaries and their children arrive to help (1799)
1. Baptizes first convert (1800)
1. Sanskrit New Testament (1808)
1. Translates entire Bible into 6 languages and translates parts of the Bible into 29 other languages and dialects
1. Founds Serampore College, for all castes and denominations (1818)
James McGready
**James McGready (1798) **
* preaching in Red River and Gasper River
* Hundreds come for meeting and set up tents
* Revival spreads
* Revivals in Kentucky and Tennessee
* End of 1800, 1000’s attending
Charles Finney’s
Charles Finney’s Theology
* Criticized for his “New Measures”
* Denounces election and emphasizes human ability
* Lectures on Revival (1835)
* Oberlin College Professor and President
* Lectures on Systematic Theology (1864)
* Christian perfectionism
- Itinerant ministry: 50 years
- 40,000 sermons
- 250,000 miles on horseback
- Formed Methodist societies
- The organizer
- Led by example
* “Prevenient grace”
1. Come before
2. Grace is given to all of humanity that allows one to cooperate with Saving Grace.
3. Neither palagian or semi-palagian
4. Arminan
5. Every human has a supernatural free will restored by God that is resistable but not natural.
* Predestination
1. Did not agree
2. Opposite of Methodism
3. Struck predestination from the articles of faith
4. God’s forknowledge looking into the future.
* His objections to presestination
1. Make preaching unneccessary
2. Underminds holiness
3. Leads to pride or dispare
4. Distroys zeal for works of mercy
5. Makes God a lyer
* Perseverance
1. Gal 5 - Faith working itself out in love
2. Must continually rely on God’s grace
3. Covenant with Isreal was conditional
* “Entire Sanctification”
1. Luther and Calvin did not fully grasp the work of the Holy Spirit
2. God roots out all sin from the believer
* Plain Account of Christian Perfection (1763)
Hudson Taylor (1832-1905)
Hudson Taylor (1832-1905)
* First trip to China (1853)
* China Inland Mission (1865)
* Known for sensitivity to Chinese culture
* Evangelism
* 800 missionaries
* 18,000 converts
* 125 schools
* Non-denominational
* Opposed opium trade
* 51 years in China
Charles Spurgeon (1834-92)
Charles Spurgeon (1834-92)
* Reformed (Particular) Baptist
* Park Street Chapel (1854)
* Metropolitan Tabernacle (completed in 1861)
* Pastors for 38 years
* Known for sermons and commentaries
* Helped establish Pastor’s College (1856)
* Downgrade Controversy (1887)
Karl Barth (1886-1968)
Karl Barth (1886-1968)
* German Swiss theologian
* Church Dogmatics
* No Natural Theology
* God’s Word and the Bible
* Christocentric Theology
* Doctrine of Election (Universalism?)
Rudolph Bultmann (1884-1976)
Rudolph Bultmann (1884-1976)
* German NT scholar
* Existentialist interpretation of the NT
* Historical Jesus
* Demythologizing the NT
* Hermeneutics – ‘pre-understandings’
* History (Historie/Geschichte)
* Faith & Gospel
Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
* Professor at Union Seminary
* “Christian Realism” – ambiguity in ethics
* Progress in social justice falls drastically short
* Moral Man and Immoral (1932)
* The Nature and Destiny of Man (1941-43)
* Christianity and Crisis, magazine, editor
* Jesus: moral ideal, not God incarnate
* Instrumental in appointing Paul Tillich to Union Seminary
Francis Schaeffer (1912-84)
Francis Schaeffer (1912-84) –
* Critiques fundamentalism
* Little waiting on God
* Very little love exhibited
* Demand for unscriptural loyalty to leaders
* Forgotten purpose of Church is to preach the Gospel
* Must show forth love of God and holiness of God
Billy Graham (1918-2018)
Billy Graham (1918-2018)
* Commitment to preach the Scriptures (1945)
* LA Revival meetings (1949)
* Speaking engagements in Boston (1950), London (1954), NY (1957)
* Founding of Christianity Today (1956) with Dr. L. Nelson Bell
* Global ministry
* Berlin Olympic Stadium (1954) – 100,000
* Australia, New Zealand (1959)
* South Korea (1973) – 3 million at main crusade
* Lausanne Movement (1974)
* International Congress on World Evangelization – Lausanne Covenant
George Whitefield
- Time at Oxford changes his life
- Ordained (1736)
- American for a year, at Orphan House (1737)
- Preaches in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland
- Crosses Atlantic 7 times
1. Disagreed with Wesley on predestination
2. Asked Wesley not to print his article on “Fee grace”
3. Finally, chided Wesley for preaching free grace based on Rom 8
4. Countered Wesley’s arguments against predestination - Still portrayed Godly love to Wesley even through their disagreements.
Thomas Cartwrite (1535 - 1603)
- professor of divinity at Cambridge
- One of the most important leaders in England Puritanism
- Publically called for Prebyterianism in England
- Removed from professorship at Cambridge
- Argued that:
* Catholic Arch Bishops/Arch Deacons should be removed.
* Bishops in Acts = presbyters
* Governor of the church should be governed by its own prebyters
* Ministers must be assigned to a specific congregation. (Called by a church)
* No man should solisit or stand for candidate for ministry.
* Ministers are chosen by the people of the church and not bishops.
Jonathan Edwards (1703-58)
- Congregational minister in Northhampton, MA. (1727)
- Assistand pastor to Stoddard
- Postmillennialist
- Full pastor when grandfather (Stoddard) dies in 1729
- The Distinguishing Marks (1741) of true conversion
* Negative Signs: what are not signs by which we judge a work by the Spirit
* Work is unusual and/or extraordinary
* Effects on the bodies of men
* Noice about religion
* Using the example of others as a means of conversion
* Errors of judgment
* Gross errors and scandalous practices
* Positive Evidences: distinguishing Scriptural evidences of a work of the Spirit
* It raises the esteem of Jesus and the Gospel
* Operates against the interest of Satan
* Great regard for the Holy Scriptures and the trues of God’s Word
* Leading persons to Truth
* Spirit of Love to God and man
Richard Hooker (1554 - 1600)
- BOOK: Laws of Ecliesiastical Polity
- Reason and Tradition - along with Scripture - establishes church law
John Jewel (1522 - 1571)
- True tradition of Anglican
* Scripture first
* Church tradition secondary
Rene Descartes
- Father of modern Philosophy
- Certainty of Mathmatics
- I think therefore I am
- Voice of Reason within is the beginning of human reason
John Cotton
b. John Cotton (1585-1652)
i. Arrives in Boston (1633)
ii. Preacher at Boston’s first church
iii. Emphasis on conversion experience
iv. Proponent of congregational polity
v. The Way of Churches of Christ in New England (1645)
vi. The Bloody Tenant, and Washed and Made White in the Bloud of the Lambe (1650)
vii. Milke for Babes – catechism (1646)
Roger Williams
a. Roger Williams (1603-83)
i. 1635 - Banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony
ii. 1636 - Founder of Providence
iii. 1639 - First Baptist Church in America
iv. 1644 - Rhode Island granted charter – “soul liberty”
Samuel John Mills Jr
Samuel John Mills Jr. – “Father of the Foreign Missions Movement in America”
* American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (1810)
* Southwest Missions (1812-15)
* American Bible Society (1816)
* Printing and distribution of Bibles
* United Foreign Missionary Society
* Plan for educating blacks for mission work in Africa
* By 1821 the ABCFM had sent out 81 missionaries
Alexander Campbell
Alexander Campbell (1788-1866)
* Father Thomas, Pres. Seceder
* Joins his father in PA (1809)
* Convinced of immersion
* Itinerant preacher
* “Disciples of Christ” (Campbellites)
* NT led church, no creeds, ecumenical
* Breaks with Baptist Association (1825)
* Barton Stone and Alexander Campbell movements merge in 1830s (The Christian Church)