Lesson 10 Flashcards
What were the primary emphases of Methodism?
1. “Prevenient grace”
* Come before
* Grace is given to all of humanity that allows one to cooperate with Saving Grace.
* Neither palagian or semi-palagian
* Arminan
* Every human has a supernatural free will restored by God that is resistable but not natural.
2. Predestination
* Did not agree
* Opposite of Methodism
* God’s forknowledge looking into the future.
3. Perseverance
* Gal 5 - Faith working itself out in love
* Must continually rely on God’s grace
* Covenant with Isreal was conditional
4. “Entire Sanctification”
* Luther and Calvin did not fully grasp the work of the Holy Spirit
* God roots out all sin from the believer
5. Plain Account of Christian Perfection (1763)
* Matt 5 - Be perfect
* Loving God with all you heart
* Sin is deliberate and voluntary acks
* BOOK : Plain account of Christian Perfection
6. Controversy with Whitefield
* Disagree with the doctrine of election and the extent of the atonement
* Whitefield reluctantly wrote a letter outlining his disagreement with * Wesley’s positions on soteriology
7. Break with Moravians over views of faith and holiness
* They were instrumental in Wesley’s conversion
* They were teaching that there were only one type of true faith.
* Should cease from all outward work until you feel that true faith.
What was the Presbyterian response to George Whitfield’s ministry in America?
- In his 2nd visit to America, he toured America for 6 weeks that resulted in the the most general awakening the American colonies had experienced.
- Boston crowds were too large for churches so he had to preach outside
- His fairwell sermon was to 20,000 people.
- The revival continued for 18 months with many new churches formed and many people coming to the Lord
- His preaching also aroused ministers. Whitfiled argued that congregations were dead because preaching was dead.
- Within 3 years, 150 churches were affected by the awakening
- 1740 preaching tour took him from Georgia to New York
- The Querist written by a presbyterian took excerpts of his sermons/writings & critiqued them raising objections in document.
- Anti-revivalist presbyterians generally objected to preaching outside of church & experientialism.
- After this came Oldside Protest of 1741 which were presbyterian anti-revivalists who objected to specific revivalist doctrines
- They excluded them from the presbytery
- Eventually the revivalist and anti- revivalist synods divide in 1741
Describe the relationship of Christianity to the American Revolution.
American Revolution
1. Great Awakening deepened Americans love for God and piety
2. Sermons - God has visited his people
3. Resulted in desire for independence and war against British and French and Seven Years War
4. Taxing the American colonies (to support on-going army presence in America)
* 1773 tea act = Boston Tea Party
5. First Continental Congress (1774)
6. John Witherspoon (1723-94) Signs Declaration of Independance and the Constitution
* Moves to America (1768) from Scotland
* Teacher and administrator
* Christian Liberal Arts
* Lectures on Moral Philosophy
* Scottish Common Sense philosophy
* 500 students
* Sermon on Revolution
a. May 17, 1776
b. ‘Duty to resist tyranny’
‘ c. This evil in the end will promote the glory of God’
- Great Awakening
- Sermons
- Eschatology
- God’s chosen people
- Liberty
How has the Great Awakening shaped the emphases of evangelicalism?
- Increased Church membership
- Evangelizing African Slaves and Indians
- Renewed concern for morality
- Revivalist methods and experientialism
- Emphasis on Conversion
- Social responsibility (Methodists)
- Establishment of colleges
- Public preaching led to evangelizing Indians and slaves