People And Discoveries Flashcards
William Harvey discoveries and impact
1578 to 1657 renaissance period. Blood circulated around the body in 1628, he published the theory and anatomical account of notion of heart and blood. He dissected live cold-blooded animals to see the movement of the heart muscles. The body had one-way system due to valves veins, carry blood and not air, and that’s some blood is really pumped around.
Disprove some of Galen’s beliefs compare the circulatory system to a mechanical water pump. He laid the groundwork for blood and physiology surgery was developed due to knowledge on blood systems, improved importance of dissection and experiments. however, there is still more to discover about blood and he couldn’t make transfusions until 1901. It was only a theory couldn’t be put to practical purposes. Infection, not believe that first blood rejection, clotting agents in blood prevented discovery.
Thomas Sydenham
1624 to 89 renaissance period he believed in allowing the body to fight the illness by self. He needed to take full history of the patient’s health and symptoms made detailed descriptions of many illnesses, including the first description of scarlet fever believed each disease was different. It was important to identify the exact disease to the correct remedy could be chosen to cure it advocated that you must go to bed side is there alone you can learn about the disease is Royal Society meeting is he discussed his experiences with physics botany astronomy and medicine. He even performed experiments which King Charles the second attended. He had an experimental approach, challenge old ideas, and discussed at meeting, stimulated more ideas and thinking. Believed taking a persons pulse was an important part of the diagnosis. Told traine doctors to observe the patient saying that they needed a full history of the patients previous illnesses. This earns him the name ‘English Hippocrates’ as this practical approach was efficient. E.g prescribed roast chicken and red wine to restore strength. (Immune system, natural defences)
Pros and cons of William Harvey
Communication was an important factor that helped Harvey’s discoveries to be a more of a breakthrough for medicine. He was careful at recording his findings and ensuring that strong evidence was used to support his results. This was very important for trainee doctors to follow and implement. Further set a strong example amongst future doctors to be accurate and precise when conducting experiments. Thorough and spent hours repeating his experiments and going over detail. Helped doctors to eventually accept his findings and views.
Limitations- factor which limited the impact of breakthrough overall is the fact that few doctors accepted it. Discovery didn’t make people any better at first in the short term they still heavily relied on traditional techniques such as blood letting as these methods were popular and familiar to them.
Andreas Vesalius
1514-1564(renaissance period)
Published “ the fabric of the human body” used to train physicians- used in Cambridge in 1560. Proved that human anatomy was different to a hog , jaw bone is made from one bone not two, breast bone has 3 parts not 7. And holes in the septum don’t exist in the heart as Galen suggested. Encouraged doctors to undertake dissections in an operating theatre . Physicians studied autonomy from Vesalius training emphasised the importance of taking scientific approaches observing symptoms and trying treatments.
What impact did Harvey have
Inspired encouraged others to take change. Showed how vital dissections were, built along the work of other scientists, helped others to understand more about the body and how it worked. Laid am important foundation for further studies into the heart and blood- vital for surgery to be successful. Proved Galen wrong controversially. Awareness and opening of mind to change and medical breakthroughs.
How many of galens mistakes did Vesalius correct
Why did William Harvey’s discoveries were limited in blood physiology and aspects of medicine
Couldn’t make transfusions until 1901. Theory couldn’t be put to practical purpose, still predominant religious beliefs but 1665. Continuous ideas of fasting and prayer against plague. Tar was burned in 1665 and fires to lit to try and combat the plague. Physicians still recommended bleeding and purging as late as 1700.
Edward jenners childhood
Inoculated as a child from small pox. The disease killed many and left survivors with scarring. Inoculation is when a small dose of a disease is put into the body the body then fights the disease and it then helps to prevent a more serious attack of the disease in the future. Could be dangerous as unreliable doses could lead to overwhelming the body and death. Jenner became interested in trying to find a better method that would prevent the disease.
Timeline of Edward jenners discovery
1- wanted to test the theory that milkmaids who caught cowpox didn’t go on to catch small pox a deadlier disease.
2- he selected a healthy boy to test his theory on he took pus from a cowpox sore and inserted it into two cuts he made on the boys hand.
3- 7 days later the big seemed to develop cowpox he came chilly lost his appetite and developed a headache . But became well after 24 hours
4- Jenner then infected him with smallpox he didn’t contract the disease
5- several months later he infected him again but no disease followed
6- Jenners method had worked- infecting someone with a milder form of the disease prevented smallpox. He called this new method vaccination.
Edward Jenners reasons for his major breakthrough
Jenner used scientific methods successfully of experiment and enquiry encouraging other scientists to solve medical problems, less risk with vaccination than inoculation. Government offered free vaccinations, fall in cases of smallpox and it was eradicated by 1970s
Edward Jenners reasons why he had limited impact
Physicians were reluctant to stop inoculation as it made them money and wasn’t a new idea. People were opposing to adopt Jenners ideas as people didn’t like linked to animal cases and Jenner wasn’t well known London doctor.
Vaccination wasn’t enforced for many year- slow to make compulsory until 1871- limited effectiveness, didn’t know how vaccinations worked as bacteria caused disease. Methods couldn’t be used to prevent other diseases as one off discovery by chance.
When was Jenners discovery
1798 based on scientific observation and scientific experiments. He observed and recording details carefully.
Edwin Chadwick
Published a report where he described effects of bad living conditions on people’s health including figures on life expectancy in towns compared to the countryside. Identified link between squalid conditions and disease. 1848 public health act was introduced. In towns where the death rate was very high the government could force the local council to improve the water supply and sewerage systems. Local councils were also encouraged to collect taxes to pay for improvements. Allowed to appoint medical officers to oversee public health. However these acts were permissive and not compulsory so had little impact.
John snows methods
Published a book saying that people caught cholera from water they used for drinking and washing not bad air. His book was mocked by many doctors and physicians. Snow mapped out the deaths and proved that most of local deaths were of people living close to the water pump in Broad street. Snow then removed the handle from the water pump and no further deaths occurred. It was discovered later that nearby the leaking cesspit was contaminated ping the water. The problems still remained was that wealthy people didn’t want to pay taxes to repair water supplies. People didn’t want the government interfering in what happened in own towns that would benefit people poorer The public health act was finally passed as government needed votes from the working-class to improve their conditions.
Jon Snow
1854.He used improved medical methods and using detailed evidence to challenge old ideas. Can you prevent his cholera as he mapped out the death is showing that he would call cholera from the water use for drinking and washing snow. Then further remove the handle of the Broadstreet water pump and no further deaths occurred. Previously there was 500 prove that clean water was essential for preventing the spread of cholera ineffective. Modern sewer system was built after leaking suspects were contained in 1875, a public health act was passed the compulsory drainage, freshwater supplies, sanitary inspectors to inspect public health facilities.