People Flashcards
William Alonso
Bid-rent curves
Land cost decreases with distance from CBD
Edward Bassett
Wrote 1916 New York City zoning ordinance
Homer Hoyt
Sector theory
Proposed that urban areas developed in sectors along transportation routes
Lawrence Veiller
Housing reformer
Drafted 1901 Tenement House Law
Wrote Housing Reform in 1910
Alfred Bettman
Developed first U.S. comprehensive plan for Cincinnati in 1925
Defended zoning in Euclid v. Ambler
First president of the American Society of Planning Officials
F. Stuart Chapin
Wrote Urban Land Use Planning in 1957
First textbook on planning presenting a holistic methodology for creating a plan
Norman Krumholz
Cleveland planning director from 1969-1979
Strong proponent of equity planning, defined as working to serve those with few, if any, choices including the city’s poor and minority residents
Harland Bartholomew
First full-time planner
St. Louis in 1916
Developed early comprehensive plans
Ernest Burgess
Concentric ring theory
Urban areas grow in concentric rings
Harris and Ullman
Proposed that urban areas grow by integration of separate nuclei
Multiple nuclei theory
Louis Wirth
Urbanism as a way of life
Density of cities influences behavior and relationships
Jean Gottman
Popularized the term “megapolis”
Jane Addams
Founded Hull House, settlement house
Chicago 1889
Settlements were a response to problems created by urbanization and industrialization
Attracted educated middle-class people to live in poor urban neighborhoods to provide social and educational services
Saul Alinsky
Developed a vision of advocacy planning centered on community advertising
Published several books between 1945-1972
Suggest organizers and neighborhood groups should identify and solve community problems through grassroots organizing, political activism, and partnerships
Sherry Arnstein
Wrote Ladder of Participation article in JAPA in 1969
Divided public participation and planning into three levels
1. Nonparticipation when the public is generally uninformed and can be manipulated
2. Tokenism when the general public is informed and consulted but does participate in policy planning
3. Citizen power when public participates actively in the planning and policy-making process
Edward Banfield
Rational planning
Wrote Politics, Planning, and the Public Interest with Martin Meyerson in 1955
Planner identifies problem, sets goals and objectives, identifies and evaluates alternatives, selects best alternative, and then implements the plan
Edward Bassett
Wrote New York City Zoning Code in 1916
Used cumulative approach to zoning
Covered entire city and controlled land use, building height, and setbacks
Premise that incompatible land uses should be separated
Edward Bennett
Wrote Chicago Plan of 1909 with Daniel Burnham
Rachel Carson
Wrote Silent Spring in 1962
Alerted nation to harmful effects of pesticides on animal, plant, and human life
Jimmy Carter
Implemented Urban Development Action Grants to support local economic development efforts
Competitive process - no entitlements
Bill Clinton
Empowerment zones or enterprise zones
Manufactured Housing Improvement Act - standards for manufactured homes
Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice
In 2000, added 8 new national monuments and expanded one other
Andres Duany
Advocate for New Urbanism and neotraditional design
Higher density development with mix of housing types and commercial development so that using alternative modes of transportation are possible
Seaside, FL in 1982
Dwight Eisenhower
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act - 1956
Uniform design standards for highways
Funding for highway construction from tax on new vehicles and gas
Mary Emery
Mariemont, OH
Short blocks and mix of rental and owner-occupied
Foreshadows current New Urbanist principles
Suburban Cincinnati
Was city’s founder and benefactor
Patrick Geddes
Cities in Evolution - 1915
Considered the father of regional planning
Jane Jacobs
Death and Life of Great American Cities in 1961
Importance of design in terms of user orientation, mix of uses, safety, public sidewalk life, and other factors
Advocated for mix of uses, short blocks, and pedestrian-scale development to create vibrant cities and increased safety with continual activity and eyes on the street
Chauncey Harris
Multiple nuclei theory with Ullman
Ebenezer Howard
Wrote Garden Cities of Tomorrow in 1898
Wrote Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform
Concept of garden cities to overcome social inequalities and economic inefficiencies of urban areas
Self-sufficient, high-density communities surrounded by greenbelt of agricultural land and open space as alternative to industrialized city
Lyndon Johnson
Great Society program, of which Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Act of 1968 was center
Community participation rather than top-down neighborhood revitalization
Social and economic rebuilding rather than physical
T.J. Kent
The Urban General Plan - 1964
Classic planning textbook on history, purpose, scope, clients, and use of general or comprehensive plan
George Kessler
Designed Denver’s Parks and Parkways System in 1906
Robert Lang
Wrote Edgeless Cities in 2002
Dominant urban form with large, isolated, suburban office complexes that are not accessible by pedestrians or by transit
William Levitt
Post-World War II planned communities
Assembly-line style of housing construction
George Perkins Marsh
Wrote Man and Nature in 1864
Explored destructive impact of human action on the natural environment and inspired the conservationist movement
John Logan
with Molotch
Proposed in 1987 that urban development is actually directed by elite members of community who control the resources and have business and political interests that benefit from the development
Ian McHarg
Design with Nature - 1969
Conservation development
Layering different types of spatial data - similar to GIS, but predates it
Stewart McKinney
Stewart McKinney Act of 1987 First major response to homelessness Established broad federal definition Provided assistance with an emphasis on elderly, disabled, and families with children Established continuum of care
Martin Meyerson
Rational planning with Banfield
Robert Moses
Designed first limited access highway in 1926
Bronx River Parkway in Westchester County, NY
Influenced the development of state parks and parkways in NY in 1920s
Drafted State Park Plan for New York in 1923
Lobbied state successfully to establish State Council of Parks in 1923
Richard Nixon
Phased out Great Society programs
George Norris
Senator from Nebraska
Instrumental in creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority
First multifunctional regional authority created under FDR
James Oglethorpe
Designed Savannah, GA in 1733
Featured a central public square
Frederick Law Olmsted Senior
Central Park, NY and Riverside, IL
First planned suburban community stressing rural amenities
Residents could commute by rail to Chicago
Designed as garden suburb, with parks and greenways
Influenced 20th C suburban development
Curving streets and well-landscaped areas
Frederick Law Olmsted Junior
Forest Hill Gardens, NY
Influenced neighborhood unit concept
First president of the American Planning Institute - 1917
Prepared plans for Detroit, Utica, Boulder, New Haven, Pittsburgh, Rochester, and Newport
John Wesley Powell
Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States in 1878
Included a proposed regional plan that would foster settlement of the arid west and conserve scarce water resources
Charles Mulford Robinson
with George Kessler, designed Denver’s Parks and Parkways System in 1906
Ronald Reagan
Phased out UDAG
Paulo Soleri
Advocate for building mega-structures that begin underground and leave nature relatively undisturbed
- Conceived city as a building with mega-structures that included transportation terminals, retail businesses, housing, and employment centers serving a population of 100,000 or more
-Gained some acceptance among urban designers in early 1960s
Major development was Arcosanti in Arizona
-Built environment should maximize human interaction and interaction with the natural environment
Franklin Roosevelt
Created TVA and Works Progress Administration
Theodore Roosevelt
Supporter of conservationist movement
Inland Waterway Commission in 1907 to encourage multipurpose planning in waterway development, including navigation, power, irrigation, flood control, and water supply
Pelican Island, FL - 1903 - first national wildlife refuge to protect the Brown Pelican
James Rouse
Planned community - Columbia, MD
Pioneered indoor shopping malls in the 1950s
Used model of colonial village for blueprint for Columbia
Class integration and neighborhood unit principles
Robert T. Stafford
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988
25 percent state and local match for federal funds for disaster relief
Importance of mitigating potential effects of a natural hazard
Requires states to appoint a state hazard mitigation officer
Harry Truman
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Dedicated to saving historic places and revitalizing America’s communities
Rexford Tugwell
Headed the U.S. Resettlement Program in 1935 under the New Deal
Carried out land reform and population resettlement
Henry Wright
Sunnyside Gardens, NY
Planned neighborhood
Catherine Bauer Wurster
Public housing advocate
Wrote Modern Housing in 1934
William Whyte
Coined the term “greenway”
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces in 1980
Factors that contribute to the success of urban spaces include abundance of public spaces, active street life, and the ability to purchase food and drink
Importance of environmental psychology and sociology in urban design