People Flashcards
Father of medicine
German doctor who identified the bacterium that caused tuberculosis
Robert Koch
Believed to be the first Physician
A biochemist that identified the brain as the physiological site of senses
Physician who believed the body was regulated by four humors; blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile.
Claudius Galen
Dissected animals and is called the founder of comparative anatomy
Became know as the Arab Hippocrates, observed disease and distinguished the difference between smallpox and measles.
Physician who described the parasite causing scabies
Frist book on antomy was made by
Andreas Vesalius
Book on die tics
Issac Judaeus
French surgeon who became know as the father of modern surgery.
Ambroise Pare
Made the microscope in 1666
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Created the first mercury thermometer in 1714
Gabriel Fahrenheit
English surgeon who established scientific surgical procedure
John Hunter
Invented the bifocals for glasses
Benjamin Franklin
Prescribed lime juice containing vitamin C to prevent scurvy in 1795
James Lind
Developed a vaccination for smallpox in 1796
Edward Jenner
Performed the first blood transfusion in 1818
James Blundell
Invented the first stethoscope in 1819
Rene Laennec
was the founder of modern nursing
Florence nightingale
Encouraged physicians to wash their hands
Ignaz semmelwies
Became the first female physcian in the US in 1849
Elizabeth Blackwell
Started using disinfectant and antiseptics during suregy to prevent infection in 1865
Jospeh Lister
Founded the American Red cross in 1881
Clara Barton
Proved that microorganism cause disease. Also pasteurized milk to kill bacteria. Created a vaccine for rabbies in 1885.
Louis Pasteur
Establishes principles of heredity and dominant/ recessive patterns
Gregorhy Mendel
Discovered viruses in 1892
Dmitri Ivanoski
Discovereed Roentgenograms (X-rays) in 1897
Wilhem Roetengen
Demostrated that mosquitoes carry yellow fever im 19000
Walter Reed
Classified the ABO blood groups in 1901.
Carl Landsteiner
Identified how white blood cells protect against disease
Dr. Ellie Metchnikoff
Isolated radium in 1910.
MAria Curia
Studies formed the basis for phhyscology and pshyiatry.
Sigmund freuds
Discovered insulin to treat diabetes in 1922.
Frederick Banting and Charles Best
Discovered penicillin in 1928
Sir Alexander Fleming
Developed the pap rest to detect cerbicla cancer
Dr. George Paniolau
described the structure of of DNA and how it carers genetic information in 1953..
Frances Crick and James Watson
Developed the polio vaccine using ded polio virus in 952
Jonas salj
Developed an (Live) polio vaccine in the mid 1950’s
Albert Sabim
First successful kidney transplant in 1953
Joseph Murrray
First successful heart transplant in 2968
Christian Barnard