Acronyms/Vocab Flashcards
The most common form of medical cure in the United states, which uses medication and surgery to treat the signs and symptoms of illness.
Western Medcine
Therapies that treat the patient as a whole person after assessing the individuals physical, social, mental, and spiritual, well being
Holistic Medicine
Drilling a hole into the skull of someone who is sick mentally and to release them of evil spirts
Patients demographics, medical history, progress notes and problems, vital signs, medications, lab reports, and radiology reports.
Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Equipment to protect people mostly healthcare workers from disease and germs.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
A government provided healthcare insurance program that provides hospital and medical insurance.
A health insurance system funded by the government for people 65 years of age and older
Insurance organization that employs health care workers in a patient focused network to cover all aspects of medical care for insured individuals
health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
Insurers contract with private [physicians and hospitals to provide treatment at a reduced cost in return for an increased number of patients
A plan that covers injuries that happen to people while they are working on the job
Workers compensation
Healthcare reform legislature that encourages the use of EHR and to extend coverage to uninsured Americans
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
The monthly fee’s indivduals pay into a shared money pool, to receive insurance coverage.
The minimum amount a patient must pay out-of-pocket before the insurance company will pay.
An out-of-pcoket fee paid ny the health insurance at the time a covered service
An individual’s share of healthcare cost compared to the insurance company’s share.
Monitor dieases ser international standards like drinking water.
World health Organization (WHO)
Improving health of America
Department of Human Health Services (HHS)
Disease prevention
Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC)
Regulates medical products, food, ect
Food and drug administration (FDA)
Oversees organ donations
Health resources and services (HRSA)