pemphigus Flashcards
diff pemphigus vulvaris and folaceius based on skin lesions and eye acantholysis
■ Aserious, acute or chronic, bullous autoimmune disease o skin and mucous membranes based on acantholysis.
■ Twomajortypes:Pemphigusvulgaris(PV)andpemphigus oliaceus(PF).
■ PV: Flaccid blisters on skin and erosions on mucous membranes. PF: Scaly and crusted skin lesions.
■ PV: Suprabasal acantholysis. PF: Subcorneal acantholysis.
■ IgG autoantibodies to desmogleins, transmembrane desmosomal adhesion molecules.
■ Serious and o ten atal, unless treated with immunosuppressive agents.
age onset
AGEOFONSET Fortyto60years; ogoselvagem also occurs in children and young adults.
SEX Equal incidence in males and in emales, but predominance o emales with PF are in
unisia and Colombia.
Anautoimmunedisorder.Losso cell-to-cell adhesion in the epidermis (acantholysis
Occurs as a result o circulating antibodies
o theIgGclass,whichbindtodesmogleins, transmembrane glycoproteins in the desmo- somes, members o the cadherin super amily. Desmosomes hold epidermal cells (keratino- cytes) together. In PV, desmoglein 3 (in some, also desmoglein 1). In PF, only desmoglein 1. Autoantibodies inter ere with calcium-sensitive adhesion unction and thus induce acantholysis
positive of what sign
NikolskySign. Dislodgingo normal-appearing epidermis by lateral nger pressure in the vicin- ityo lesions,whichleadstoanerosion.Pressure onbullaleadstolateralextensiono theblister.
P LV skin lesio
Pemphigus Vulgaris usually starts in the oral mucosa, but months may elapse be ore skin lesionsoccur.Less requently,theremaybea generalized, acute eruption o bullae rom the beginning. No pruritus but burning and pain in erosions. Pain ul and tender mouth lesions may prevent adequate ood intake. Epistaxis, hoarseness, and dysphagia. Weakness, malaise, and weight loss.
SKINLESIONS Vesiclesandbullaewithserouscon- tent, accid ( abby) (Fig. 6-8), easily ruptured, and weeping (Fig. 6-9), arising on normal skin, randomly scattered, and discrete. Localized (e.g., to mouth or circumscribed skin area) or general- ized with a random pattern. Extensive erosions bleed easily (Fig. 6-10), crusts particularly on scalp. Since blisters rupture so easily, only pain ul erosions in many patients.
SitesofPredilection. Scalp, ace,chest,axillae, groin, and umbilicus. In bedridden patients, there is extensive involvement o the back
P vegetans area of predilectio
PemphigusVegetans(PVeg). APVvariant. Usuallycon nedtointertriginousregions,peri- oral area, neck, and scalp
drugs causing drug induced pv
P foliaceus skin lesion
PemphigusFoliaceus. PFhasnomucosal lesionsandstartswithscaly,crustedlesionsonan erythematousbase,initiallyinseborrheicareas. SKIN LESIONS Most commonly on the ace, scalp,upperchest,andabdomen.Scaly,crusted erosionsonanerythematousbase
Brazilian pemphigus other name
fogo salvagem
pemphigus erythematosus synonym
PemphigusErythematosus(PE). Synonym: Senear-Ushersyndrome.Alocalizedvarianto PF largelycon nedtoseborrheicsites.Erythematous, crusted,anderosivelesionsinthe“butter y”area o the ace, orehead,andpresternalandinter- scapularregions.Mayhaveantinuclearantibodies
neonatal pemphigus mode of transmissio
Veryrare,transpla- centaltransmission romdiseasedmother
PV: Light microscopy (selectearlysmallbullaor,i notpresent, margin o larger bulla or erosion). Separation o keratinocytes,suprabasally,leadingtosplit
just above the basal cell layer and vesicles con- taining separated, rounded-up (acantholytic) keratinocytes. PF: Super cial orm with acan- tholysis in the granular layer o the epidermis
immuno path
IMMUNOPATHOLOGY Direct immuno uores- cence(IF)stainingrevealsIgGando enC3
SERUM Autoantibodies (IgG) detected by indirect IF or ELISA. iter usually correlates withactivityo disease.InPV,autoantibodies against a 130-kDa glycoprotein, desmoglein 3, located in desmosomes o keratinocytes. In PF, autoantibodies to a 160-kDa intercellular (cell sur ace) antigen, desmoglein 1, in desmosomes o keratinocytes.
GLUCOCORTICOIDS 2to3mg/kgbodyweight o prednisoneuntilcessationo newblister
ormationanddisappearanceo theNikolsky