Pelvis Overview Flashcards
Pelvic inlet (brim)
Separates false (greater) from true (lesser) pelvis. Boundaries: sacral promontory, margin of ala, and linea terminalis (pubic crest, pecten pubis, arcuate line)
Pelvic outlet
Separates true pelvis from perineum via pelvic diaphragm.
Boundaries: pubic symphysis, ischiopubic ramus, ischial tuberosity, sacrotuberous ligament, coccyx
Pelvic fractures (weak points)
pubic symphysis, acetabulum
Android pelvic girdle
most common male shape (heart-shaped)
Gynecoid pelvic girdle
most common female shape (oval)
Anthropoid pelvic girdle
exaggerated A-P diameter
Platypelloid pelvic girdle
Exaggerated lateral diameter
Sacroiliac joint
Anterior portion (between auricular surfaces) is synovial Posterior portion (between tuberosities) is syndesmosis
Attaches lower limb to axial skeleton
anatomical conjugate diameter (pelvic inlet)
sagital plane: sacral promontory to top of pubic symphysis
diagonal conjugate (pelvic inlet)
sagital plane: sacral promontory to bottom of pubic symphysis
obstetric conjugate (pelvic inlet)
sagital plane: sacral promontory to middle of pubic symphysis
shortest fixed distance of pelvic inlet
oblique measurement (pelvic inlet)
sacroiliac joint on one side to iliopectineal eminence of opposite side
transverse measurement (pelvic inlet)
arcuate line to arcuate line
transverse measurement (pelvic outlet)
ischial tuberosity to ischial tuberosity
A-P measurement (pelvic outlet)
pubic symphysis to tip of coccyx
Branches from anterior division of internal iliac a. (female)
- umbilical a.
- obturator a.
- uterine a. (directly sup. to ureter)
- vaginal a. (directly inf. to ureter)
- inferior vesical a. (inconstant)
- middle rectal a.
- inf. gluteal a. (exit pelvis through greater sciatic foramen, inf. to piriformis)
- internal pudendal a. (exit pelvis through greater sciatic foramen, inf. to piriformis, reenters perineum through lesser sciatic formamen)
Branches from posterior division of internal iliac a.
- iliolumbar a.(ascends out of pelvis)
- lateral sacral aa.
- superior gluteal a. ( exits pelvis through greater sciatic foramen, sup. to piriformis)
Branches from anterior division of internal iliac a. (male)
- umbilical a. (gives rise to a. of ductus deferens)
- obturator a.
- inf. vesical a. (takes place of uterine and vaginal aa.)
- middle rectal a.
- inf. gluteal a.
- internal pudendal a.
iliolumbar a. anastomoses with
lumbar aa. and deep circumflex iliac. a.
uterine a. anastomoses with
ovarian a.
a. of ductus deferens anastomoses with
testicular a.
middle/inf. rectal aa. anastomose with
sup. rectal a. (from SMA, abdominal aorta)
inf. gluteal a. anastomoses with
deep femoral branches
lateral sacral aa. anastomose with
median sacral a. (from abdominal aorta)
Boundaries of perineum
pubic symphysis, ischiopubic rami, ischial tuberosities, sacrotuberous ligaments, coccyx (same as pelvic outlet)
Urogenital triangle (anterior)
ischial tuberosities to pubic symphysis, contains external genitalia and urethra
Anal triangle (posterior)
ischial tuberosities to coccyx, contains anal canal
Camper’s fascia
abdomen: superficial fatty layer
female UG triangle: fatty tissue of labia majora and mons pubis
male UG triangle: replaced with Dartos muscle in scrotum
anal triangle: ischioanal fat pad
Scarpa’s fascia
abdomen: superficial membranous layer
female UG triangle: Colle’s fascia
male UG triangle: Colle’s fascia, membranous layer of Darto’s fascia in scrotum and penis
anal triangle: none
Superficial space
between Colle’s fascia (inf.) and perineal membrane (sup.), contains muscles, external genitalia, erectile tissue
Deep space
between perineal membrane (inf.) and pelvic diaphragm (sup.), contains muscles of UG diaphragm
Branches of internal pudendal a.
- inferior rectal a.
- perineal a. (supplies superficial space)
- a. of bulb (of the vestibule (f))
- deep a. of penis (clitoris)
- dorsal a. of penis (clitoris)
Branches of pudendal n. (S2-4)
- inferior rectal n. (to anal triangle)
- perineal n. (superficial and deep br., all motor inn. to UG triangle)
- dorsal n. (sensory to penis or clitoris)