Pelvis autonomics Flashcards
Three sources of autonomic inn. to pelvis
- lumbar splanchnic nn. (S)
- sacral splanchnic nn. (S)
- pelvic splanchnic nn (PS)
pelvic splanchnic cord levels
major sympathetic inn. to pelvis + cord levels
lumbar splanchnics (T11-L2)
minor sympathetic inn. to pelvis + cord levels
sacral splanchnics (T12-L2)
course of lumbar splanchnics
travel through hypogastric nn. to reach inferior hypogastric plexus
course of sacral splanchnics
descend through sympathetic chain to reach inferior hypogastric plexus
distribution of sympathetic innervation to perineum is via
pudendal nn.
distribution of parasympathetic innervation to perineum is via
cavernous nn.
sympathetic inn. to bladder
lumbar and sacral splanchnics (T10-L2)
- trigonal mm
- portion of sphincter urethrae
- pain fibers from ureter and superior bladder
parasympathetic inn. to bladder
pelvic splanchnics (S2-4)
- detrussor muscle
- vasomotor
- primary stretch afferent fibers
- pain fibers from inferior bladder and urethra
sympathetic inn. to testes
lesser splanchnic n. (T10-11)
- vasomotor
- pain fibers
sympathetic inn. to male reproductive viscera
lumbar and sacral splanchnics (T12-L2)
- vasomotor
- contraction of smooth muscle in ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, prostate, and seminal vesicles.
parasympathetic inn. to male reproductive viscera
pelvic splanchnics (S2-4)
- vasomotor to erectile tissues
- secretion from prostate, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands
- pain fibers
sympathetic inn. to ovaries and uterine tubes (minimal importance)
lesser splanchnic n. (T10-11)
- vasomotor
- pain fibers
sympathetic inn. to female reproductive viscera
lumbar and sacral splanchnics (T12-L2)
- vasomotor
- pain from uterus
parasympathetic inn. to female reproductive viscera
pelvic splanchnics (S2-4)
- vasomotor
- contraction of smooth mm.
- pain from cervix and upper vagina
sympathetic inn. to rectum and proximal anal canal
lumbar and sacral splanchnics (L1-2)
- vasomotor
- motor control of internal sphincter
parasympathetic inn. to rectum and proximal anal canal
pelvic splanchnics
- vasomotor
- contraction of smooth m. (peristalsis)
- pain from rectum
inn. to distal anal canal (somatic)
inferior rectal branch of pudendal n.
distension travels with (PS or S fibers)?
parasympathetic fibers
pain above pelvic pain line (peritonealized organs) travels with
sympathetic fibers (T11-L2)
pain below pelvic pain line (subperitoneal organs) travels with
parasympathetic fibers (S2-4), pelvic splanchnic nn.
pain from testes, epididymus, and distal ductus deferens
T10-11 sympathetic fibers
pain from internal male reproductive viscera
subperitoneal, pelvic splanchics (S2-4)
pain from ovaries
peritoneal, T10-11
pain from uterine tubes and uterus
peritoneal, T12-L2
pain from cervix and upper vagina
subperitoneal, pelvic splanchnics (S2-4)
pain from inferior vagina
somatic, pudendal n. (S2-4)
lumbar epidural
blocks all pain, can’t walk, can’t time abdominal pushes with uterine contractions
caudal epidural
blocks pain below S1. Pain felt from contractions, but not from passage of fetus through birth canal. Can walk and time pushing with uterine contractions.
pudendal n. block
blocks pain from tearing. Pudendal n. courses over ischial spine.